Posts Tagged: 'menoetius'

Apr. 5th, 2020



i'm sick of hearing about this virus. i'm sick of hearing about how people are still being stupid and going out in droves. where's the actual cleansing fire when you need it?

Mar. 6th, 2020



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Feb. 12th, 2020




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Feb. 3rd, 2020



I'm going to Baja, Mexico for my first real Valentine's Day. Any trip advice? Does anyone want souvenirs? I'm very excited and I'm leaving in almost a week. Also. I'm in the process of building my first home (well, paying someone to build it for me). Is there anything I need that I don't realize I need? Yes. We will have a house warming party.

Jan. 26th, 2020



There's just something about a good fight that gets me going. I had a match in Vegas tonight and oh man. That was just what I needed. Though, really what I need know is a stiff drink and a place to travel to. It's been a while since I was on vacation. Maybe someplace where I can raise a little hell.

Any advice?

Apr. 18th, 2019


