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Oct. 8th, 2009


WHO: Angela and Jason
WHAT: Good company and good food
WHEN: September 2nd, after 1
WHERE: Angela’s apartment
Note: Backlog to last Wed.

As always your timing is impeccable. )

Sep. 10th, 2009


WHO Desmond and Angela
WHAT Sorting out their relationship
WHEN August 31st, mid afternoon
WHERE Anglea's Place
She wanted to see if the attraction she'd felt had been the moonlight or if perhaps a bit more than that. )

To be continued

Sep. 2nd, 2009


WHO: Erin and OPEN
WHAT: Enjoying the time off
WHERE: Forests south of Angel Grove, campsite
WHEN: Aug 30th, 10am

"Jesus." Erin rolled his eyes as his communicator went silent, looking around the campsite. They'd been gone a day and there had been chaos back home already. "Figures there'd be some epic battle and we'd all miss it, huh?" He smirked and settled on a large rock near the fire pit, legs spread wide as he leaned his elbows on his thighs. It'd rained earlier and the ground was still a little moist; their fire had absolutely died, if it hadn't gone out at some point during the night on it's own. He started picking at his teeth for lack of anything better to do and considered the options for the day. They could go swimming, hiking... umm... and that was the extent of his creativity for the moment.

"So who's making us breakfast?" he prompted, an eyebrow arched at the rest of the people (who had woken up) wandering around nearby.

Aug. 21st, 2009


WHO: Will and OPEN
WHAT: Shootin Pool
WHERE: Get Some Bar & Grille
WHEN: 8pm, August 21st

The balls were splayed across the table in an odd assortment of solids and stripes, in a multitude of colors, and numbers. The prismatic effect they had against the bright green material of the table brightened the atmosphere of the room, and for an instance drew the eyes of anyone who passed by as any table like it had before. On the edge of the table sat a glass bottle, dark in color, its contents unknown to all but the man standing at the table holding the pool cue. Dressed in a red button down shirt, and light colored jeans, Will surveyed the table thoughtfully. The only ball that mattered to him at that moment was the cue ball, and where it was going to go. For some it was the geometry of the game that appealed to them, while others it was the rush of adrenaline that came from putting down money against the guy standing across the table. Will appreciated the luck of it all. You had to hit the ball at just the right spot to determine if whether it would go in, or if it would spin out of control, and knock nothing in at all.

He had been at the table for the past twenty minutes, already playing two games by himself. It wasn’t that he was killing time he told himself, it was more about centering himself, and bringing the focus to his mind he needed. Meditation came in many forms. Some sat silently in a room listening to waterfalls; some put colored balls into pockets. With the shot lined up, the grit of the wooden pool cue starting to dig into his left finger as he used it to balance the end of the stick, he was willing to risk his luck, so he pulled back the cue, and pushed it forward, the tip smashed into the cue ball and sent it hurtling forward, nothing obstructing its path as it landed in one of the corner pockets across the table. He had scratched.

Aug. 19th, 2009


WHO: The New York Team (Leon, Penny, Lindsey, Jake, Angela, Katherine, Desmond)
WHAT: Fighting that freaky Monitor Lizard that Exus sent down
WHEN: August 19th, mid afternoon

Desmond was feeling better than he had been when Penny had called for a team meeting the day before, but not much. It was a bloody pain, knowing his friend and team-mate would be heading for retirement. Pushing the thoughts away, the black ranger checked his communicator again. It was time. They had to take care of that monster attacking Angel Grove. His team might have been New York based, but he had a feeling that this monster might require more than one ranger group to take it down.

"Angela, you there love?" he called through his communicator. "We've got to moprh now. We're needed in Angel Grove." He contacted the others, Penny, Jake, Leon, Katherine. "I'm teleporting to the epicenter of this bloody attack." He added and set to task. Morping first, making sure his uniform was neat and clean, the dark haired man steeled himself and teleported into the center of Angel Grove. As he did so, his communicator went off again, this time it was the FRAC contacting him. "Penny will not be joining your team due to her sudden retirement" The voice was static and noise and Desmond ducked as part of a building flew above his head. "Then we're not a bloody full team are we?He shouted back, suddenly panicking. If they weren't a full team then they couldn't form the Mega Spirit Zord. Which they HAD to to defeat this thing. Surely they had to. "We will be sending a fill in yellow ranger." The voice crackled in reply and Desmon rolled out of the way just as a large Monitor tail swung over him. Where were his team-mates?

Aug. 13th, 2009


WHO: Staffan, Penny, Kamal, Charlie, Lindsey, Angela, and Jake.
WHAT: Hanging out.
WHERE: The pool.
WHEN: 8/13 Evening.

With everything going on lately, all the stress that most of the rangers have been feeling, Staffan and Kamal decided to try and do something about it. Staffan, in particular, wasn't out to have fun, but he felt at least comfortable around the other rangers. Something told him that they should just stick together, and at least try to relax and not stress out over the current situation. It wasn't much, just a simple hang out at the pool that day. Food and drinks were provided, of course.

For Staffan, it was just to take his mind off things as he floated in the pool, looking out over the scene in front of him. He was around people he knew and liked, people he could consider a second family, and right now, that is what was important to him. Beer in one hand, he paddled around the water with his other, the inflatable lounger he was on not cooperating much to his dismay. With a groan, he set his bottle between his legs, trying to keep it from spilling as he used both hands to paddle in the water. As soon as he did, though, his luck took a turn and he flopped straight into the water, beer bottle and all.

Surfacing a few moments later, he glanced around with pursed lips, "That wasn't funny, so don't even laugh!"

[Posting order: Staffan, Angela, Jake, Penny, Kamal, Charlie, Lindsey]

Aug. 11th, 2009


WHO: Angela and Desmond
WHAT: Attempting to talk.
WHERE: Desmond's apartment.
WHEN: August 10th, late morning

Angela stood outside Desmond’s door with her arms crossed trying to decide if she had the energy to talk to him. She’d been wanting to talk to him about his attitude since the riots. Normally she could let him just be himself, but he’d berated the two professors that’d been trying to help them. She understood he was just letting off steam, but she felt it’d been uncalled for. Now she had to be the leader, the red and knew he would likely not accept that very well.

“Why me?” she muttered before she rolled her eyes. With a sigh she knocked on the door. This was going to at least be interesting, she tried to tell herself.

Aug. 6th, 2009


WHO: Active Rangers & Professors (and maybe training soon, too)
WHAT: Figuring out what happened
WHERE: The Academy, main school building/morphing grid
WHEN: Same day as all the riots

Lindsey let out a muffled noise of pain as he slumped to the floor; he'd arrived on the bottom floor of the main school building, recognizing the halls immediately. Down the way to his right lay the room with the morphing grid, and stumbling past him were most of the Alpha bots, chattering back and forth with their arms in the air. Something bad had happened while they were gone. He sat up slightly, noticing right away that his uniform was gone... and he wasn't really glowing. Their powers had been cut off as well. "Shit," he muttered. His head throbbed, the wet red spot on the back matting his hair together. He would need immediate medical attention, which pissed him off right away. He wanted to be involved, find out what was going on. Instead he'd have to be sent off and looked after as though he'd broken a leg.

(( Posting order: Lindsey/David, Desmond/Aiden, Kamal, Nicolas, Leon, Angela/Quinn, Penny, Jake. ))

Jul. 27th, 2009


WHO: All Active Rangers!
WHAT: Riot control
WHERE: Dallas, Texas
WHEN: July 27th, 2009 - 1:30pm, onward

[ Note: We can have multiple threads here, one solid one or whatever works! If you want to start your own thread, that's fine too! ]

Lindsey sighed when he heard the beep of his communicator, but ducked out of sight and into the bathroom of the shopping mall he'd been scouring over. New shoes would have to wait for now. He brought his communicator up and listened to the message, the scowl on his face deepening, his jaw tensed. This sounded like a big deal. This sounded like the kind of deal that could ruin an evening... or several. "Of course," he muttered.

The bathroom wasn't an ideal place to respond to the call, but after checking to be sure he was alone, Lindsey locked the door and pulled out his morpher. Quick - to be sure he wasn't heard - he called out his animal spirit, "Firefly!" and was immediately teleported away from the mall. A streak of yellow energy followed him through the sky as he was sent to Dallas, Texas, and when he arrived, he was in full uniform and prepared to do what he needed to handle the situation.

The riot was already out of control. Thousands of people filled the streets as far as Lindsey could see, screaming, the sounds of metal hitting metal filling his head. Nearby him the creak of a car being lifted up caught his attention and he watched in horror as it was flipped over and swarmed by people. There were anti-Ranger signs on the ground, fires growing in nearby buildings and shattered glass everywhere.

Lindsey pulled out his Blade Blaster and set off into the crowd, his heart pounding as the crowd pulsed around him.