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Sep. 22nd, 2009


WHO: Will and Abbie (Ionia)
WHAT:  Out and About
WHERE:  Mellow Tiger Cafe
WHEN:  10 am, September 2nd

It wasn't that he had snuck out, so much as he had reasoned with the doctors to let him get fresh air.  He just didn't tell them he was going off campus.  But that's where he was.  Red Shirt, Blue Jeans, and Black jacket, plus the sling around his arm so he wouldn't dislocated his shoulder was the image he convenyed to those who sat near him.  Not to mention the marks on his face, and the slighlty red color his ears still exhibited, but if anyone asked he would lie and tell them he had gotten into it with a gang....or something.  For the moment though he had found peace in the sandwhich and the soda in front of him, not to mention the smell of something other than the Med Bay.  

Ham and Cheese, a bag of chips, and coke was all he needed for the moment, but he noticed that it was a little difficult to consume all three as fast as he normally did with the busted arm.  Even with the sling ever present of the reminder of the pain he had surely endured, there were moments when he forgot about the arm and would go to reach for something, only to remind himself with the throbbing pain that the arm had called out sick for the time being.  Still he managed to maintain a low profile for the moment.  He hoped no one would recognize him, or worse, report him for escaping the Med Bay.

Sep. 6th, 2009


Who:  Will and Open
What:  Rejoining the World/Visiting Hours
Where:  Med Bay
When:  1 pm, August 31st

The chart read as following:  Internal Bleeding, mended.  Three Broken Ribs, set.  Dislocated Shoulder, reset.  To Will though, he was yet to be aware that there was even a chart.  The room was quiet, for he was not in critical condition, and had stabilized the day before, but he had still been out of it.  It was a combination of the injuries, and the medicine that had kept his mind under throughout the last two days.  He had not awaken, but those who had stayed by his side swore at least at several points he did manage one word.  It was a name, Sarah, and nothing else.  He lay still on the bed, as it was propped up slightly so he could sleep comfortably.  His chest was bandaged up, and lay bare, while red pajama bottoms adorned his lower half, which was submerged beneath the blankets.  His breathing was steady by the rise and fall of his chest.

His eyes were the first to open, and immediately he sucked a good deal of oxygen into his lungs, making a very audible sound as he did.  His senses still didn’t’ kick as he stared straight ahead, just taking in what was in front of them for a second, but suddenly the lights kicked back on, and he turned his head from one side to the other, still not aware of any pain or his condition.  He tried to remember what had happened, though everything was a rush of flashes.  There was the ship, that had been cloaked and there for some unknown reason.  Then the rush of action as the defense turrets kicked on.  He remembered the way they had forced him back, and finally they had stopped.  The owner came out, and his powers were astonishing.  He remembered morphing, and then……

Sep. 2nd, 2009


WHO: Will and Open
WHAT: Aftermath of Battle
WHERE: Outside of Ranger Apartments
WHEN: August 29th, 4 pm

The only thing steady as Will pulled up was the idle of the motorcyle. God only knows how the severe and battered Ranger managed to safely steer the bike all the way back to campus, but somehow he had. Getting off the bike was the next big challenge he faced as he slowly slid off of it, but anyone looking on could tell there was something wrong. He managed to get the bike on the stand, but never shut the engine off. He pulled his helmet off but did so with great difficulty, pain clearly represented in his right shoulder as he pushed upwards. As his helmet came off, the blood that had erupted from his ears during the fight had left dried trails all the way down his neck. As he brought the helmet down he let it go and it tumbled away from him rolling off into the grass. He started forward, but stumbled, catching himself briefly before continuing on.

Aug. 31st, 2009


WHO: Will and Ariston

WHAT: Close Encounter

WHERE: Outskirts of Hasper City

WHEN: August 29th, 11 am


The slow and steadied hum of a motorcycle engine filled the air around the road. Will had been out for a wonderful morning ride, after he had finally been able to get the engine of his bike running right for the first time in the last few months. The bike was still short of the upper echelons of its performance, but it was fast enough for Will, and he was happy with that for the moment. His hands were clenched around the bike handles, and his body was locked to the seat, and the stands that his feet rested on. He was clad in a black riding jack, with two dual red stripes that it sported over each of the bicep that it covered. His helmet, as well as the plastics on the bike were colored red both to accent the other and complete the color pattern.


He had enjoyed his ride, right up until the point where his communicator had gone off, and he had been vectored towards Hasper City to investigate a strange reading coming just beyond the cities edge. The sun was still bright, and the heat of the day came off the road in those wavy lines that sometimes created mirages in the distance. Will figured it would be safer to pull over for a few minutes anyway, and take a moment to catch his breath. In the distance he could see the skyline of Hasper, but he knew it wasn’t his destination. He knew he was getting closer, as the little nav screen below his tachometer reported that his destination was only seconds away.


Finally reaching the point that the map said too, Will pulled the bike over to the side of the road, and shut off the engine. Putting the bike down on its kickstand, he pulled off his helmet revealing his dark hair covered in sweat. Setting the helmet down on the bike, he unzipped his riding jacket to let the hot air out, revealing a white t-shirt underneath. He was not able to make anything out, but that didn’t mean that nothing was there. He waited to call anything in, until he had something to report.

Aug. 27th, 2009


WHO: Charlie, Will and OPEN
WHAT: Being bored outside
WHEN: August 27, around 10 in the morning
WHERE: Under a tree outside

Charlie was bored.

She had come outside that morning with the full intent of reading a book in the shade of her favorite tree, but she quickly grew impatient with her book and ended up tossing it away. 'Hamlet' was a stupid play anyways- all Hamlet ever did was whine. Now of course, Charlie had nothing to do, and she didn't particularly feel like getting up to do something else, which left her in the unfortunate situation she was now in. She tried to come up with things to do, but found she didn't really feel like doing them.

Getting up was a good idea, but she would have nothing to do. She didn't like sparring alone so that was out. She could finally apologize to Lindsey, but Charlie was worried he might still be mad at her and she didn't have any food for a peace offering. She had just been in town, and clearly reading another book was out of the running. She really just couldn't think of anything else to do, which left her sitting there being utterly and completely bored.


WHO: Lindsey and Will
WHAT: Talking about entertainment and guy stuff
WHERE: Outside of the apartment complex
WHEN: Aug 27th, mid-afternoon

No matter how you slice it, Han shot first, not Greedo. )


WHO:    Will, and Evelyn
WHAT:  Jogging        
WHERE: Out on the Jogging Path
WHEN:   Morning, August 27th

Aug. 26th, 2009


WHO: Will, Quinn, and Lisa
WHAT: Old Friends, Hanging Out
WHERE: The Zord Bay
WHEN: August 25ish, Afternoonish

Aug. 23rd, 2009


WHO: The Phoenix Team
WHAT: Training
WHERE: Obstacle Course
WHEN: 11am, August 23rd

Will stood proudly in his red tank top, and black jogging pants in front of the training mats. He had scheduled the training late enough in the morning so that everyone could sleep in if they wanted too, but still early enough that it was before noon. He stretched a little, hoping to loosen up all his muscles before any of his other teammates arrived. He had spared with one or two of them before, but this would be the first time that the whole team would be there with him, and to see all of their abilities in action was something he had been looking forward too.

I turned to face the obstacle course, and slowly raised his arm to rub the back of his head as he took the whole thing in, trying to remember the last time he had completed it. He decided he would leave the training exercises up to others to see what they wanted to focus on. Turning back towards the mats, he waited patiently for the others to arrive.

Aug. 21st, 2009


WHO: Will and OPEN
WHAT: Shootin Pool
WHERE: Get Some Bar & Grille
WHEN: 8pm, August 21st

The balls were splayed across the table in an odd assortment of solids and stripes, in a multitude of colors, and numbers. The prismatic effect they had against the bright green material of the table brightened the atmosphere of the room, and for an instance drew the eyes of anyone who passed by as any table like it had before. On the edge of the table sat a glass bottle, dark in color, its contents unknown to all but the man standing at the table holding the pool cue. Dressed in a red button down shirt, and light colored jeans, Will surveyed the table thoughtfully. The only ball that mattered to him at that moment was the cue ball, and where it was going to go. For some it was the geometry of the game that appealed to them, while others it was the rush of adrenaline that came from putting down money against the guy standing across the table. Will appreciated the luck of it all. You had to hit the ball at just the right spot to determine if whether it would go in, or if it would spin out of control, and knock nothing in at all.

He had been at the table for the past twenty minutes, already playing two games by himself. It wasn’t that he was killing time he told himself, it was more about centering himself, and bringing the focus to his mind he needed. Meditation came in many forms. Some sat silently in a room listening to waterfalls; some put colored balls into pockets. With the shot lined up, the grit of the wooden pool cue starting to dig into his left finger as he used it to balance the end of the stick, he was willing to risk his luck, so he pulled back the cue, and pushed it forward, the tip smashed into the cue ball and sent it hurtling forward, nothing obstructing its path as it landed in one of the corner pockets across the table. He had scratched.

Aug. 19th, 2009


WHO: Ethan, Adina, Quinn and open if anyone's interested
WHEN: August 20th, Noon O Clock
WHERE: The lawns of main campus. :D

Ethan had spent the better part of half an hour lurking in one of the maple trees on campus, hoping for a victim. It was an impossibly hot day, the sun scalding down on Angel Grove and California like it was trying to roast the state. Wiping sweat from his brow, Ethan peered through the green leaves, hoping for anyone to drop his water balloon on. As he leaned forward, the brunette slipped a little and made a yelping noise, his free hand darting up to grab at a branch. Oh what an irony that would be. A Ranger falling and breaking a limb because he was goofing around in a tree.

Below him, right near where he had left his oh-so-inconspicuous bucket of water balloons, was a flash of movement. Dark hair, colorful clothes.... without any thought Ethan released the pink balloon in his hand, shouting out "Bombs away!" as it fell. He would either have a partner in crime in the next few minutes-- or a mortal enemy. Either way he couldn't wait.