Oct. 29th, 2014


a. brown and the curious case of getting brained by grad school

hi friends!! sorry to double post in such short time, but i probably should've made this post last week: school is kicking my tush real hard right now, and i need to full up hiatus. it'll only be until next tuesday, so if you need me to do any emergency "O CRAP TAG THE THING," i can tag the thing!! as is, i will look on at your plot parties longingly while i try to complete a project for critique without a panic attack. also other stuff, oh gosh.

anyway guys i miss you, will have more sally presence soon, etc. :]

Oct. 17th, 2014


apologia, etc.!

BLERG, today on "People Who Owe Apologies": yours truly! About a week ago, academia + the end of a big plot in another game I'm in hit me like a brick house, so the kind souls who have been so unfortunate as to be logging with me have had A VERY LONG WAIT. For that, I wanted to say a public mea culpa and do a proverbial dog shame of my person. If I tell you all that I've been a naughty, neglectful RPer, surely I'll tag instead of keep on getting caught up in the "OMG I HAVEN'T CHECKED IN AGES, AUGH I'M A FAILURE AUUUUGH" spiral that so often happens, right? Right yes, that's what I'm hoping!

That is to say: yes Ryan, I'll tag you back tonight and for the duration of the weekend. SORRY IT WASN'T ON YOUR TURKEY DAY.

Fondly yours, dear game,