December 16th, 2019





[Text: Charon]

>> Dinner?




[Text: Pheme]
>> We bought you chocolate!
>> We weren't supposed to send that.
>> We're making steaks for dinner.

[Text: Hades and Persephone]
>> Typhon found us... and we don't know what to do.


A little girl visiting the farm asked if I was magical, then another child butt in and asked if I was Krampus. LOL.
Pesti and the gang were laughing at me.




For the life of me, I will never understand why people do things like leave poor, innocent, adorable puppers on the side of the road. Maybe it was a good thing that I had a final today, since I was able to make a new little friend.

Meet C4 )

That is C4, he's my early birthday pressie to myself. Here's hoping the kitties don't get jealous.

Oh, and speaking of animals...

Pretty sure I need this cat. )

Um, does this mean there's kitty doppelgangers for all the Olympians? If so, gimme!

12/16 Insta

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This week, Caridad is Vlogging and Blogging about Earth and Sky.

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