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Sep. 7th, 2009


WHO: Clarke, Penny, and Others/Open
WHAT: Drinking/Potential Bar Fight
WHERE: Get Some Bar and Grille
WHEN: 10 pm, August 31st
The rattling of the thunder outside was barely noticeable to the patrons inside the bar as the normal level of murmur that hovered above a dull roar took place. For the most part it was the sound of conversation, laughter, and glass on glass as bottles were handed out, mugs filled, and the occasional blender action as Milkshakes were made. It was the dimmer of one of the corners that found one of the professors of the PPRA huddled with a pint glass in front of him, filled t the brim with the amber ambrosia of the gods he so enjoyed. It came complete with a foamy top, and as he took a hold of it, and lifted it to his mouth to take a sip, he found only joy on the other end.
Clarke disliked Mondays more than anything else, mostly because it meant that weekends were so far away, but he found that at the very least, any night was an excuse to drink. Alcoholic he was not, for in truth he was a connoisseur of the fine liquid. He had the best that Germany had to offer in Oktober Fest, and seen what the British could while on assignment there. He’d been around to Belgium, and the Netherlands, and he’d even been down under to that crazy land Evelyn was from, and had some of their best brews too. At the end of a hard day, this was all he cared for to help him relax. Maybe Hank would show and they could have a nice game of darts. Yes relaxing is what he had planned on, however….like very rarely followed design.

Aug. 19th, 2009


WHO: Ethan, Adina, Quinn and open if anyone's interested
WHEN: August 20th, Noon O Clock
WHERE: The lawns of main campus. :D

Ethan had spent the better part of half an hour lurking in one of the maple trees on campus, hoping for a victim. It was an impossibly hot day, the sun scalding down on Angel Grove and California like it was trying to roast the state. Wiping sweat from his brow, Ethan peered through the green leaves, hoping for anyone to drop his water balloon on. As he leaned forward, the brunette slipped a little and made a yelping noise, his free hand darting up to grab at a branch. Oh what an irony that would be. A Ranger falling and breaking a limb because he was goofing around in a tree.

Below him, right near where he had left his oh-so-inconspicuous bucket of water balloons, was a flash of movement. Dark hair, colorful clothes.... without any thought Ethan released the pink balloon in his hand, shouting out "Bombs away!" as it fell. He would either have a partner in crime in the next few minutes-- or a mortal enemy. Either way he couldn't wait.


WHO: The New York Team (Leon, Penny, Lindsey, Jake, Angela, Katherine, Desmond)
WHAT: Fighting that freaky Monitor Lizard that Exus sent down
WHEN: August 19th, mid afternoon

Desmond was feeling better than he had been when Penny had called for a team meeting the day before, but not much. It was a bloody pain, knowing his friend and team-mate would be heading for retirement. Pushing the thoughts away, the black ranger checked his communicator again. It was time. They had to take care of that monster attacking Angel Grove. His team might have been New York based, but he had a feeling that this monster might require more than one ranger group to take it down.

"Angela, you there love?" he called through his communicator. "We've got to moprh now. We're needed in Angel Grove." He contacted the others, Penny, Jake, Leon, Katherine. "I'm teleporting to the epicenter of this bloody attack." He added and set to task. Morping first, making sure his uniform was neat and clean, the dark haired man steeled himself and teleported into the center of Angel Grove. As he did so, his communicator went off again, this time it was the FRAC contacting him. "Penny will not be joining your team due to her sudden retirement" The voice was static and noise and Desmond ducked as part of a building flew above his head. "Then we're not a bloody full team are we?He shouted back, suddenly panicking. If they weren't a full team then they couldn't form the Mega Spirit Zord. Which they HAD to to defeat this thing. Surely they had to. "We will be sending a fill in yellow ranger." The voice crackled in reply and Desmon rolled out of the way just as a large Monitor tail swung over him. Where were his team-mates?

Aug. 6th, 2009


WHO: Active Rangers & Professors (and maybe training soon, too)
WHAT: Figuring out what happened
WHERE: The Academy, main school building/morphing grid
WHEN: Same day as all the riots

Lindsey let out a muffled noise of pain as he slumped to the floor; he'd arrived on the bottom floor of the main school building, recognizing the halls immediately. Down the way to his right lay the room with the morphing grid, and stumbling past him were most of the Alpha bots, chattering back and forth with their arms in the air. Something bad had happened while they were gone. He sat up slightly, noticing right away that his uniform was gone... and he wasn't really glowing. Their powers had been cut off as well. "Shit," he muttered. His head throbbed, the wet red spot on the back matting his hair together. He would need immediate medical attention, which pissed him off right away. He wanted to be involved, find out what was going on. Instead he'd have to be sent off and looked after as though he'd broken a leg.

(( Posting order: Lindsey/David, Desmond/Aiden, Kamal, Nicolas, Leon, Angela/Quinn, Penny, Jake. ))

Jul. 27th, 2009


WHO: All Active Rangers!
WHAT: Riot control
WHERE: Dallas, Texas
WHEN: July 27th, 2009 - 1:30pm, onward

[ Note: We can have multiple threads here, one solid one or whatever works! If you want to start your own thread, that's fine too! ]

Lindsey sighed when he heard the beep of his communicator, but ducked out of sight and into the bathroom of the shopping mall he'd been scouring over. New shoes would have to wait for now. He brought his communicator up and listened to the message, the scowl on his face deepening, his jaw tensed. This sounded like a big deal. This sounded like the kind of deal that could ruin an evening... or several. "Of course," he muttered.

The bathroom wasn't an ideal place to respond to the call, but after checking to be sure he was alone, Lindsey locked the door and pulled out his morpher. Quick - to be sure he wasn't heard - he called out his animal spirit, "Firefly!" and was immediately teleported away from the mall. A streak of yellow energy followed him through the sky as he was sent to Dallas, Texas, and when he arrived, he was in full uniform and prepared to do what he needed to handle the situation.

The riot was already out of control. Thousands of people filled the streets as far as Lindsey could see, screaming, the sounds of metal hitting metal filling his head. Nearby him the creak of a car being lifted up caught his attention and he watched in horror as it was flipped over and swarmed by people. There were anti-Ranger signs on the ground, fires growing in nearby buildings and shattered glass everywhere.

Lindsey pulled out his Blade Blaster and set off into the crowd, his heart pounding as the crowd pulsed around him.

Jul. 19th, 2009


WHO: Professor Jason and Leon; open
WHAT: A friendly chat.
WHERE: The Academy grounds.
WHEN: Afternoon.

Leon was sitting under a tree, enjoying a nice day. He felt like he ought to have a book or a lunch or something, if only for the image; but he wasn't much of a reader, and he wanted to put off eating until later, in case he needed to get some drinking done.

Or maybe he should go get something to eat. There was always a chance he'd get called over to handle something in New York, and he sure as hell didn't need to be doing anything like that on an empty stomach. Nothing good came of that sort of thing.

Yeah, that'd be the best thing to do, to get something to eat. Leon stood up and stretched, and set off back to his apartment.
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