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Jul. 2nd, 2009


WHO: Lindsey, Prof. Jason Applegate, Quinn, Penny
WHEN: Thursday, July 2nd, lunchtime
WHERE: Just outside school cafeteria
WHAT: Chillaxin'

Lindsey sat on the steps leading out from the cafeteria, the spread of grass in front of him tempting -- but not quite good enough for him at that exact moment. There was a soft California breeze and as it moved his hair he took in a breath, holding it briefly before letting it out in an exaggerated sigh. He flicked the ashes off of the end of his cigarette, watching the flecks of light and ash out of boredom alone. He knew the students in the cafeteria were buzzing about their first week of school, today being Nutrition & Personal Wellness, of course. He rolled his eyes, recalling how much he'd hated that class. It had been a total bore, and he'd nearly failed it.

Times like this make him look back at his decision to join up, to come to the PPRA in search of... well, whatever it was he'd seemed to achieve. He raised his eyebrows at that, his thoughts easy to read on his face. He wondered what it was he was still doing here, if he was really happy, if he'd made the right choice. And so what if he hadn't...?

It wasn't as simple as turning in his power coin and going about his way. He didn't have anywhere to go.

He shifted his weight and his legs, bringing them forward to reposition himself. His feet were falling asleep and that felt downright awful. Lindsey brought the cigarette to his lips again, squinting upward into the sunlight; his skin reflected the light back up into the sky, a mirror and a host of what he felt was a powerful weapon -- and a damned curse. It wasn't as though he could trot around out in public whenever he felt like it. His free hand rose to touch the cool metal of the bracelet he wore, thankful that the Academy had been able to give him this small gift. With it he could keep his powers hidden for short periods of time, long enough to go shopping if he needed to.

"Need new shoes," he grumbled, eyes settling on what appeared to be nearly perfect Converse sneakers.

Jun. 30th, 2009


WHAT: FIRST DAY OF RANGER HISTORY CLASS (For first year students! This is History of the Power Rangers!)
WHEN: WEDNESDAY, July 1st, 2053
WHERE: The main building on campus


Aiden looked around at the various students seated before him. As was school code, each student wore their primary ranger color and he remembered his days in Germany, where it had been forbidden to wear the color of your uniform, lest it be too obvious who you were. Shaking his head a little, he cleared the thoughts from his mind and offered the class a somber smile.
"Welcome, officially, to the Power Ranger Academy." His voice was softly accented, the german showing through, and he leaned back, against his desk.
    "I know that this is a big life change for many of you -- things are very different here than they were at home, and you will be one day putting your life on the line for hundreds of people who will never know your face, who will never look you in the eyes and thank you." He let this sink in. It was heavy information. These students would be heroes, but no-one would ever know them by name. No one would ever know the suffering and toil and work put into protecting the world around them. This was not a thankless job, but a nameless one.
    "This is a serious career choice for many of you -- and it is time to put away any childish games." He was sincere, his faded blue eyes pausing on each new face as he spoke.
    "And because it is a hard life -- the life of a Ranger -- you should understand that above anyone else -- these people, your fellow students around you, are your new family. Some of you will be put on teams together, many of you will fight to protect each other. Therefore, I believe it is appropriate that we spend the first day of class not studying the History of the Power Ranger, but instead studying one another -- learning more about each other. You will spend the next two years of your life with these people, so learn to appreciate them." His gaze met with one of the students and he raised his eyebrows.
"Go ahead. Introduce yourselves. One at a time."