War Is Coming Communications.

April 9th, 2010

April 9th, 2010

PA Announcement. Because they have that now.

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Not long after Lilith announces the locations of the three buildings, an alarm rings through the building, immediately calling everyones attention to shut up and listen. Buffy's voice comes over the PA system, with a few voices of people in the security room with her in the background

Jacen has located the captives. Paige, Jacen, Needy and Clark, go there now. Vi, assemble a the combat team, take half. Phoebe, assemble the wizards, take half. Those going, go now. Kendra, take the remaining fighters, break them into two teams. Cover the other two buildings. Anthony, can you take point on the team for the third building? I'll lead the reserve squad if needed. Be prepared for dead captivs.


[ooc: characters are listed in buffys journal by squads. If you're on the first half of the lists, you're in the big fight, on the second half you're checking out the other two buildings, and then can join the big fight later if it's still going!]

Text to Buffy

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Is this one of those situations where I can go??

Comm Traffic - Locked to Justic League members (and dcers) (same time as PA announcement)

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Oracle to Justice League members.

This is a Priority One message. Repeat, this is Priority One. All available personnel are to report in. Demon situation. Demonic hostage situation at [addresses] precied with extreme caution. Situation inside unknown at present. Working with magical and combat teams. Repeat Priority One.

Use extreme caution! We have a Lilith situation on our hands, people! Keep your guard but if necessary follow the squads leads. Be careful! We don't know how powerful they are!

Three teams. Assigned when reporting!

Texts to Jacen and Needy

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Be outside in less than a minute. I'll be orbing you there.

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Suppose you'll do Winchester. Now get me fries. And don't make that face at me

[Filtered to Women]

He got me a flower. I woke up and it was on my pillow.

Sappy and Hallmark as it was...I guess I liked it. Lame huh?

Filtered to Eliot and Angela

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Raincheck on dinner?I wasn't dinner company r

Sorry bout flaking. I don't usually. My head was acting up again.

Filtered Against Baddies

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You know, after all the crazy of last night, if there's one thing that I like more about this place than back home, it's the coffee. I mean, Cordy's good at a lot of things, but making good coffee out of three-day-old used grounds? That's not one of them. Still, I wouldn't mind her showing up here at some point.

Edit: Alright. After that news, I need a drink. And it's well after five, so no one can say anything about it being too early. Not that I think it's ever too early th

filtered against baddies.

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Strange place for a training ground, isn't it? There's all those old and rusting cars strewn about. I dunno what we're supposed to do with them. Are they targets?

How's everyone doing? I read about the stuff that happened last night. Wish I could've been there to help out.

Filtered to In Charge Types

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Everyone knows that I'm new here. And, judging from last night, I'm pretty useless. But I don't want to be that way so if there's anything that I can do that doesn't require fighting let me know. I work hard. I'm a Yale graduate and I ran the Yale Daily News for a year so I can handle both pressure and deligation of workload. I speak and read Latin thanks to my stuffy private school education. I'm a fast learner I just need a direction to go and an idea of what you need me to do. I'm not afraid of danger but I know myself well enough to know that I'm not useful in any kind of physical sense. My world isn't one where magic exists so I'm pretty useless there too


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You okay?

I have the tapes whenever you want them...

Text to Ruby.

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I never left.

phone call to Angela

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ring ring )

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So today, when the elementary schools let out for recess in Lawrence, the kids were assaulted with the sight of various body parts on their playgrounds. At all the elementary schools. The parts all had dead roses scattered on them, along with big red bows. And it should be all over the local news, since the police are probably just now telling the press-they needed time to get over the WTF??

Filtered to Andrea

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Why did I think this was a good idea? So it occurs to me that I never really thought I'd need date clothes. I might, just theoretically speaking mind you, only have one good set.

And also should I bring anything? I haven't been out on a date since, uh, technically 1990 so I don't really know if the protocol here has changed over time. Tell me again why I'm not still doing the broody antisocial thing? That was so much less awkward.

filtered against those with bad intentions

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nobody should have to see that especially not kids
it's supposed to be my job to find the truth and I can't even give it to th not like they'd believe it anywa

It's been a long night and I'm out of beer.

Filtered Against Baddies

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Bad news, guy's. Were not out of the cleare yet.

Most of the elementary school's in teh area had body part's with rose petal's on them in the playground's just in time for the kids to get out. Im heading to one of the senes now to see if I can find anything else, the cops just now decided to share the info with us lowly reporter's.

Edit: I was wrong. Aparently, its all the elementary schols, not just most of them.

Filtered to the complex and allies

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First person to bring me Drusilla's pile of ashes gets bragging rights an a case of beer. And anything you might want that we can afford.

Filtered; Lilith

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Merry Christmas!

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she realy was grate, you know. ANd prety and funny and fun and CORdy

and ANgel had KID. hOW DID HE Hve a kid/// hes a vmpire!
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