April 2011




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Week 35: Wee hours of Friday morning

Characters: Margot Bouchard and Susan Hannigan (NPC)
Location: The winery/B&B in northern California
Summery: Margot seeks her best friends advice

What if we just leave? )


Week 35: Thursday night

Characters: Margot Bouchard and Brian Halstead (NPC)
Location: A winery/B&B somewhere in northern California
Summery: Margot confronts Brian about his erratic and violent behavior. Things don't go well.

What the hell were you thinking?! )


Week 35: Everything Changes

If you just walked away / What could I really say? / Would it matter anyway? / Would it change how you feel? )


Week 34 - Wednesday

Characters: Derek Miller, Louisa May Smith and trader Zeke (NPC)
Location: Grounds and Louisa's trailer
Summary: Derek and Zeke visit the good doctor
Rating: PG-13 for some language

You busy? Want to go see the good doctor? Maybe she’ll feed us. )


Week 34 - Saturday Afternoon

Characters: Alice Munroe and Louisa May Smith
Location: Louisa’s trailer
Summary: Jed’s non-answer has Alice in a tizzy, so she goes seeking familiar ears to talk her down from doing anything rash.
Rating: R for profanity.

“And I know that’s... wrong. Because we’ve got a deal and-- but I want ‘em to go. Before he gets it in his head to go with ‘em, because if he did, I couldn’t--” )


Week 34 - Thursday

Characters: Jack and Searle; NPCs: Nevaeh and Whitney
Location: Skate park
Summary: Jack and Nevaeh recruit Searle and Whitney to help clean up a skate park close by the farm. Then they skate and Jack gets overzealous.
Rating PG

All she wanted to do was skate; to feel that nearly flying rush of adrenaline and move until her muscles ached and every thought she had was driven right out of her head. )


Week 34: Monday

Characters: Greg Blair and Abby Theien
Location: By the woodpile.
Summary: Abby sounds Greg out about staying at Grants Pass.
Rating: G

I gather you’d prefer to stay here rather than move on? )


Week 34 - Friday

Characters:Bridget Mackenzie and Alice Monroe
Location: The library
Summary: Bridget spots something on Alice’s hand.
Rating: G

Alice, if you want this kept quiet I’ll do it, but I don’t understand why )


Week 34: Wednesday

Characters: Gregory Blair and John James Searle
Location: The farm
Summary: Greg and Searle practice martial arts and talk about the spirit as well as the body.
Rating G

But to sound a bit like a bad kung fu movie: only you can walk the path. )


Week 34: Friday

Characters: Jed Bailey, Andrew Kirke, Mike Callahan, Holly Sharpe, and (NPC) trader Malachai.
Location: Solar Man Company on SW Jordan Street in Grants Pass.
Summary: Jed’s group hits up the second location with little-to-no hitches along the way, or so they think.
Rating: R because boys swear more.

“Always the last one, right?” Malachai commiserated and made his grin lean, one hand extended for the pliers. “Lemme give’it a go.” )


Week 34: Friday

Characters: Alice Munroe, Greg Blair, Ana Kirke, Leo Parker, trader Zeke (NPC) with a cameo by Tom Galloway and introducing Halcyon Days and Colleen McCourt.
Location: Pro Electric Inc. on Mountain Fir Road in Grants Pass.
Summary: The Pro Electric group heads out to pick up their goods, and end up picking up a few extra bodies along the way.
Rating: PG-13

“[...] We found two cats lurking ‘round the bushes. One in a car and the other carryin’ a stick. I’m thinkin’ they might need a place to stay, over.”  )


Week 34: Tuesday

Characters: Bridget Mackenzie and Walker
Location: Bridget’s Room
Summary: Walker goes to see if Bridget is feeling any better.
Rating: PG

Inside, the card read: Get Better Soon. )


Week 34: Wednesday afternoon

Characters: Nate and Abby
Location: The garage
Summery: Brother Sister Chat
Rating: G

Sure, an’you can birth the next pregnant heifer. )


Week 34 - Thursday

Characters: Ana and Drew Kirke
Location: Their bedroom
Summary: Ana doesn't like the idea of she and Drew assigned to different raid teams
Rating: PG

I like it better when I’m out and you’re here. You can meet me at the door with a cocktail and a pot roast )


Week 34: Saturday

Characters: Alice Munroe and Jed Bailey
Location: The Attic / Alice’s temporary room.
Summary: Jed has some suspicions about dates and Evie’s pregnancy, and goes to ask the group’s record keeper: Alice. It goes as well as you’d expect.
Rating: R for profanity.

Except, except, except. )

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