Oct. 9th, 2014


Here's looking at you, Noir City.

Ryan here, with my second character already! This is Duke Meosita, Bandleader at Two Belles and your favourite acidic, philandering drunk. Duke was born in Seoul and raised in Shanghai, experiencing moderate success as a musical icon in Asia before getting his golden ticket to Hollywood. He had a flash-in-the-pan bout of success as a Sinatra-esque crooner in Tinseltown and got a couple talkies under his belt, known popularly as the 'Duke of Seoul'. It wasn't long before his ego (and his vices) caused him to crash and burn, with no agent willing to take him or studio willing to hire him.

Left drunk, broke and bitter, he drifted from seedy lounge to seedy lounge till he wound up in Personville, where he decided to lay low during the Korean War. He took up a position as the Bandleader at Two Belles, cashing in on whatever leftover celebrity he still possessed. He can be found most nights dressed to the nines and leading the band with charm and aplomb, then getting bombed at the bar. He wears the jaunty attitude of a lounge musician well, but on the inside he's broken and angry and generally makes a sport of squashing other people's happiness wherever he finds it.

Duke isn't directly tied into the 'back room dealings' of the Belles, but he does what he needs to to keep himself in drugs. He's known in some circles as an easy source of information, which he'll trade indiscriminately for the right price. He's everyone's informant, and will run info back and forth between the Herald, the PEDA, and the Belles with reckless abandon. He's also still enough of a faded 'name' to score the occasional invite to society events, partially because he cleans up nice and sleeps with anything that moves.

Soooo plot? Friends? Enemies? Frenemies? He's not a nice person, but this isn't a town for nice people...

Oct. 2nd, 2014


Hello friends! Ryan here, introducing my first character: one Mister Eli Liebowitz.

Eli might have some ~familiar~ elements to some of you, but to others: he's the son of a Jewish couple who run a newsstand in Castor Flats, who more or less idolizes the Fourth Estate. He's been trying to get a foothold at the Herald for most of his young life, and any regulars in that office would know him for his perpetual pesky under-footedness. He's recently landed a newsie gig, which he does with enthusiasm (but remains everpresent in the bullpen).

Eli's high strung, righteous, and stubborn, with plenty of naive notions of how the news media should shed light into the dark corners of Personville. He's not overly naive and knows the city is corrupt, and for the most part keeps his high-handed opinions to himself - but he's not happy about things. He uses his present in the Herald to sniff around for the stories getting squashed, and has recently taken to printing an anonymous leaflet (titled 'The Phantom') using discarded materials sourced from the alley behind the Herald to publicize them. At present he barely gets a handful of poorly printed copies out every couple month and is read by absolutely no one, but he's got high hopes for his personal crusade!

Looking to establish his relationships at the Herald, as well as anyone else who might suffer from his would-be cub reporter attitude, sniffing around for leads to build his career. Also looking for a roommate to deal with his insomniac habits at Stoneway Flats! Hit me with your plotz, Personville. Don't be gentle.