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Aug. 19th, 2009


WHO: The New York Team (Leon, Penny, Lindsey, Jake, Angela, Katherine, Desmond)
WHAT: Fighting that freaky Monitor Lizard that Exus sent down
WHEN: August 19th, mid afternoon

Desmond was feeling better than he had been when Penny had called for a team meeting the day before, but not much. It was a bloody pain, knowing his friend and team-mate would be heading for retirement. Pushing the thoughts away, the black ranger checked his communicator again. It was time. They had to take care of that monster attacking Angel Grove. His team might have been New York based, but he had a feeling that this monster might require more than one ranger group to take it down.

"Angela, you there love?" he called through his communicator. "We've got to moprh now. We're needed in Angel Grove." He contacted the others, Penny, Jake, Leon, Katherine. "I'm teleporting to the epicenter of this bloody attack." He added and set to task. Morping first, making sure his uniform was neat and clean, the dark haired man steeled himself and teleported into the center of Angel Grove. As he did so, his communicator went off again, this time it was the FRAC contacting him. "Penny will not be joining your team due to her sudden retirement" The voice was static and noise and Desmond ducked as part of a building flew above his head. "Then we're not a bloody full team are we?He shouted back, suddenly panicking. If they weren't a full team then they couldn't form the Mega Spirit Zord. Which they HAD to to defeat this thing. Surely they had to. "We will be sending a fill in yellow ranger." The voice crackled in reply and Desmon rolled out of the way just as a large Monitor tail swung over him. Where were his team-mates?