Stroma Isle - In Character Community

August 2023



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Posts Tagged: '%21time:+afternoon'

Aug. 9th, 2023



Full Moon

It's going to be a full moon tonight. Everyone who was here two weeks ago on the new moon will remember the ghost pirate ship that appeared. I have no idea what, if anything, will happen tonight on the full moon, but I think it's likely something will, and we should be prepared for, well, anything.

Maybe stick close together and be ready to fight. Just in case.

Jun. 9th, 2023



[No Subject]

The people from under the water seem very friendly and kind. They certainly provided us with things that we can use to make life a little easier.

Jun. 7th, 2023



[No Subject]

You know what I really miss about home?

I mean, besides home, my family, etc?

Art. I miss creating art. I mean, yes, since I create mosaics with my actual blood, I could, theoretically make some here, but still

May. 30th, 2023



[No Subject]

It seems that when I picked out a house a poison garden appeared.

How very fortunate for myself, as I feared a lack of access to poisons.

Please do not touch or taste from my garden, for your own safety.

May. 25th, 2023



Netpost: Caroline Forbes - Day 12

I can't believe I've been here almost 10 full days.

May. 24th, 2023



[No Subject]

Not the kind of island I usually have in mind.

[People from home]

Did you really think I'd let Tony go anywhere without me this time?

May. 19th, 2023



[No Subject]

Dr. Strange and America
Day 11, America's Arival . Outside the Lighthouse . PG13?
Getting back home is a tricky thing and I have bad news about that but the other things, yes. We can talk about those.

May. 17th, 2023



[No Subject]

I am so glad that those dogs are finally gone.

How many people were hurt?

May. 13th, 2023



[No Subject]

Who: Kol and Caroline
What: Running into each other while Kol is exploring.
When: Day 8
Where: Around the haunted church
Warning: None
Status: Completed via Gdoc

Funny how something like this actually creeps me out… after everything I’ve seen. )

May. 10th, 2023



[No Subject]

I GOT IT! I found it! I know how to get rid of the hounds. Everybody find some chalk or something to draw with. Go to corners and draw a curve in front of them. It blocks the corner with roundness. It'll take a while, but eventually the hounds will have less and less access, grow bored and find something else to do.

May. 9th, 2023



[No Subject]

These things can go away at any time.

If anyone needs healing, I can help a little bit.



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Kol] looks like I have your throwing star dark object thing. I know, very precise description.

May. 5th, 2023



Those Are OUR Food Animals, Dammit!

Who: Stephen Strange and Michelle Webster
What: Protecting the Animals
When: Day Nine, Afternoon
Where: The "Corral"
Warnings: TBD
Status: Incomplete

In Media Res )

May. 3rd, 2023



Mid-Afternoon, Day 9

[OOC: Sometime after she has found both Annie and Finnick]

Hello. My name is Katniss Everdeen. I’m knew here, but I have my bow and I’m a good shot. It there a good spot for taking out these butts from a distance so others can get to safety?



[No Subject]

People should definitely head to the Lighthouse for safety.

It seems like everyone's best bet for now, after reading the Network and Kaz delegated me the task to mention this in-between saving the Crows.

May. 2nd, 2023



[No Subject]

If anyone needs help, please let me know. Back in my world, I fight things like this. Well, not these ones exactly, but I once fought hellhounds.



[No Subject]

I try to keep my swearing to a minimum, but what the ever-loving hell are these things?



[Network] Lizzie Saltzman

Look. I know that I've done a lot of seriously weird crap in my life but this is new, even for me.


Did we do this?

May. 1st, 2023



[No Subject]

My family and I are heading towards the gardens to help defend them from these beasts. Some help would be appreciated and likewise, if you need defending you can come there as well. There seems to be no end to the attackers no matter how many we kill.

Are you and your friends well? Do you need anything?

Are you well? Want to come help in the gardens?



[No Subject]

Mikaelsons & Adjacent
I know it takes a lot to hurt most of us, but is everyone okay?

Check in. If you’re hurt or backed into a corner, I can fight and I know some pretty good healing spells. If any of you die, I swear I’ll fable in necromancy and bring you back just so I can kill you myself. Cool? Cool.
*if you’ve had a friendly conversation with Hope, she counts you in this group. If you want to handwave something, hit me up!

Apr. 27th, 2023



Netpost: Here There Be Monsters

Well that

Mobius and I had a nice stroll around the perimeter of the island. It was a pleasant enough walk until we ran into the bloody GIANT TENTACLES!

Down on the southern shore of the island (near Red Geo, specifically--see the attached pic of the map in the lighthouse) enormous tentacles came whipping out of the water to try to grab us. We couldn't see what was attacking us. Which means it probably couldn't see us, either. Which might explain why the tentacles were fairly easy to avoid--it was groping blindly for something it couldn't see. Maybe it sensed us walking?

Also, the tentacles didn't like getting stabbed or slashed if they did grab you. Important safety tip.



[No Subject]

Who: Yelena and Steve Rogers
What: Yelena and Steve go down the hoooole
When: Day Eight afternoonish
Where: The well
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/incomplete

What are you doing? )

Apr. 26th, 2023



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Quentin]

I'm sorry I didn't have more time to talk to you at the feast.

I enjoyed our brief conversation.

Perhaps we can have more in the future?

Apr. 24th, 2023



Netpost: Caroline Forbes - Day 8

We're up to about a hundred books in the collection. A lot of them are in fairly poor condition, but still readable. We did have to lose some of the books as they were stained and falling apart... but many others are definitely worth the trouble.

So, it's an honor system. Borrow a book, take good care of it, and then return it when you're finished.

Apr. 17th, 2023



The Crows

Are people here always so testy?

I mean, if anyone threatens any of you no one will see my knife.

Apr. 16th, 2023



[No Subject]

Though I've been here a full week now this is the first time I've said anything publicly or introduced myself to anyone here. So, hello. I'm Castiel, an angel of Heaven, and companion of Dean Winchester, whom I protect fiercely and am extremely loyal to.

Among other things, I can normally heal injuries with a touch, though I've seen this new place may prove that wrong. I can fish and hunt, and I am also knowledgeable about plants and fish and insects, things that humans may need to eat if dire situations arise. I believe I can be useful here to former or non-humans here in many ways as well.

And that out of the way, I would like it to be known that I would prefer that my abilities are more helpful to the others here than wrathful, and I would hate to have to say try it and see, but if any threats against Dean become more than just talk, know that he has a guardian angel watching over him.

Apr. 14th, 2023



Netpost: Kate Bishop - Day 6

Kyle was a friend. Maybe he'll come back? Idk.

He also helped watch out for Lucky while I was off doing other things. Which means I need someone else to help me take care of him sometimes. It's not hard--Lucky's the best dog to ever dog. He spends most of his day just lounging around.

Also, if anyone likes hanging out with dogs. I'll volunteer him. He's good at cuddles and loves chasing tennis balls and sticks.



[No Subject]

I'm aware there are a few of you here who require blood. I'm happy to offer up some of mine. Probably not for all of you, though, due to...I'm only one Netherling.

But if you require some, please reach out and I'll see what I can do.

I'm leaving this open in case anyone else wants to volunteer.

Apr. 13th, 2023



Netpost: Quentin Coldwater - day 6

Hi. I'm new here. Though, I hear there was another copy of me here before. I'm not him, if you knew him. or befriended him.

I'm a lot like him, though. I think. I guess.

Oh, I'm Quentin. Coldwater.



[No Subject]

Who: Caroline and Azriel
What: going for a walk/searching for books
Where: throughout Stroma
When: day 6
Warnings: TBD

The Illyrian found himself wanting to talk with the blonde more )



[No Subject]

Freya's gone and this place feels just a little more empty without my older sister.

Apr. 12th, 2023



Network Post: Edmund Pevensie Day 6

'Determined not to be well suited'? By whom?



[No Subject]

The following were determined not to be well suited for this endeavor and have been returned to their lives.

Samantha Carter
Eliot Spencer
Kyle Valenti
Nick Sorrentino
Clark Kent
Pepper Potts
Freya Mikaelson
Claire Novak
Felicity Smoak
Kady Orloff-Diaz

Thank you for your continued participation.

[this message will be broadcast at noon on day six - there will be no contact number and any attempt to reply will bounce back as undeliverable]

Apr. 11th, 2023



Netpost: Caroline Forbes - Day 6

I've taken it upon myself to start collecting up all the books that I can find in the different houses around the island. I'm putting together a library. If anyone has any books to contribute, it'd be much appreciated. All will be welcome to borrow books from the library.

If anyone is interested in helping me collect some bookshelves, I'd love that, too. I figure I'll put it together in the house where I'm staying. There's plenty of room downstairs, and the place already has two walls covered in shelves.



[No Subject]

Private to Susan Pevensie
I thought perhaps we should speak privately.

First things first, are you all right? I know seeing us all must be a shock for you.



Life May Now Resume

I'm back! Everyone can relax. I'm sure it was awful without me.

Eighteen-century Scotland was not all that. Did I miss anything?



[No Subject]

Now that I know how to use this device, Hello!

I'm Lucy.

This is certainly a new adventure.

If the contact list is to be believed, my family is here?



[No Subject]

Who: Caspian and Caroline
What: Random Encounter
When: Day 5
Where: Common Area
Warning: None
Status: Completed via Gdoc

Maybe she could start collecting all the books from all the houses and put them in one place. Huh. That was a pretty cool idea. )

Apr. 9th, 2023



[No Subject]

Well, this is just bloody wonderful.

Can someone kindly point me in the direction of whoever did this so I can kill them have a little chat with them about how rude it is to bloody kidnap someone?

Apr. 6th, 2023



[No Subject]

After a trip yesterday to check out the ship, and with help from some merfolk, Hope, Ben, and I returned with the following:
1 barrel of clean drinking water.
2 containers with a mix of blankets and food.

Apr. 4th, 2023



[No Subject]

Who: Steve and Sharon
When: Day 5 after this conversation
Where: by the Lighthouse
What: Old friends reconnecting
Rating/Warnings: TBD
Status: In progress, Closed

Sharon wanted to tell Steve this. At least some of it. )

Apr. 1st, 2023



[No Subject]

Who: Kyla Connor and Open
What: Exploring
When: Day Four
Where: Near the Church
Rating: low

Exploring )



[No Subject]

Who: Margo and Nick
What: coming upon one another bathing
Where: one of the salt water areas for bathing
When: Day Four, afternoon
Warnings: nudity, references to sex, eye stuff
Status: g-doc

So…you had sex and BAM! a werewolf )

Mar. 29th, 2023



What Has It Got In Its Pocketses?

I don't see any organized list of what assets we've got on this island yet. Guess I'll see about starting one. No questions about weapons. Keep your secrets. But what about:

Raw materials?
Stored food?
Usable housewares? Linens, blankets, pillows, mattresses. Cookware, drinking vessels, plates, flatware?
Other things to be categorized later?

I've found a roll of chicken wire in a building down by the dock.
Also boxes of screw, bolts, nuts, and nails. Rusted but still usable.
Also what used to be a stack of dried peat behind one ruined cottage. It's no good now, but it means there's probably a peat bog here somewhere. And that means fuel.

Mar. 27th, 2023



Day Four: Noonish: Claire Novak

You have got to be fucking kidding me? Please tell me this is a joke and not the universe giving me the middle finger. I've got a life... a mission... my head on straight for once. Has anyone heard of Chuck Shurley?

Mar. 26th, 2023



Day 4 :: Morning :: Hope Mikaelson

What’s the deal about not going in the water?

Mar. 21st, 2023



Alert Sent to All Communications Devices

The following were determined not to be well suited for this endeavor and have been returned to their lives.

Nora Darhk
Derek Hale
Leonard McCoy
Ray Palmer

Thank you for your continued participation.

[this message will be broadcast at noon on day three - there will be no contact number and any attempt to reply will bounce back as undeliverable]

Mar. 20th, 2023



[No Subject]

Who: Kady & Eliot
What: Exploring the Church
When: Back dating to Day Two
Where: The church...duh!
Warnings: Cussing, ghosts, fire
Status: Completed GDoc

I fell into a burning ring of fire )

Mar. 16th, 2023



day 2 | afternoon

I've combed through the posts that have been made so far and compiled a list of what people are working on/have discovered so far. Let me know what I'm missing.

cut for space )

I've got a PhD in Astrophysics and have a lot of improvisational skills with building equipment and tech on the fly. This probably won't be useful unless we find a power source somewhere.

I do have to say it's heartening to see how people have come together already. This could have very easily gone another way.

Mar. 15th, 2023



[No Subject]

Who: Kaz and Nina
What: Exploring the lighthouse. Oh boy.
When: Day 2 in the afternoon.
Where: The lighthouse.
Status: Closed; Incomplete
Rating: TBD

He despised the unknown. )