Posts Tagged: 'epione'

Apr. 14th, 2020




I want to publicly thank all the medical heroes that are working day in and day out to take care of our city - and our country. After having volunteered for a while at Lenox Hill, I have a whole new respect for people who are working in the medical field. Massage Therapy does not count at all. Though I suspect a lot of people are going to need a massage after this is all over. There is a lot of tension out there. Just remember to breathe as much as you can and that even if you are physically alone, we are going through this together. I have a bunch of resources for therapists that are taking online appointments and I can hook you up if you need it.

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Apr. 5th, 2020



I am fucking exhausted. It's home to hospital and back again, and I don't see an end in sight. I'm burning the candle at both ends, and it's all's a lot.

I need to sleep.

Mar. 14th, 2020



People are stressed out there. Take a few deep breaths. Things will be okay. I'm not closing my clinic any time soon, so I will help alleviate some of your sufferings. And if you do get COVID-19, you're going to need as much rest time as you can get. I do a little bit of meditation on the side, and we can do some virtual visits if you think that would help. Please, just take it easy and know that this will get worse before it gets better, but it will pass.

Apr. 18th, 2019


