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Aug. 19th, 2009


WHO: Ana and Kasumi
WHAT: Comfort and discovering interest in each other
WHERE: Umi's dorm room
WHEN: After the news report on the 18th

Do you submit then? )

Aug. 18th, 2009


WHO: Quinn and Neil.
WHAT: Movie night!
WHEN: 18 August.
WHERE: Neil's apartment.

Neil sat in his immaculately clean apartment, resting a bit from the preparation he'd been doing. He'd been trying hard to make it look like someone lived in it, although he wasn't quite sure if he'd succeeded; he had tried to approximate some of the photos from those interior design magazines he'd bought the other day, but the whole place seemed to lack a certain something. He liked it enough, but he knew that wasn't enough to make it seem welcoming.

Maybe there wasn't enough color. A lot of things seemed to be various shades of grey and white, and just about everyone in Angel Grove seemed to have a favorite color that they wore on a daily basis. Neil didn't even really like white and grey, so he didn't know why his place was decorated in almost nothing but. Probably should have bought some decorations instead of pulling out old things.

No matter. He and Quinn had decided to watch a movie, so there wouldn't be much gawking at the furniture.

Probably should have rented something, he thought as he looked down at his movie selection. Most of the movies he owned had never even been watched--he wasn't much one for movies, much less comedies, but that seemed to be the one thing people always gave him for gifts. It would be up to Quinn to decide what they were going to watch; he seemed to be more interested in things like movies.

And he was due to show up at any moment.

Aug. 16th, 2009


WHO: Ionia/Abbie & (Charlie)
WHAT: Shopping and plotting strategy
WHERE: Angel Grove
WHEN: 8/16 - 10am

Villains shop too )


WHO: Exus
WHAT: Attacking the city
WHERE: Angel Grove
WHEN: 8/15 - 11pm

The sun had finally set and the Earth was cooled, somewhere in the seventies as far as Exus could tell. He had taken leave of the Moon Palace only moments earlier, materializing in the middle of a mostly quiet suburban neighborhood on the outskirts of the city. He could see down the street as it sloped into a valley, rows and rows of pretty houses, most of them dark already as the humans went to sleep. This was one of the safer areas in Angel Grove, one of the richest. He turned to the house nearest to him, knowing what he'd come for and where to find it.

The humans were no trouble for Exus, disposed of without a struggle and left to be discovered in the morning. It wasn't them he had come for anyway; not tonight. Rather, he made his way to the back of the house where there was a room at the end of a cluttered hall, a teenager's domain left in a state of disarray not uncommon to these... human pests. There was a tank sitting across the room, the home of a sleeping nile monitor. In a flash of light, the lizard simply vanished from the tank. Exus left the house through means of teleportation and when he arrived outside on the street, the monitor appeared beside him. It had been mutated, twisted during the time it had spent locked in the alien's control, and as it awoke and stretched outward, it rose up as well, standing on two feet as naturally as though it had originally been designed that way.

"You're beautiful," he told his monster, smug and satisfied with his work. The monster's neck filled with air and an incredible hiss filled the street to echo down into the city, the scaled body expanding and growing, limbs stretching until they were thicker around than the automobiles parked alongside the houses. "It's dinner time, pet. Go and do what you do best..."

[ Obviously the Rangers are helpless at the moment, and what villain could resist an attack on the city right now? You may react if you like, but unfortunately those shiny Zords are useless until the Grid is back up and running. Until then, this monster will be rampaging and eating anyone it finds, knocking over buildings and causing general mayhem. ]

Aug. 14th, 2009


WHO: Neil.
WHAT: A bank robbery.
WHERE: Angel Grove.
WHEN: 8/14, just before noon.

"What the hell? I never seen a white Ranger before!"

A public debut. )

Aug. 11th, 2009


WHO: Angela and Desmond
WHAT: Attempting to talk.
WHERE: Desmond's apartment.
WHEN: August 10th, late morning

Angela stood outside Desmond’s door with her arms crossed trying to decide if she had the energy to talk to him. She’d been wanting to talk to him about his attitude since the riots. Normally she could let him just be himself, but he’d berated the two professors that’d been trying to help them. She understood he was just letting off steam, but she felt it’d been uncalled for. Now she had to be the leader, the red and knew he would likely not accept that very well.

“Why me?” she muttered before she rolled her eyes. With a sigh she knocked on the door. This was going to at least be interesting, she tried to tell herself.

Aug. 9th, 2009


WHO: Aiden and David
What: talking
When: Day after the attacks on the school
Where: their apartment
NOTE: All speech in italics (i.e: BLAH BLAH ) is meant to be considered German.

Aiden took a seat on the couch beside David, his dark eyes flitting over his lover's smaller body momentarily before he handed him the glass of soda he'd requested. "I didn't put ice in it." He apologized. "It is not frozen yet." Leaning back against the plush cushions, the blonde sighed. "Transportation is absolutely awful without teleportation." He added. The morphing grid was still down, and it was a pain in the ass. "I just cannot figure out who would have been able to get in to ze school without an active power coin." It was beyond concerning. They were still at risk. If someone could get into the school once, they could do it again.

Aug. 2nd, 2009


WHO: Neil.
WHAT: Raid on the Morphing Grid.
WHERE: The Academy, the Morphing Grid.
WHEN: During the riot.

A mysterious White Ranger...! )

Jul. 27th, 2009


WHO: All Active Rangers!
WHAT: Riot control
WHERE: Dallas, Texas
WHEN: July 27th, 2009 - 1:30pm, onward

[ Note: We can have multiple threads here, one solid one or whatever works! If you want to start your own thread, that's fine too! ]

Lindsey sighed when he heard the beep of his communicator, but ducked out of sight and into the bathroom of the shopping mall he'd been scouring over. New shoes would have to wait for now. He brought his communicator up and listened to the message, the scowl on his face deepening, his jaw tensed. This sounded like a big deal. This sounded like the kind of deal that could ruin an evening... or several. "Of course," he muttered.

The bathroom wasn't an ideal place to respond to the call, but after checking to be sure he was alone, Lindsey locked the door and pulled out his morpher. Quick - to be sure he wasn't heard - he called out his animal spirit, "Firefly!" and was immediately teleported away from the mall. A streak of yellow energy followed him through the sky as he was sent to Dallas, Texas, and when he arrived, he was in full uniform and prepared to do what he needed to handle the situation.

The riot was already out of control. Thousands of people filled the streets as far as Lindsey could see, screaming, the sounds of metal hitting metal filling his head. Nearby him the creak of a car being lifted up caught his attention and he watched in horror as it was flipped over and swarmed by people. There were anti-Ranger signs on the ground, fires growing in nearby buildings and shattered glass everywhere.

Lindsey pulled out his Blade Blaster and set off into the crowd, his heart pounding as the crowd pulsed around him.

Jul. 20th, 2009


WHO: Penny and Quinn
WHAT: Hanging out
WHERE: Penny’s apartment
WHEN: Post shopping on Quinn’s part

Quinn shifted his feet as he held the grocery bag he had with the toys he’d bought in it. He need help making a decision and he was sure Penny wouldn’t look at him weird for asking. After all spoiling a nephew was serious business; one had to get the right toys. So green ball or multiple colored key rings set?

He knocked.

Then he rocked back on his heels wondering if he should ask Penny if she was feeling all right. She seemed a bit subdued lately. He’d have been expecting irritated since she’d just quit smoking. Also, what was with the being mostly non-alcoholic when they’d gone out the other night?

He was also confused as to why he’d agreed to spend time to with a complete stranger.

He needed a good Penny hug or snuggle, either at this point would help.

Jul. 17th, 2009


WHO: Quinn and Neil
WHAT: Shopping for essentials.
WHERE: Some store in Angel Grove.
WHEN: Now-ish.

Neil looked down at his little shopping basket and took note of what he had: Eggs, cheese, razors, toothpaste, soap, and a few other toiletries. He had a gallon of milk in his other hand. All set except for cigarettes. Better grab some lighters.

He was a little annoyed--as always, it seemed--that he always had to shop for himself. He worked for two space aliens that lived on the moon, but he still had to shop for himself. At least he had a refrigerator and stove up there, although he was still unclear on whether or not they ran on electricity anymore. At least he didn't have to pay rent, which meant he really only had to worry about food.

"Damn, they're raising the price on these," he grumbled as he dropped a pack of lighters into his basket and headed for the check-out lane.

Jul. 8th, 2009


WHO: Quinn and Penny
WHAT: Catch Walrus!
WHERE: Library.
WHEN: Today, 5ish

Duplication Quinn had quickly discovered didn’t mean that he was suddenly Jamie Madox. He could create one replica of himself and was completely aware of both. Working the both of him in sync during training he’d discovered how quickly it exhausted him. He’d yet to use the power during battle as he wanted to understand how it could work towards his team’s advantage first.

Hence, he’d headed to the library to read up on any former rangers who’d also experience duplication. He wanted to know if it tired them out as well. He also wanted to see how they had used it, when they’d used it, how they’d used it.

He’d gotten comfortable at a computer first, looking though a few files and finding some books that discussed the idea. Some of them looked pretty far fetched, but other might have information he could use to expand on his power…maybe.

He was so deeply engrossed in what he was reading it startled him when something furry brushed against his leg. He jumped and barely managed to keep from giving a startled shout. Thankfully he’d managed to remain quiet. He looked down. Walrus blinked back up at him, then rubbed against his leg in a gesture that demanded petting.

Quinn knew Penny let her cat wander the grounds, but he wasn’t so sure she’d want him wandering into buildings, especially the library. He moved his chair back, with the intention of grabbing Walrus. Walrus scooted away from him. Quinn frowned and kneeled down to reach under the desk he’d been using, “Here Walrus, I’m just want to return you to your mom.”

Jun. 29th, 2009


WHO: Lindsey and Aiden
WHEN: Sunday June 29th, 2009 - after classes
WHERE: History of the Rangers classroom
WHAT: Harassing Professor Lancaster

Hey there, man... my favorite professor... )


WHO: Ana and Kasumi
WHEN: Sunday June 29th, 2009 - morning
WHERE: Just outside the main school building
WHAT: Talking a little

How's everything going for you so far? )


WHO: David, Lindsey, Ana, Grace, Danica, Aiden, Eddie, Kasumi, Nicolas, Jason (that's the posting order so far I believe)
WHEN: Sunday June 28th, 2009 - evening
WHERE: Training Grounds, outdoor
WHAT: Welcoming the new students!

David lingered on the training grounds... )

If we want to continue this, the posting order is:
Nessy, Chloe, Gynelle, Brandi and Christen

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