November 15th, 2014

[info]noirmods in [info]noircityooc

Sorry we've all been a little absent as mods the last two weeks. As you might have seen, Tiff has left us due to some scheduling conflicts (she's in design school, and kicking butt at it!), so we have been a little short-staffed around here. We're excited to say that we've wrangled Connie and Kati to serve as demi-mods! Please don't give them too much grief, as they've been kind enough to lend a hand and we don't want to overburden them. ;) They're here to help us handle apps, keep things updated, and help run plots. Some other players have also approached us with plots they'd like to run (hooray!) so you should be seeing these sometime before the month is out too, and your own ideas are always welcome!

Because of this slight stumble, at the end of November we're going to do a much easier version of activity check - it will most likely be to point at just one interaction per character you want to keep around. Also, later on this evening/tomorrow morning there should be a smallish plot calendar for OOC arrangement of the rest of November.

In the mean time it's MEME TIME )