Oct. 19th, 2014


OKAY SO. I'm officially back! (Who? Who is officially back? I'm sure you're all asking, since I disappeared right after the game started. This is Chelsea. :< )I helped the aforementioned (as in mentioned 2 weeks ago) friend complete their move this week, so now I get to return to my regularly scheduled life, yaaaay!

This means I'm doing three things right now:

1) Begging your forgiveness for being the lamest loser to ever grace this OOC community.

2) Going back and catching up on things, including the OOC comm, so do not be alarmed when I start bugging you all there.

3) Hoping and pleading for threads/logs for my boys, Nikolai and Mallory.

My goal is to get all caught up by the end of the day today, so I can start participating like a good community member. Thank you all for your patience and sorry for clogging up the OOC comm~ <3

Oct. 5th, 2014


Hey everyone, Chelsea here, after disappearing for about a week. I'm still SO EXCITED for this game, so I wanted to let you all know that I am here(ish) and will reply to any comments/intros I've missed. This week was just filled to the brim with all sorts of emergencies, one of which has me spending my spare time essentially acting as a caretaker for a friend who's recovering from a hospital stay. As soon as I catch a break, I'm going to be chasing all of you up for threads and interaction and general RP fun, promise.

Hopefully this is a okay/worthwhile use of the OOC comm. And sorry for the delay! Life has a way of trampling my leisure activities, blegh.

<3 Chelsea (aka Nikolai & Mal)

Sep. 27th, 2014


Sooo... It's Chelsea again with my second character. Yeaaaah, I probably should've waited to introduce Nikolai, since I knew I had this one pending, but I was too excited to contain myself.

This little muffin is Mallory Cunningham. The Cunninghams are a longstanding Personville family: politically affluent and well-off. Mal here... not so much. He's traveled in those circles for most of his life, but hasn't gotten the opportunity to make much of himself, thanks to his parents' worrying and coddling. His parents worry so much because Mal's suffered from a horribly weak constitution his entire life, as injury and illness prone as you could possibly imagine. His childhood dreams were to become either a detective, investigative journalist, or fireman, but they never panned out and now he's working as the city's emergency dispatcher. Also, he moved out of the family home years ago, but still struggling to escape their watchful eyes. He's hopelessly curious and enthusiastic, not to mention resilient, but really very sheltered and not in great condition, physically.

OKAY. PLOTS. He's friendly and nosy, so pretty much if he's seen you or been in line behind you at the store, he's talked with you, promise. His co-workers at City Hall have to put up with his enthusiasm on a daily basis and if you're a reporter chances are you've met him for one reason or another. He was known for hanging around the Daily Herald in his youth. He doesn't drink much, but he's been known to pop in at Two Belles occasionally, mainly when he was younger, because his parents didn't approve. And he's fascinated by the detective agency, so. Finally, having been raised here, he knows plenty of people. Friends, acquaintances, bullies from his youth, enemies(? he doesn't think he has any, but you never know), etc etc?

You can find me at Mal's dropbox, whimsicalnaivety on AIM, withpoise@gmail.com, and [info]maltaromeniel if you want to chat! Meanwhile, I'll finish hitting up everyone's intros~ <3

PS: If anyone's looking for a second character... I am DYING to see his older brother in game. They live together and Mal considers him his best friend in the world. You know you want a sickly little brother who loves and adores you~