Sep. 28th, 2014


The Backstory Drabble Challenge

Are you guys so excited? We are so excited! And we still have more apps and intros yet to come, hooray!

For those of you who are pretty settled in, we don't want to leave you twiddling your thumbs, and we do want to give everyone a chance to brush off some dust and rust if you haven't recently been in a game that features a lot of logging. So this is to clear out cobwebs and get comfortable in our character's voices before we really get things going, warming up our writing muscles in preparation for what looks to be a really good game! We're also going to have more drabble challenges throughout the run of the game because frankly, they're just fun! :D Each will run a little differently but to start things out we're going for a classic Bingo table, with the theme of "Backstory," meaning all drabbles need to take place at least a month ago (summer of '54 being the cut off). This should also help us drum up some extra connections that might not otherwise be easily facilitated in game, because these drabbles are canon!

The nitpicky details for this one are:
  • You need five drabbles in a row (vertically, horizontally, diagonally) to get a bingo, which will earn you 5 Points Bank points!
  • The most you can earn is one bingo per character, though you can write as many prompts as you want.
  • Drabbles must be 200 words or more to count towards a bingo.
  • Bingos must include:
    • One narrative
    • At least one drabble taking place in Personville
    • At least three drabbles written with other players

To get your bingo, please post this table somewhere (character journal, cdj, etc.) and then comment below with a link to your table. You're also welcome to prod other people for drabbles in the comments of this entry. As you write drabbles, please edit your tables to include links to your drabbles (posted in [info]noircity with the -backstory and -challenge tags, please). Once you have a bingo, comment to the Points Bank entry to claim your five points! :D

If you've got questions, just ask and we'll get back to you asap. And now, without further ado: The Prompt Table )