November 13th, 2019






[texts, hades & persephone]

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TEXTS - Zeus & Demeter

It's Hades.
I'm sorry you're a dick and I made you cry.
Seriously, are you 12?
I'm sorry.

You were right.
The past can't be changed.




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Filtered: Children of Nyx and Erebus

My children, who is here? Erebus has found me and now I want to find you.



[It's a typical day for Clotho. She's behind the shop counter, assisting the occasional customer and playing on her phone. It's almost too normal. That is, until her vision starts to go blurry. She'd chalk it up to stress, if it weren't for the fact that her knees are about to give out. That's never a good sign.

She screams for her sisters, and Lachesis is down the stairs barely after the sound has faded. She manages to catch Clotho before she falls, just in time for her eyes to go unfocused and far away. Ladies and gentlemen, the Maiden has left the building. Atropos and Lachesis trade worried looks, because they know whatever's about to come out of Clotho's mouth isn't going to be good.

'The ties that bind are breaking.' The voice that comes out of her mouth is still Clotho's, though weighted with the authority of her age and position. 'Ever on and on, brother against brother, and sharp tongues will be the match to set the Mountain burning. The ashes will give forth nothing, and the wave of gold will sweep the land.'

Having said this, her eyes roll back into her head and the lids fall closed, and Lachesis looks up at her sister, dread all over her face. All of them can count on one hand the times they've given prophecy, and it was never a good sign when they did. They needed to tell Zeus. Immeditately.]

[Zeus & Hera]
We have a problem.



Filtered to Hera, Persephone, Amphitrite, Poseidon, Hades, and The Fates

Things have to change. There is so much in fighting and we need to stop it. So, I'm proposing a meeting between all of us, and the Fates.

They had a prophecy tonight and if we continue on the direction we currently are? Well, let's just say that Kronos will win. Again. And I'm pretty sure that none of us want that.

The meeting will be held this Saturday at our warehouse at Noon.