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Sep. 23rd, 2009


WHO: Evita and Quinn
WHAT: Chilling out and fixing Evita's computer
WHEN: September 2, 7 pm-ish. Shortly after dinner.
WHERE: Evita's motel room

Evita quickly slid the folder containing all information on Erin into the hole in the ceiling before replacing the white cardboard tile. With it were her guns, ammo, real ID, and a few other pieces of incriminating evidence. She couldn't risk having anyone even being slightly suspicious of her, and leaving that stuff lying around seemed to be asking for stouble. Maybe having Quinn over just to fix her computer was a risk, but she was willing to take it. He appeared to be a genuinely nice guy, plus she really needed to be able to use her computer. And on top of all that, it had been literally months since she'd had any kind of normal conversation, and that one afternoon of hanging out with Quinn had broken some sort of mental wall Evita had made for herself. So as stupid as it might have been, she was more then happy to try and pursue this friendship.

She hopped off of the bed, brushing dust that had fallen from the ceiling off of her tank top and jeans with quick efficient movements. Now that her motel room was clean and everything was taken care off, all that was needed was for Quinn to arrive. She glanced at the door, a small frown on her lips. She hoped he wasn't going to try and stand her up.

Sep. 7th, 2009


WHO: Quinn and Evita
WHAT: Getting Lunch
WHEN: 8/31, 11: 30 am
WHERE: Get Some Bar and Grille

After having settled back in at his apartment, talking to Neil on the phone and deciding to reread A Wrinkle in Time in case Abbie did call, Quinn decided that he wanted an uncomplicated lunch. This meant of course, no cooking. Having decided that a burger with fries and a milkshake sounded good he found himself at the Get Some Bar and Grille.

The place was reasonably not busy and he was seated near the bar since he was by himself. After ordering he opened his book, intent on enjoying a story he’d always loved, but hadn’t read in awhile.

Aug. 24th, 2009


WHO: Evita
WHAT: Saying goodbye
WHERE: A graveyard in Philadelphia
WHEN: August 24, 9:30 AM

'Sorry I haven't come to see you in a while.' )