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Oct. 8th, 2009


WHO: Angela and Jason
WHAT: Good company and good food
WHEN: September 2nd, after 1
WHERE: Angela’s apartment
Note: Backlog to last Wed.

As always your timing is impeccable. )

Sep. 23rd, 2009


WHO: Evita and Quinn
WHAT: Chilling out and fixing Evita's computer
WHEN: September 2, 7 pm-ish. Shortly after dinner.
WHERE: Evita's motel room

Evita quickly slid the folder containing all information on Erin into the hole in the ceiling before replacing the white cardboard tile. With it were her guns, ammo, real ID, and a few other pieces of incriminating evidence. She couldn't risk having anyone even being slightly suspicious of her, and leaving that stuff lying around seemed to be asking for stouble. Maybe having Quinn over just to fix her computer was a risk, but she was willing to take it. He appeared to be a genuinely nice guy, plus she really needed to be able to use her computer. And on top of all that, it had been literally months since she'd had any kind of normal conversation, and that one afternoon of hanging out with Quinn had broken some sort of mental wall Evita had made for herself. So as stupid as it might have been, she was more then happy to try and pursue this friendship.

She hopped off of the bed, brushing dust that had fallen from the ceiling off of her tank top and jeans with quick efficient movements. Now that her motel room was clean and everything was taken care off, all that was needed was for Quinn to arrive. She glanced at the door, a small frown on her lips. She hoped he wasn't going to try and stand her up.

Sep. 22nd, 2009


WHO: Quinn and Staffan
WHAT: Video games and catching up
WHEN: 9/2, Lunch time
WHERE: Staffan’s apartment

The sandwich bags dangled from Quinn’s hand as he approached Staffan’s apartment. He smiled, time with a friend was always good, time with a friend that involved food and video games, was well, just great. It’d been awhile since he’d managed to spend time with Staffan, it would be good to catch up.

Stopping outside Staffan’s door, Quinn knocked.


WHO:  The Big Bads
WHAT:  Introductions & Permission
WHERE: The Moon Palace
WHEN:  September 2ndish

It was the glow of the Earth below.  That's what had kept his eye as he stared out into the depths of the black.  He had seen the Earth in training videos back during his academy days, but he never came.  Never had a reason too really, nothing here was worth his time.  Now though, everything had changed.  Now there was a reason, cause down there on that shiny blue-green rock were things he needed if he was going to make everything he wanted to fall into place.  Those pesky space cops wouldn't find him either, not here.  They'd be too busy looking elsewhere that's for sure, especially with that crazy trail of breadcrumbs he had left behind.  But since he was here, he knew he was also in someone else's house, and when you walk through the front door, you better have permission.

That's why he had come, he sought permission, to do what he needed to do, and get out, no questions asked.  But then there was always questions weren't there.  That's where lies came in.  Tell them the truth, but not the whole truth, just enough to do what he needed to do.  Hopefully it worked, hopefully they wouldn't be crazy, egotistical maniacs.   Hopefully.


WHO: Will and Abbie (Ionia)
WHAT:  Out and About
WHERE:  Mellow Tiger Cafe
WHEN:  10 am, September 2nd

It wasn't that he had snuck out, so much as he had reasoned with the doctors to let him get fresh air.  He just didn't tell them he was going off campus.  But that's where he was.  Red Shirt, Blue Jeans, and Black jacket, plus the sling around his arm so he wouldn't dislocated his shoulder was the image he convenyed to those who sat near him.  Not to mention the marks on his face, and the slighlty red color his ears still exhibited, but if anyone asked he would lie and tell them he had gotten into it with a gang....or something.  For the moment though he had found peace in the sandwhich and the soda in front of him, not to mention the smell of something other than the Med Bay.  

Ham and Cheese, a bag of chips, and coke was all he needed for the moment, but he noticed that it was a little difficult to consume all three as fast as he normally did with the busted arm.  Even with the sling ever present of the reminder of the pain he had surely endured, there were moments when he forgot about the arm and would go to reach for something, only to remind himself with the throbbing pain that the arm had called out sick for the time being.  Still he managed to maintain a low profile for the moment.  He hoped no one would recognize him, or worse, report him for escaping the Med Bay.