September 30th, 2014

[info]esq in [info]noircityooc


Hey, hey, hey! This is Rae ([info]speedforce) and I have two tall and morally ambiguous characters to bring to the table:

VALERIA “VAL” GARDNER ([info]overrules), 45, has been Two Belles’ dance matron for around ten years now. She’s originally from Chicago, but moved to New York in her youth to be a moderately successful showgirl, then Los Angeles to be a not-so-successful film actress. She arrived in Personville after a series of setbacks and has been involved with the dance hall ever since—she was briefly a taxi dancer herself! To the general public, she’s a poised and gracious hostess; she’s a lot more relaxed around friends and family. Either way, she has a low tolerance for bullshit and will not hesitate to tell you off if you mess with her or one of her dancers. Her younger brother Marcos ([info]cantaloop) also works for Two Belles in various ways, and she’s been involved with Jack Morello for seven years. Her full profile is here!
PLOT IDEAS ➜ Two Belles characters, come at me. She isn’t officially involved in the backroom, but she definitely has a reason to interact with people in the organization! Regulars customers, irregular customers, jazz and musical theater fans — Val still performs every now and then, for one, but she also regularly attends shows at the Imperial Theater, that kind of thing. Maybe a few Daily Herald folks who’ve tried to get a scoop on Jack via Val? (I’m looking at you, Teddy.) I don’t know, I’m pretty much down for whatever! :]
ROGER FITZGERALD ([info]esq), 35, is another one of Personville’s criminal prosecutors! He hails from a poor Irish Catholic family from Appalachian Virginia, and is both proud and resentful of the fact that he clawed his way up from nothing. He went to law school in Boston, which is where he met everyone’s favorite skittish lesbian, Irene ([info]pinkcollar). They have lived in Personville—Fairview, specifically—for five years now. Roger is definitely the more confident and outgoing half of the Fitzgerald marriage, and while he may not immediately appear to be a slick fast-talker, what with the slow Southern drawl and the easy smile, he is a lawyer. Buyer beware. When he is not working hard for the money at City Hall, or contemplating taking bribes because city attorneys do not get paid, he can usually be found drinking with other lawyers and city hall employees. Or, you know, chatting up handsome men at The Velvet Club, because what is discretion? His full profile is here!
PLOT IDEAS ➜ Lawyers, politicians, police officers, all city hall types are welcome here. The wealthy and affluent — Roger both loves, hates, and envies the rich, which should be interesting and fun? Married couples! Please go on adorable double dates with the Fitzgeralds. Maybe a past fling? Again, I’m open to anything!
Feel free to add me on the CDJs or shoot me an e-mail whenever! In fact, e-mail is probably the best way to contact me, since I’m prone to wandering away from my desk during the day and I’m rarely on messengers during the evening. I’ve hit up about half the intro posts so far, but I know there’s still a bunch I need to get to — hopefully I’ll be able to tackle those today. I’m really looking forward to writing with you all!

[info]noirmods in [info]noircityooc


[info]bunkum in [info]noircityooc

HEY HEY HEY. Joining the intro party now that I am caught up on commenting on other people's intros (apologies if you received any weird typos) and catching up on apps, though I will try to keep this brief!

Tiff!mod here with just this one lady:

Detective Thelma Marczak: 30 / Personville native / Bunco Division / City Hall / Neutral Good

  • Lives at Riverside Apartments, and has resided there for the past 4 years.

  • Very ambitious, but also very hard-working and kind; tends to root for the underdog. On the flipside, she's got a bit of a short temper, and tends to bend the law to suit her own best judgment (she's not really crooked, per se [ie. she would not take bribes], but she would be harsher on someone harming women and children, or more lenient on someone who was obviously struggling in their life).

  • Her father is a cop (Homicide division), her mother is a housewife/Avon lady, and her older brother was killed in WWII.

  • She was a cop in Vice until an incident with a suspect several years ago during which a struggle ensued and the suspect was killed; after taking a leave of absence, she returned to work, transferring to Bunco and eventually being promoted to Detective thereafter.

PLOTS, PLOTS, PLOTS: I'm up for any and everything, including but not limited to: old friends (people she grew up with/went to high school with), new friends (co-workers, or from elsewhere), enemies, people she's busted/investigated, ex-girlfriends, people she's tried to save, neighbours, ANYTHING ELSE YOU CAN THINK OF.

ANYWAY, I'm so delighted to have you all in-game and can't wait to play with each and every one of you! ♥ I can be reached on AIM (enoughbadpuns), or e-mail (evensplit[at]gmail[dot]come), or please feel free to add me at my CDJ, [info]tiff. Thank you all for being here, and thanks, Nell and Julie, for having me here as well!