September 29th, 2014

[info]underhanded in [info]noircityooc

+1 mod

So sorry for the delay in intros! We've been buried a bit under reading apps, but I'm finally emerging now, blinking, stepping into the sun. Hi everyone! We are so touched and stunned by your enthusiasm for our kooky little noirpunk idea, man. I'm beyond thrilled to meet all these new players and write with y'all, if my flaily comments have not made that clear. ♥ Anyway, I'm Julie ([info]fjords; feel free to add me if you haven't already), and almost caught up on intros, just have a couple more to hit up. I'll just reiterate the same thing I've been leaving in comments -- here are my first two characters:

JACK MORELLO ([info]underhanded), 45, underboss/owner of Two Belles and a local construction company. Presents a warm & mellow facade to the public and is known for being a bit of a teetotaller vice-wise, but underneath that he's cunning, calculating, and stern. He got a stick up his ass after inheriting the underboss reins, but noticeably thaws out around family and he's a surprisingly 'friendly' and avuncular face within the org. Until you get on his bad side. Grew up in Personville, lives at Riverside but stays the night in Castor Flats often. Has a 20-something daughter (mess with her & d i e ), two younger brothers (one in play, sup Sal), and has been seeing Valeria Gardner for the past 7 years. Full profile here.
→ Two Belles, ker-duh, whether you're in the backroom or frontroom.
→ People who have used his construction company, maybe?
→ Hello, corrupt people. If your corruption is a secret, pls email me and we can confab. :]
→ I actually envision him being pretty much everywhere and running into people randomly because Poisonville is his central nervous system and lifeblood, so really, I'm down for anything.

TOMMY UEDA ([info]dirtywork), 30, Vice detective, divorcee, and young WWII vet. Seesaws between lazy, talkative island boy from Hawaii and bitter work-obsessed automaton. Despite his colloquial behaviour, he works hard and can generally be found slouching around the seedier parts of town (yep, including Two Belles), plus amateur boxing, fishing, or running by the piers. Has been here about 7 years, lives at Northam Bachelors since his divorce. Full profile here.
→ Suspects/potential criminals who have run afoul of prostitution, gambling, narcotics, guns/alcohol smuggling, bookmaking, and pornography.
→ People who know his partner, Moody!
→ People who might know his ex-wife over at the Herald.
→ Others who frequent seedy locales.
→ Northam Bachelor lads.
→ Anyone else wanna box over at the Beauvais place? 8D
→ Maybeeee a couple inconsequential flings since his divorce four years ago.

Or your ideas here. COME AT ME.

(And on the official front, stay tuned for another mod post on Monday!)

[info]ontherocks in [info]noircityooc

Hello Noir! I'm Dea [info]mortalwombat and I currently have one character to throw at you:

Cora Winters, 28, bartender and solider at the Two Belles. Moved from Georgia about six years ago after her husband died in a tragic drowning accident. Details are vague, but you shouldn't ask a lady about something horrible like that. She makes a big show of being a southern belle despite coming from practically nothing. She is an incredibly hard worker who doesn't complain no matter how dirty the task. She's an outgoing and friendly personality with a great ear for listening to her patron's problems. Cora can keep any secret, but knows when to use them to her boss' advantage. As sweet as she is, she also has stubborn violent side should you cross her. Currently lives in Parkview Apartments in Castor flats.

Possible Connections:
-People from Parkview Apartments!
-Customers at the Two Belles! She's always working and she always has her smile on.
-Other employees from the Two Belles (both legal and illegal)
-Basically anything and everything is wanted.

I'm terrible at intros, but I can't wait to get started! If she can fill any plot for you please let me know!

[info]leavethegun in [info]noircityooc

Probably not, which is why I am writing an introduction.

Hello, my Noir-ish friends! I'm Loren, 24, living in DC (EST), found at [info]helloworld. I have one character right now: this guy, Salvatore Morello. Call him Sal. His older brother was just introduced, and if you know one Morello, you're likely to know the other.

Sal is completely devoted to his family, but he's a bit of a loose cannon and not particularly reliable. He's not a planner and lives in the heat of the moment. While affable and friendly, he can also be aggressively in-your-face and even imposing, particularly since he's a big guy with a mean right hook. This is based off of my second cousin, who met my first cousin's boyfriend, and within five minutes of "getting to know you" chit chat, had backed the poor kid into a wall. Technically, Sal works as a project manager for the family construction company, but, in practice, that mostly means he knows how to mix shoe-grade cement, if you know what I'm sayin'. He's also Jack's daughter's godfather, and as such is extra protective of her and totally spoils her. More at his application!

PLOT IDEAS! He spends most of his time hanging around Two Belles, so the staff and regulars would know him. He's always up for a good time and freer than his brother in indulging in booze and cigars. He has probably also gotten into a few bar fights. Backroom folks would know him as a captain in the organization. Anyone who might avail him of his legitimate, day-job construction and renovation services, he would be happy to take your business. Catholics would see him at Mass almost every Sunday, and he confesses regularly. I'm really down for anything. Come at me!

[info]glanced in [info]noircityooc

God there are so many intros. Have another? I'm Sarah, I'm boring, I'm CST and rocking out in Omaha of all places working in an art museum, there are a whole bunch of you who I do not know and I am DELIGHTED to make your acquaintance, and I can be reached easily via email at followtheredbrickroad at gmail or via cdj (~jennavette)/aim (jennavette)/gchat/carrier pigeon/whatever.

I've got two characters: Marla Smith (this journal), whose major connection is working part time as an Agent for the Private Eyes Detective Agency which never fails to get that Hall and Oates song stuck in my head. She's been in Personville since she was seven and has no other legitimate employment, yet seems to often have more money than a part time job would suggest. How curious. She definitely enjoys a good time and seeks evenings of fun and booze fairly frequently.

Connections: PEDA obviously, long-term Personville residents, people in Parkview apartments, BASICALLY ANYONE???

Second, I've got Barnaby Templeton ([info]deathrecords), your coroner, ladies and gentlemen. He's self-serving, ambitious, sarcastic, introverted, and wants to be far more clever than he actually is. Has anyone you know died in the last few years? Because this guy's the one who'd deal with that and likely investigated cause of death. He was also elected, so that might make him familiar to your character. But additionally, he'd know others in the police department/city hall, as well as residents of Riverside Apartments and basically anyone else you can throw at me.

He also has a medical background, for what it's worth.

I basically am a fan of all the plots with all the people, even of the 'let's throw them together in a coffee shop and see what happens' variety, and I'm really excited to overload myself on logging goodness because I haven't had enough of that in my recent RP life.

[info]noirmods in [info]noircityooc


[info]benvenclova in [info]noircityooc

Hello hello all. It's Jillian here, of [info]acejillian acclaim, star of many stages and screens. Best way to get into contact with me remains alinneaelindor at for your plot needs an I continue to be fairly available on the regular after 7pm PST, once my girls have gone to bed.

But onto the reason that you'd even want to contact me. This is Benediktas Venclova, more commonly introduced as Benas and more likely called Ben -- he'll answer to all of it. He has been a photographer for the Daily Herald, freelance since his hire in 1950 and in the last year brought on as staff. Reporters like him because he's literally available 24-7 and he's got an instinctual mistrust of government. He's come over from Lithuania by way of Switzerland after the war, but he's loving the American life - he spends most of his evenings listening to Jazz and drinking the night away at the Two Belles, and the other ones at his typewriter or at his books, getting a firmer command of the written English language.

At any rate, you've probably run into him if:
* You're Jewish - Benas is at synagogue on Friday nights and Saturday mornings like clockwork, even if he's not especially kosher (because cheeseburgers).
* You like Jazz - Benas certainly does, at Two Belles and on street corners, really. Don't ask him if he knows any names, he can never remember that sort of thing.
* You work at the Daily Herald - obviously, so does Benas
* You have occasion to know his roommate and co-hort Lukasz -- the two of them are thick as thieves.

I'm excited to try out this new genre and look forward to interacting with you all!

[info]bluenose in [info]noircityooc

Woweeee, I was super on top of intros, then y'all just opened the floodgates the moment I looked away, didn't you? Well, I fully intend to go back and finish reading/commenting in the next few days, but while I have a minute here, let me just say a few words about this lady, whom you're likely to see sticking her nose in your business just as soon as things get underway:

  • Ms. Sylvia Hartfield, proprietress of Hartfield House, a LADIES ONLY boarding house in Riverside
  • City Hall, haggard underling of the secretarial persuasion, and de facto Iron Gates of the Housing Authority
  • Personville native, who grew up in Hartfield House (back when it was a small family-owned inn)
  • Spent a few years in her twenties screwing around with the Wrong Sort in Castor Flats
  • (But told her folks she was working at Niederman's, oops)
  • After the boyfriend got into some nasty trouble with some nasty people, Sylvia hightailed it out of there and swore of nasty people and nasty business forever
  • She became an upstanding citizen, took over the family business, turned it into a successful and safe place for young ladies to stay
  • She got older, crankier, and more puritanical as the years slipped slowly by
  • She found comfort in telling other people how to do their jobs
  • She now enjoys a nice quiet evening at home with her cat and the CB radio
  • As well as making the best damn apple pie moonshine this side of the Mississippi
  • She is 50 years old, an Aries, and a paranoid watchdog in possession of firearms

Oh, right. As for me, I'm Angela. My CDJ is [info]frostine, and I'll probably be going around adding a bunch of you (if I haven't already). In the meantime, so excited to be here! Please feel free to hit me up for any and all plot things. No plot thing is too small. I have very few suggestions, but co-workers, ladies of Hartfield, friends of ladies of Hartfield, boyfriends/girlfriends of ladies at Hartfield, former residents, old friends, old acquaintances, family acquaintances, book club pals... I am open to pretty much anything. ♥