August 2020



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08:56 pm: [info]reposeverse [Plot end: Egg hunt]
11:39 pm: [info]strikethose [locks to daniel w, jack p, cris m, sam a, lin a] - 64 comments
03:29 am: [info]tinieblas Jason W - 17 comments
03:32 am: [info]atrophy Cat C, Sasha J, Michael C - 160 comments
10:20 am: [info]thefixer group +aubrey + oliver + gwen - 207 comments
10:35 am: [info]erased News: Repose
01:03 pm: [info]erased [public] - 48 comments
01:04 pm: [info]spacecowboys Eddie N, Leena B, Bruce W, Dick G - 144 comments
02:12 pm: [info]perspective (no subject) - 14 comments
07:03 pm: [info]beyondsense [Sam A, Manning T] - 39 comments
10:10 pm: [info]whitherwander log: michael and janis - diner - 11 comments
10:29 pm: [info]propatria [locks to cat c, destiny s, wren h] - 110 comments
01:06 am: [info]wants [News: Repose Sheriff's Office]
01:18 am: [info]heir Bruce W, Babara B, Cat C, Jason W, Richard G, Leena B, Atticus M - 246 comments
02:36 am: [info]lionessrises Bruce W., Claire J., Atticus M. - 46 comments
01:37 pm: [info]ripe michael c, sunshine f, connie g, wren h, billy k, daniel w - 58 comments
03:11 pm: [info]signpost Rory B - 17 comments
03:15 pm: [info]ephemeras Connie G & Emily G, Billy K, Cris M - 163 comments
04:39 pm: [info]carry Bruce W; Angie L; Anthony E; Eddie N; Cat C - 70 comments
06:41 pm: [info]filmflickers jason w. - 7 comments
07:04 pm: [info]perspective [Cris M, Sam A] - 16 comments
03:57 am: [info]waterandwine jas/scooby kids/carver - 42 comments
04:09 am: [info]tinieblas [Narrative]
07:39 am: [info]wants Lou D, Daniel W, Connie G, Jason W, Hunter R, Gwen R, Oliver K, Billy K, Melody B, Iris M, Wren H+ - 342 comments
10:07 am: [info]shadowbabs jason/gwen/babs - 72 comments
04:42 pm: [info]bene_placito [Claire, Sam, Louis, Jude.] - 159 comments
07:01 pm: [info]afrit Iris M, Lou D, Jack P, Manning T - 68 comments
07:47 pm: [info]contiguity Sunshine F, Wren H, Lin A - 69 comments
08:40 pm: [info]strikethose [locked to manning t] - 10 comments
12:04 am: [info]kayo [to the capital: dahlia & cris] - 3 comments
12:22 am: [info]ex_gravedigg366 [Cris, Damian, The Trailer Park Residents] - 41 comments
02:54 am: [info]tinieblas Hunter R, Oliver K, Peter C - 72 comments
08:22 pm: [info]ephemeras Carriage House: Atticus & Billy - 26 comments
03:09 am: [info]carnivalking log: eddie/muerte at the carnival - 33 comments
01:35 pm: [info]wishesgranted Public - 12 comments
03:06 pm: [info]makebeliever [news]
07:36 pm: [info]carry Theater: Cat & Sasha - 23 comments
09:13 pm: [info]whitherwander [locked to scoobys - carver] - 14 comments
10:30 pm: [info]tinieblas (Good) Diner: Gwen and Jason - 17 comments
02:34 pm: [info]makebeliever [Public/B&B] - 25 comments
08:00 pm: [info]rasatabula News
12:28 pm: [info]wants [News: Repose Sheriff's Office]
04:57 pm: [info]onerule jason w., babs b., eddie n., richard g. - 14 comments
09:48 pm: [info]onerule bruce & damian: wanright manor. - 3 comments
05:22 pm: [info]likeaspider sunshine f., jason w. - 15 comments
10:45 pm: [info]strikethose [locked to cris m] - 26 comments
11:11 pm: [info]spacecowboys Michael C, Melody B, Jas F, Reece E, Eddie N, Jason W, Jack P - 275 comments
12:22 am: [info]pesadilla public - 257 comments
11:49 pm: [info]badtime public/dahl - 168 comments
01:42 am: [info]wants [News: Repose Sheriff's Office]
09:36 pm: [info]volatile Public, Claire - 95 comments
02:13 pm: [info]afrit Iris M - 21 comments
10:35 pm: [info]heir Hunter R, Gwen R - 109 comments
11:04 pm: [info]beyondsense [Manning T, Cris M] - 25 comments
01:21 am: [info]wants Sam A - 31 comments
02:09 pm: [info]ex_gravedigg366 [Public, locked from Damian W.] - 124 comments
03:47 pm: [info]spacecowboys Delivery: Jack P - 94 comments
05:09 pm: [info]wants Police Station, Log: Iris M & Deputy - 30 comments
09:35 pm: [info]upintheclouds [Public] - 104 comments
10:22 pm: [info]agentacrobat [Locked - Cat C] - 23 comments
10:34 pm: [info]maldito public - 315 comments
02:02 pm: [info]soundofwings [Atticus M, Cat C] - 51 comments
05:19 pm: [info]spacecowboys Dickie G, Jude C, Matt D - 10 comments
08:37 pm: [info]volatile News
12:12 am: [info]shadowbabs gwen/jack/public - 122 comments
09:08 am: [info]verbumdomini Locked to Carver A - 29 comments
07:03 pm: [info]signpost [News: Hookerville]
07:17 pm: [info]loud public - 61 comments
07:32 pm: [info]signpost Louis D, Eddie N - 44 comments
12:53 pm: [info]wants Hunter R, Jason W, Call: Wren H - 63 comments
01:34 pm: [info]hereshecomes (no subject) - 47 comments
02:33 pm: [info]perspective News: Repose
02:42 pm: [info]perspective public. - 182 comments
02:54 pm: [info]upintheclouds [Locked - Wren] - 16 comments
07:52 pm: [info]perspective Eddie N - 8 comments
10:50 pm: [info]wants Log, Central & Main: Sam A & Cris M - 16 comments
03:24 am: [info]waterandwine log: claire and carver at the church - 11 comments
01:10 pm: [info]perspective News: The Carnival - 1 comment
02:47 pm: [info]perspective Motel: Steve & Meredith - 3 comments
03:53 pm: [info]depths Scooby Gang - 27 comments
11:28 pm: [info]ephemeras Bus station: Atticus & Janus - 30 comments
03:27 am: [info]cyclical [Public] - 14 comments
04:43 am: [info]othala Louis D - 15 comments
05:09 am: [info]head Damian W - 13 comments
02:28 pm: [info]ephemeras Bar: Atticus, Casper, Carver, Michael, Will - 17 comments
08:37 pm: [info]spacecowboys Dick G - 12 comments
10:15 pm: [info]strikethose [locked to daniel w] - 51 comments
12:08 am: [info]bene_placito [Public.] - 126 comments
01:33 am: [info]wants Lou D, Manning T - 49 comments
12:21 pm: [info]wheels Public - 146 comments
02:50 pm: [info]afrit [Narrative]
08:54 pm: [info]beyondsense Crust & Crumb (ish) - Iris / Manning - 12 comments
01:07 am: [info]heir Wainright Manor: Hunter R & Damian W - 12 comments
12:27 pm: [info]bene_placito Sam A.
08:53 pm: [info]rasatabula Public, Cat C, Louis D - 71 comments
09:34 pm: [info]carnivalking sasha/cat/public - 73 comments
01:06 am: [info]tinieblas Jason W - 45 comments
11:46 am: [info]carry Leena B; Jude C; Matt D; Reece E; Daniel W - 212 comments
05:37 pm: [info]afrit News, Daniel W, Oliver K - 120 comments
07:24 pm: [info]wants Lou D, Atticus M, Destiny S - 137 comments
07:55 pm: [info]propatria [log: the cat - steve/matt]
09:49 pm: [info]badtime cris/atticus/connie - 87 comments
06:17 pm: [info]strikethose [news: capital]
09:24 pm: [info]waterandwine temp/carver - 17 comments
10:32 pm: [info]wheels Open: the (Good) diner - 25 comments
11:48 pm: [info]pesadilla [News: Repose]
11:53 pm: [info]atrophy ["News": Repose]
12:13 am: [info]tinieblas Jason W, Peter C, Babs B - 44 comments
01:52 am: [info]makebeliever Cris M - 7 comments
04:37 am: [info]carnivalking eddie/mel - 28 comments
03:10 pm: [info]steadfastness quicklog ; steph/cat -- mean-eyed cat. - 9 comments
01:03 pm: [info]carry Michael C - 16 comments
03:44 pm: [info]hereshecomes Public - 141 comments
06:36 pm: [info]spacecowboys Eddie N & Bruce W - 12 comments
08:07 pm: [info]carnivalking steph/eddie - 29 comments
10:02 pm: [info]nobounds [news: league lab, area 52]
10:10 pm: [info]nobounds [locked to cris m] - 30 comments
10:30 pm: [info]bene_placito [News: Music Store]
11:12 pm: [info]spacecowboys Jason W - 32 comments
11:49 pm: [info]wants [News: Repose Sheriff's Office]
02:39 am: [info]pesadilla Gwen R, Jason W, Cat C, Peter C - 45 comments
06:25 pm: [info]kayo [Jeze C, Seven M, Wren H, Hookerville] - 54 comments
11:42 pm: [info]strikethose [locked to daniel w] - 49 comments