Posts Tagged: '%21november'

Nov. 30th, 2019



Filtered: Hera, Zeus, Iris, Zephyros, Hebe, Chloris

Is this... we didn't do this, did we? We can move out sooner rather than later if us being here is a danger to your household.



Filtered to Titan Aligned

I've strengthened the magic around the compound, but I know not all of you live here. (And even if you do...) If you would like me to enact warding around your homes, I can do so tonight. Your families shouldn't notice much difference until they are particularly sensitive to magic. It's a subtle spell, but it will protect you, especially giving you time to get out, get your families out, or prepare to battle. Whichever your reaction may be.





So, uh... was Kronos listening to our conversation? Because while I would have been cool with your decision on how to handle my creations in their current form, you know the natural disasters to keep populations down... but this hurt. Kronos had no right attacking my creations for his own flexing to the awakening.

If you told me it was your plan, I think I would be handling this better.


Um, to help everyone's day...
I give you Baby vs Kid.



I wish you were here. I would like someone with your down-to-earth attitude around.




I supposed we will not be having that dinner.




So, is anyone else feeling like we're missing some key information?

And like we're getting blamed for something we probably couldn't have prevented anyway?

Just me? Coo, coo...

For those of you in a praying mood, I'd hope like Tartarus that Hades and Persephone are looking out for your loved ones.



I've been reading a lot of things lately that I feel like I shouldn't be reading and should have nothing to do with. I thought breaks were supposed to relax you.



Filtered to Titan-aligned

I've never understood why any god would celebrate a pointless holiday like Thanksgiving, but this year I find myself overflowing with gratitude for the wonderful things going on in the world. Humanity's carbon footprint just became 30,000 people better off, Olympians and their allies are likely losing their shit over it (doublecrossers - can you confirm this please?) and I've just started watching Barry. I don't know, maybe getting older makes you more sentimental.

Is anyone else in the same boat or is it just me?

Nov. 29th, 2019



Filtered to Ares, Any Love/War Children, Eris

I'd truly like it if you all could join us at my home tonight. The penthouse address is [here]. Bring anyone with you that you'd like close. I would feel safer having you near.



{Olympians + allies}

I generally like to refrain from saying we told you so. But in this case? We fucking told you so.

Prophecies aren't for shits and giggles. They're a warning of impending events so that something can be done. I would think that most of you wouldn't need to be reminded of this.

{Kings + Queens}
Alright. Take two of this. Do you squabbling kids think you could play nice for an afternoon and we can discuss what could be done if, us forbid, this happens again?



Olympians & Fates

This is what we saw coming. This is what we tried to warn about. I don't know what could have been done. But something. Don't ignore us again.



Heracles & Atlas

I have to strengthen the magic around the compound, but I don't want to be out alone tonight. Can one of you come with me?



family + makaria

um... UM.. WHAT THE FUCK?!



11/29 (before the news report)

I had a sculpting student point out to me that my birthday is in two days.
How do people remember these things about me? Also, while out shopping and randomly running into me.

[Family: added after]
Was it not enough to take away thousands of my creation, while we ate? He feels he needs to prod at everyone?

The mortals have done nothing to him but worship his sad ass.



First person who guesses who I am gets a free 🍏!

Come on! I'm bored. I need entertainment.



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{Posted Friday afternoon}

[When Charon gets the message from Hecate, it's very to the point. 'It is done.' A little thrill goes through him, and he decides right then to go and check out her work. It isn't that he doesn't trust her, but any excuse to go home is a good one. And it's a short trip, given that there's an entrance in the basement of Thanatos' home. Another reason moving in was a good choice.

It doesn't take him long to get to the newly made dock, and he can feel the magic the closer he gets. It's almost like it's reaching out, identifying him. Once it recognizes him, it lies quiet as he steps on the planks. It's well made and tightly woven magic, because of course it is. Hecate doesn't do sloppy work. He runs a hand over the prow of the boat, checking that the lantern swinging from the end hasn't rusted out. Everything seems fine. And he can rest easy that no one is going to be even stepping foot on his boat, let alone taking it anywhere. She was right, of course. Charon hadn't taken a vacation from his duties since the day he was born, it was high time he did so.

He cast a glance back at the banks of the river. It was empty now, but that could change in the blink of an eye. He shrugged mentally and sighed, scuffing at the ground with the toe of his shoe. No one had remembered him before, it was unlikely they'd miss him now. And even if they did, he'd be on a beach far away by the time they connected the dots.]

If anyone needs me, I'll be on a beach in Bermuda for the next week. Sun and sand and fruity drinks. Sounds like an excellent place to be in the winter.

Nov. 28th, 2019




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