June 27th, 2019






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We miss our best friend.
We're sorry we're no longer dog enough for you.

Maybe we could go on a walk through a cemetary soon?

We're not sure if you use the internet, but we wanted to say that we would like to cuddle with you- if you remember us now.
We live with Melinoe now, and Pheme.

Is Hades happier with the other dog?



More of our children have arrived.

Olympians and Allies
I have found that I am in need of a bigger place than the apartment I have had for the last few years. I have the money, I just hate trying to find real estate to look at.
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But is he though?

Did you guys know that Kronos has a baby eating cult in the Southern United States? Five thousand babies have been consumed since 2001.

At least that's what my friend says.

Tune into his podcast every Friday for more interesting but true facts.