Apr. 16th, 2020



This week, Caridad is #StayingHome

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Apr. 15th, 2020



What's something that's become #QuarantineRoutine for you? I've been religious about skincare, but like... if I didn't have to be on camera for work, I don't know that I'd share. I rarely do on the weekends. But the webcam shows EVERY flaw. And I realize this is a very privileged thing to talk about. So many people's routines are now taking care of the sick or grieving the lost, but I truly need a little amusement and happiness to my day.
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Apr. 14th, 2020




I want to publicly thank all the medical heroes that are working day in and day out to take care of our city - and our country. After having volunteered for a while at Lenox Hill, I have a whole new respect for people who are working in the medical field. Massage Therapy does not count at all. Though I suspect a lot of people are going to need a massage after this is all over. There is a lot of tension out there. Just remember to breathe as much as you can and that even if you are physically alone, we are going through this together. I have a bunch of resources for therapists that are taking online appointments and I can hook you up if you need it.

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Apr. 13th, 2020



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Apr. 12th, 2020



Easter is an interesting day to me. It's a mixture of many holidays combined into one. But I have to say, my favorite is the candy.

Apr. 11th, 2020



The beaches are empty. No souls for miles, barely even anyone walking their dogs. I understand why, of course I do, and I know the restrictions are for the greater good. But I will welcome the day when the families come back, embracing the waves and spending time together.



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Apr. 9th, 2020



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Apr. 8th, 2020



Filtered: Perses

Let's travel. With the world practically shut down, we can go anywhere we want and have it to ourselves. I need a break from the nightmares of the humanity in New York.

Apr. 7th, 2020



I appreciate that a lot of people are staying inside. The streets by the apartment building are a lot quieter than normal. However, I am climbing the walls as I behave and distance myself. I'm used to the wild, to animals, and not just this sweet cat. I can't wait to go back to the rest of my life.

Apr. 6th, 2020



Is anyone finding fun or interesting ways to spend the time? Or new things to do? I spend more time in m place in normal times but now I'm spending time thinking of ways to decorate my deck lol

The cats are judging me I know it.

Apr. 5th, 2020



i'm sick of hearing about this virus. i'm sick of hearing about how people are still being stupid and going out in droves. where's the actual cleansing fire when you need it?



Just because we are separate, doesn't mean we can't join together. If you're looking for someone to Facetime, text, Zoom, or even write some snail mail to, please let me know, I can still find your perfect match, even if I can't set up your perfect in-person date right now. You don't have to be lonely, even if you're alone.




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Olympians + Allies

Demeter and I are in the upstate and will be for the foreseeable future. Before we left, we did check on the gardens at the warehouse and everything is growing like it should be. If we are needed, please let either one of us know and we'll come back as soon as possible. It's time to plant for the summer crops and, well, with everything that's going on, my parents don't have the help they normally would.

I hope you are all staying safe.
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I'm bored. Nothing's open. Nothing's happening. Yes, I get it, massive pandemic, stay inside. But UGH.



how's everyone holding up? how's your wine fridge holding up? don't forget that you can pick up our wine, or even have it delivered (we're offering delivery free of charge and no annoying service fees! just the bottle and tax!). you shouldn't be without an amazing bottle of wine during times like these!



Today I stood in line outside of CVS for nearly an hour because I was in desperate need of toilet paper, milk, bread, and some OTC meds (allergies suck, alright?). Normally I'd be irritated but it made me feel good about going inside. They're only allowing 10 people in the store at a time and they really try to make sure that nobody's in the same aisle at the same time. It's amazing.

I hope everyone is staying safe!



I am fucking exhausted. It's home to hospital and back again, and I don't see an end in sight. I'm burning the candle at both ends, and it's all just...it's a lot.

I need to sleep.

Apr. 4th, 2020



It's amusing to me, the people that are refusing to social distance. It's your life. It's your loss. Humanity is just repeating history. I always was a fan of the Black Plague...