Posts Tagged: 'iris'

Mar. 11th, 2020



Today's (eternal) craving is: rosewater and lavender ice cream. I have no idea where to get this. I will be googling for the rest of my life to find it. And then send my husband out for it. Perhaps I'll just... eat a rose?

Feb. 11th, 2020



so, iris and chloris are working on the same wedding right now. it doesn't always happen, but, they are. and, not to shame anyone, but this this the ugliest thing i have ever seen. the colors are highlighter pink and highlighter green and there are just so many swatches of those colors around our house right now that i feel like wherever i look, i see pink and green. and i hate this couple and i've never even met them. and if i ever do, i might stab them both with a pink and green highlighter.

what's the worst color combination you've ever seen in your life? does it beat highlighter pink and highlighter green?

Feb. 7th, 2020



[Immediately follows this]

{Iris had been burning the midnight oil, trying to finish some hanging threads for her two upcoming weddings. She was probably going to regret it later, but she was just about finished, and then she was going to sleep.

She'd been hip-deep in searching for string quartets, when she felt a sharp pain in her head, and the urge to giggle wildly built up in the back of her throat. It quickly flared, burning brightly behind her eyes, and then it was gone. She stood up, her wings flexing behind her on reflex, and ran outside in her pajamas, bare feet striking the cold cement.

The red light from next door was fading into nothing, and Iris pushed herself off from the ground, watching as Hera fell. She'd been about to rush to her aid, when a bolt of lightning hurled itself from the sky, turning everything around it into a charred ruin. The split in the air caused Iris to drift slightly, before she righted herself and returned to the ground.

She headed back inside, confident that Zeus would have things in hand for the moment. Still, that didn't stop her from sending some messages. After all, that was what she did.}

[Texts to Zeus & Hera]
Call me if you need anything. And I do mean anything.

Hera might need more looking after for the next few days.

Feb. 6th, 2020



Pregnancy is so weird. One minute you're sobbing over a commercial and the next minute you're demanding a peanut butter and fluff sandwich on white bread. Only white bread. And if it isn't the correct, specific white bread and brand of peanut butter, then you're crying again.

Jan. 18th, 2020




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Jan. 17th, 2020



getting ready one baby is crazy. getting ready for two is exponentially more so. not that i'm sad! i'm totally not. this is probably the best time of my life. but mannnn.... i'm so glad we have the new place. we're gonna need all that extra room.

Dec. 19th, 2019




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Dec. 18th, 2019



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Dec. 8th, 2019



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Nov. 30th, 2019



Filtered: Hera, Zeus, Iris, Zephyros, Hebe, Chloris

Is this... we didn't do this, did we? We can move out sooner rather than later if us being here is a danger to your household.

Nov. 26th, 2019



filtered to hebe, chloris, iris, zephyros (backdated to 11/15)

my mortal parents are hosting thanksgiving. of course, you are all invited and i would love for all of you to be there with us.

they know about hera and i, though. so, they may either assume or ask questions. it's your decision on whether or not you want them to know if you are one of us, or if you want them to just think you're a normal mortal.

Nov. 3rd, 2019




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Oct. 17th, 2019




Since when was being polytheistic an 'unpopular opinion'?

Why wouldn't people see the wisdom in having multiple gods and goddesses to pray to?

Honestly, only praying to one god to handle everything just seems... frustrating and a little pointless. First of all, how do you know that one person is going to be able to handle everything you're asking of them? Gods and Goddesses lead busy lives, so allowing them to divide and conquer seems more economical and logical. Relying on just one god, even if it is someone like say, Kronos, just seems like you're queuing up for potential disappointment. I mean, have you ever even thought about how much effort it might take to grant even one miracle, let alone thousands?

Anyway, give me polytheism any day. And don't try shaming me because I give thanks to Asclepius for my continued good health, or to Zeus for blessing me with such a nice day. Hera gets my thanks daily for helping to ensure that my boyfriend is loyal even though I can be a handful, and Hestia gets a big thank you whenever my attempts at cooking and being domestic don't blow up in my face. Aphrodite deserves a special place in my heart for teaching me that being passionate can be a virtue, and who could forget Eros for helping so many to experience the joys of love and sex? I even give thanks to Deimos and Phobos for helping me to understand that terror and fear can be both good and bad.

Simply put - there's a Greek God or Goddess for everything, so why should I or anyone else limit my praying to just one?

Oct. 16th, 2019



group text: iris x chloris

✉️ chloris and i were talking
✉️ matching costumes?
✉️ i'm guessing we're going to the masquerade
✉️ seeing that you're planning it and everything

Oct. 8th, 2019



People order the strangest things at the juice bar. I understand they want the properties of different things, but last week someone ordered and orange and peanut butter smoothie. And actually drank it. No, thank you. I'm sure it won't be the last strange and horrible concoction that I make, either.

Filtered to Zeus and Ares:

Hebe has seen both Kronos and Heracles and no one thought to inform me? Son, what good are your men if they do not report in when she sees such people? I do not want to trap my own daughter in her home, but the entire point of having her looked after is to have her looked after. To say I am disappointed in this situation is quite an understatement.

Oct. 6th, 2019



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Oct. 2nd, 2019



Filtered to Olympian Aligned

It is time to tell you that Iris has returned to us. When Iris speaks, she speaks my words. She will act as my right hand in all things. She brings with her Zephyros and Chloris and they are to be treated with the respect that my personal retinue deserves. If I hear of anything else, I will be cross. It is our great hope that more of the lost will return to our side as we rally our allies in the days to come. If you have a problem with this, take it directly to me.

Thank you,

Queen Hera

Sep. 27th, 2019



[Hera, viewable to Zeph, Chloris, & Zeus]

If your offer still stands. Then I would like to accept it.

Sep. 25th, 2019



[texts; iris & phobetor]

You have (3) unread messages )

Sep. 5th, 2019



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