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Sep. 10th, 2009


WHO Desmond and Rika
WHAT Desmond wasting time and Rika venturing out of her apartment
WHEN August 31st, slightly after mid-afternoon
WHERE Outside the apartments

Don't tell me you've got the ability to off me with just your thoughts. )


WHO Desmond and Angela
WHAT Sorting out their relationship
WHEN August 31st, mid afternoon
WHERE Anglea's Place
She wanted to see if the attraction she'd felt had been the moonlight or if perhaps a bit more than that. )

To be continued

Aug. 19th, 2009


WHO: Des and Penny
WHAT: Comfort Central
WHEN: The evening
WHERE: Desmond's place

Desmond wrapped one arm around Penny, leading her into his sparsely decorated home with a gentle care that he only reserved for those he was close to. "C'mon love, have a sit. Do you want anything to eat or drink? Water? Milk? I've got some soda... Angela convinced me to go grocery shopping, so there's actually food and wotnot today." He moved anxiously towards the kitchen, unsure of what to do with himself. Penny was pregnant. Was that kind of like being sick? Should he make her chicken noodle soup? Was chicken bad for the baby? Fish was. He'd read that some damn place... oh! It was a warning lable on the fish that he'd bought at the store. So what about chicken? He was starting to stress himself out. Oh Lord. Wotevah. Pouring her a drink, he returned to her side, taking a seat and handing her her glass. "Here you are love."
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WHO: The New York Team (Leon, Penny, Lindsey, Jake, Angela, Katherine, Desmond)
WHAT: Fighting that freaky Monitor Lizard that Exus sent down
WHEN: August 19th, mid afternoon

Desmond was feeling better than he had been when Penny had called for a team meeting the day before, but not much. It was a bloody pain, knowing his friend and team-mate would be heading for retirement. Pushing the thoughts away, the black ranger checked his communicator again. It was time. They had to take care of that monster attacking Angel Grove. His team might have been New York based, but he had a feeling that this monster might require more than one ranger group to take it down.

"Angela, you there love?" he called through his communicator. "We've got to moprh now. We're needed in Angel Grove." He contacted the others, Penny, Jake, Leon, Katherine. "I'm teleporting to the epicenter of this bloody attack." He added and set to task. Morping first, making sure his uniform was neat and clean, the dark haired man steeled himself and teleported into the center of Angel Grove. As he did so, his communicator went off again, this time it was the FRAC contacting him. "Penny will not be joining your team due to her sudden retirement" The voice was static and noise and Desmond ducked as part of a building flew above his head. "Then we're not a bloody full team are we?He shouted back, suddenly panicking. If they weren't a full team then they couldn't form the Mega Spirit Zord. Which they HAD to to defeat this thing. Surely they had to. "We will be sending a fill in yellow ranger." The voice crackled in reply and Desmon rolled out of the way just as a large Monitor tail swung over him. Where were his team-mates?

Aug. 11th, 2009


WHO: Angela and Desmond
WHAT: Attempting to talk.
WHERE: Desmond's apartment.
WHEN: August 10th, late morning

Angela stood outside Desmond’s door with her arms crossed trying to decide if she had the energy to talk to him. She’d been wanting to talk to him about his attitude since the riots. Normally she could let him just be himself, but he’d berated the two professors that’d been trying to help them. She understood he was just letting off steam, but she felt it’d been uncalled for. Now she had to be the leader, the red and knew he would likely not accept that very well.

“Why me?” she muttered before she rolled her eyes. With a sigh she knocked on the door. This was going to at least be interesting, she tried to tell herself.

Aug. 6th, 2009


WHO: Active Rangers & Professors (and maybe training soon, too)
WHAT: Figuring out what happened
WHERE: The Academy, main school building/morphing grid
WHEN: Same day as all the riots

Lindsey let out a muffled noise of pain as he slumped to the floor; he'd arrived on the bottom floor of the main school building, recognizing the halls immediately. Down the way to his right lay the room with the morphing grid, and stumbling past him were most of the Alpha bots, chattering back and forth with their arms in the air. Something bad had happened while they were gone. He sat up slightly, noticing right away that his uniform was gone... and he wasn't really glowing. Their powers had been cut off as well. "Shit," he muttered. His head throbbed, the wet red spot on the back matting his hair together. He would need immediate medical attention, which pissed him off right away. He wanted to be involved, find out what was going on. Instead he'd have to be sent off and looked after as though he'd broken a leg.

(( Posting order: Lindsey/David, Desmond/Aiden, Kamal, Nicolas, Leon, Angela/Quinn, Penny, Jake. ))

Jul. 27th, 2009


WHO: All Active Rangers!
WHAT: Riot control
WHERE: Dallas, Texas
WHEN: July 27th, 2009 - 1:30pm, onward

[ Note: We can have multiple threads here, one solid one or whatever works! If you want to start your own thread, that's fine too! ]

Lindsey sighed when he heard the beep of his communicator, but ducked out of sight and into the bathroom of the shopping mall he'd been scouring over. New shoes would have to wait for now. He brought his communicator up and listened to the message, the scowl on his face deepening, his jaw tensed. This sounded like a big deal. This sounded like the kind of deal that could ruin an evening... or several. "Of course," he muttered.

The bathroom wasn't an ideal place to respond to the call, but after checking to be sure he was alone, Lindsey locked the door and pulled out his morpher. Quick - to be sure he wasn't heard - he called out his animal spirit, "Firefly!" and was immediately teleported away from the mall. A streak of yellow energy followed him through the sky as he was sent to Dallas, Texas, and when he arrived, he was in full uniform and prepared to do what he needed to handle the situation.

The riot was already out of control. Thousands of people filled the streets as far as Lindsey could see, screaming, the sounds of metal hitting metal filling his head. Nearby him the creak of a car being lifted up caught his attention and he watched in horror as it was flipped over and swarmed by people. There were anti-Ranger signs on the ground, fires growing in nearby buildings and shattered glass everywhere.

Lindsey pulled out his Blade Blaster and set off into the crowd, his heart pounding as the crowd pulsed around him.