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Oct. 11th, 2009


Who: Siobhan and OPEN
What: Training and maybe some sparring practice
Where: At the gym and juice bar
When: Friday September 4th, afternoon

In spite of having a bag to punch and kick to her heart's content in her apartment, sometimes it was important to be out in public. Siobhan understood the need for balance and harmony, and part of that was welcoming the presence of others from time to time. Sometimes, it was best to train with others. Other people could point out flaws in technique, and other people could be sparred with.

At the moment, she was practicing on a punching bag, unleashing a rough combination of punches and kicks in rapid succession on the bag. She finished for the moment with a particularly hard spinning kick to the bag.

As she was catching her breath, she saw someone approaching from her peripheral vision.

"Oh hello," she said, turning around to face the person. "Did you want to use the bag for a bit? I can hold it for you if you want some resistace."

Sep. 29th, 2009


Who: Siobhan and Erin
What: A date
Where: ...out and about on the town (location to be determined during the date)
When: September 3rd, evening

Siobhan was not a romantic by any stretch of the imagination. She was firmly grounded in reality. In spite of that, she'd been looking forward to the date. Sometimes it was nice to have company just for the sake of company, and she rarely got the chance to wear her dressier clothes. Realizing that she'd just conformed to the Ranger stereotype/joke of wearing one's color constantly, she couldn't help but be amused. She wondered if Erin would subconsciously do the same thing she'd just done.

She was wearing a black dress that went down to just above her knees. It had short, sheer sleeves, and a plunging neckline but was otherwise a fairly modest and comfortable dress. Siobhan believed in function and comfort before fashion. While the dress did look nice, it met her two main requirements for clothing. Her shoes were comfortable flat dress shoes.

Siobhan hoped to go out to a restaurant over the course of the evening, and preferably for Italian food, but she'd leave everything else up to Erin since he was the one who had asked her out rather than vice versa.

Sep. 6th, 2009


Who:  Will and Open
What:  Rejoining the World/Visiting Hours
Where:  Med Bay
When:  1 pm, August 31st

The chart read as following:  Internal Bleeding, mended.  Three Broken Ribs, set.  Dislocated Shoulder, reset.  To Will though, he was yet to be aware that there was even a chart.  The room was quiet, for he was not in critical condition, and had stabilized the day before, but he had still been out of it.  It was a combination of the injuries, and the medicine that had kept his mind under throughout the last two days.  He had not awaken, but those who had stayed by his side swore at least at several points he did manage one word.  It was a name, Sarah, and nothing else.  He lay still on the bed, as it was propped up slightly so he could sleep comfortably.  His chest was bandaged up, and lay bare, while red pajama bottoms adorned his lower half, which was submerged beneath the blankets.  His breathing was steady by the rise and fall of his chest.

His eyes were the first to open, and immediately he sucked a good deal of oxygen into his lungs, making a very audible sound as he did.  His senses still didn’t’ kick as he stared straight ahead, just taking in what was in front of them for a second, but suddenly the lights kicked back on, and he turned his head from one side to the other, still not aware of any pain or his condition.  He tried to remember what had happened, though everything was a rush of flashes.  There was the ship, that had been cloaked and there for some unknown reason.  Then the rush of action as the defense turrets kicked on.  He remembered the way they had forced him back, and finally they had stopped.  The owner came out, and his powers were astonishing.  He remembered morphing, and then……

Aug. 28th, 2009


WHO: Erin and Siobhan and open if ya like.
WHAT: Hormone Spike difficulties
WHERE: Youth Center Gym & Juice Bar
WHEN: Aug 28th, 5pm

Looking stressed out was something that came entirely too natural for Erin, an anxious look that went through his entire body and was painted clearly in his eyes. He appeared strung out and exhausted, his gait slower than normal, his brow raised. He wanted to chill out, to relax, to unwind, but... He'd been hit hard and hadn't been able to shake it. A brief battle that morning during patrol, a simple run-in with muggers and his hormone surges were completely out of control. He was frustrated, flustered, not able to think straight. The Juice Bar seemed like the place to be though, busy and active. It was colorful and loud and there were tons of other stressed out people all around him, working off their energy on the machines or on the mats. Erin had chosen a shake and taken it with him to the small arcade area, his drink set down as he chose a pinball machine.

He hated feeling like this; more than anything else. Almost more than the guilt that woke him up in the middle of the night sometimes, that wrenching, soul-tearing remembrance of the lives that had been extinguished in his company. Being unable to control the way he felt, though, the way his body responded to stimuli -- it was almost worse somehow. At least when he felt that familiar guilt, he could drown it in hours of sleep or booze or Zord-work. Right now though, he was stuck with the change in steadiness, his urge to fight, to fuck, to scream. He didn't handle his hormone spikes as well as some of the other Rangers, and hated the toll it seemed to take on his body. It wasn't fair.

More than anything right now, Erin very desperately wanted a girlfriend. He hadn't been involved with anyone in ages, and getting it off in the shower wasn't cutting it anymore. There were so many cute girls all around him, and he never seemed to have the right words for them. Lisa was sex on legs, and god she was endlessly adorable... Charlie, Katherine, Siobhan (mmm, that red hair)... fuck, why did they all have to be so sexy all the time? Angela crossed his mind from time to time as well, but she overwhelmed him a little. He wasn't that good at keeping up with women more masculine than he was, and she was definitely cut out for her role. Penny was too much, too. Cute as hell, but... And then there were the students, but they were like... jail-bait in a way.

"Damn it," Erin told the pinball machine. He hadn't been paying attention. His muscles tensed and he fed it more quarters.

Aug. 23rd, 2009


WHO: The Phoenix Team
WHAT: Training
WHERE: Obstacle Course
WHEN: 11am, August 23rd

Will stood proudly in his red tank top, and black jogging pants in front of the training mats. He had scheduled the training late enough in the morning so that everyone could sleep in if they wanted too, but still early enough that it was before noon. He stretched a little, hoping to loosen up all his muscles before any of his other teammates arrived. He had spared with one or two of them before, but this would be the first time that the whole team would be there with him, and to see all of their abilities in action was something he had been looking forward too.

I turned to face the obstacle course, and slowly raised his arm to rub the back of his head as he took the whole thing in, trying to remember the last time he had completed it. He decided he would leave the training exercises up to others to see what they wanted to focus on. Turning back towards the mats, he waited patiently for the others to arrive.