August 2020



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April 29th, 2016

[info]carry in [info]repose

Michael C

[Michael C]

[After this.]

So I'm going to need you to show up Saturday at 7:30am. Tyler is going back up to the Capital to check on his toe, and I've got no one else available to help with the cereal extravaganza. I hate to get you up that early, but I'll double your pay that morning and you can pick out some cartoons to show. Sound good?

[info]hereshecomes in [info]repose


It's four on a Friday. So. I'm about to have an impromptu dance party at the fill up station. Drop what you're doing and join me. Let's go crazy.

[Sure enough, a minute or two after this post - anyone within earshot of the fill up station's outdoor speakers gets a treat.]

[info]spacecowboys in [info]repose

Eddie N & Bruce W

[Locked to Eddie N & Bruce W]
[After this.]

Surprise, surprise. We? Have a problem.

[info]carnivalking in [info]repose


[Private to Stephanie M.]

So, did you actually get kidnapped or is this like that time we staged an elaborate ruse to get you out of writing an essay on Japanese history in college?

[Cris M.]

I've got news on your missing deputy.

[info]nobounds in [info]repose

[news: league lab, area 52]

[After this.]

[Thursday night, the Hood comes in late, end of the day, and visits the lab. He asks to speak with the head scientist conducting tests on the specimen Gwen Reilly, and pulls him into a side room to discuss a security matter.

The scientist is seen the following morning with a flattened nose accented charmingly by a pair of black eyes. He also fractured his wrist somewhere, and it's blossomed black and purple.

Word travels fast - apparently 'intensive testing' is off limits with Gwen Reilly so far as the head of security is concerned. His reasons? Suspicion in the community if the diner waitress shows up too often with bruises, and her value as a subject. And 'Reproductive Testing' is to be stricken from the schedule.]

[info]nobounds in [info]repose

[locked to cris m]

[After this.]

Hey, I'm sorry to ask at a time like this, but I need a favor. Someone I know is missing, and a friend asked me to ask you for traffic cam footage, if you can get it. They're not sure if she left on her own or not.

[info]bene_placito in [info]repose

[News: Music Store]

[Media presence in town is somewhat dimmed when an overzealous reporter finds his way into the closed music shop looking for a bathroom. Said trespasser is thrown out bodily minutes later after the occupant picks him up by the throat and decides, at the last minute, not to do much worse. As Daniel is healing from some nasty burns, said reporter has a fun story for his colleagues, though no permanent injury.]

[info]spacecowboys in [info]repose

Jason W

[Locked to Jason W]
[During this.]

Jaybird? Help a kitty cat out.

[info]wants in [info]repose

[News: Repose Sheriff's Office]

[As of Friday, Sheriff Martin is placed on administrative leave, due to conflicts of interest with Samantha Alexander's trial. A man from the Capital steps in as acting sheriff. Any and all questions and concerns are to be aimed his way, or to anyone else in the office.]