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Sep. 22nd, 2009


WHO: Will and Abbie (Ionia)
WHAT:  Out and About
WHERE:  Mellow Tiger Cafe
WHEN:  10 am, September 2nd

It wasn't that he had snuck out, so much as he had reasoned with the doctors to let him get fresh air.  He just didn't tell them he was going off campus.  But that's where he was.  Red Shirt, Blue Jeans, and Black jacket, plus the sling around his arm so he wouldn't dislocated his shoulder was the image he convenyed to those who sat near him.  Not to mention the marks on his face, and the slighlty red color his ears still exhibited, but if anyone asked he would lie and tell them he had gotten into it with a gang....or something.  For the moment though he had found peace in the sandwhich and the soda in front of him, not to mention the smell of something other than the Med Bay.  

Ham and Cheese, a bag of chips, and coke was all he needed for the moment, but he noticed that it was a little difficult to consume all three as fast as he normally did with the busted arm.  Even with the sling ever present of the reminder of the pain he had surely endured, there were moments when he forgot about the arm and would go to reach for something, only to remind himself with the throbbing pain that the arm had called out sick for the time being.  Still he managed to maintain a low profile for the moment.  He hoped no one would recognize him, or worse, report him for escaping the Med Bay.

Sep. 7th, 2009


WHO: Ionia & LA's Ranger Team
WHAT: Attacking the city
WHERE: Somewhere in LA
WHEN: 8/31, 6:00 PM
RATING: Probably PG-13 for violence and language

Ionia had a plan. )

{Christen said that LA's team can cover this attack. Lucky LA! Posting order - Quinn, Nic, Ethan, Hank, Lindsey with Ionia jumping in as villainy is needed. Feel free to move the dog monster around, keeping in mind it knows to react/dodge/par somewhat to various karate moves. Feel free to branch off as needed for various parts of the attack if wanted.}

Sep. 1st, 2009


WHO: Staffan and Abbie
WHAT: Meeting.
WHERE: The Mall.
WHEN 8/29, 1pm

Hell yes. Okay, so it was kind of childish. Maybe. Just a little.

You keep telling yourself that. Whatever.

Staffan carried a bag at his side, and in the bag was a box. Inside the box? A brand spanking new, just stocked, top of the line nerf gun. He had plans drawn out to attack Kamal with it when everybody got back from camping. Maybe he'd get Erin and Evie with it, too. Regardless, it was going to be hella fun. The thought alone nearly made him burst out laughing in the middle of the mall.

But his stomach was growling, begging him to put food in it, and he was absolutely down for that. The problem is is that the food court was full of choices, and he couldn't decide between Chinese, fast food, or any of the other options they had. He stopped and looking around, a small pout forming on his lips. Mmm, pizza would be so good right about now. No, he had to keep in shape, and greasy, cheesy, gooey and oh so delicious.. To hell with it, he was getting pizza, dammit!

Aug. 23rd, 2009


WHO: Quinn and Abbie (Ionia)
WHAT: Books are essential
WHERE: Book store in town
WHEN: August 23, afternoon

Quinn smiled to himself as he browsed through the aisles at the local book store. It was good to get some alone time. Being confused was exhausting and he just wanted some time to clear his head.

Not to mention he’d gotten another call from his mother that morning. She was convinced something was wrong with him and it didn’t matter how much he tried to say there wasn’t she was still concerned.

Books had never failed to calm him and he was almost done with the morphing grid book he’d borrowed from Nic so he wanted a new one. He could’ve gone to the library, but he wanted to be around people and possibly go clothes shopping after. He needed a new pair of sneakers.
He turned down the next aisle, nothing catching his eyes and frown as he saw a dark hair girl with a Century Robbin’s book. He didn’t think, he winced and asked, “Have you read him before?”

((Attempts to make up an author name, so we can trash him. So please take as a fictional author))

Aug. 16th, 2009


WHO: Ionia/Abbie & (Charlie)
WHAT: Shopping and plotting strategy
WHERE: Angel Grove
WHEN: 8/16 - 10am

Villains shop too )