Oct. 28th, 2014


Now that I'm no longer stuck on a blacked-out train: hello Noir City, I'm Jo. I know some of you, and I look forward to getting to know the rest of you. And as a general note: I live in Sweden, so I live in the future and respond to stuff at odd times.

This here is Margot Sternwood, waitress at Two Belles. She has lived in Personville for about a year and a half, and worked at Two Belles for most of that time. Usually she isn't very noticeable, it's almost seems as if she is trying to blend into the woodwork. But if spoken to (or for any sort of excuse really) she is very friendly. She seems like an outgoing girl trying to pretend to be someone else - she dresses simply and uses little make-up, but she loves to enjoy herself, to drink and dance. While not the most hard-working of waitresses, she's charming and flirty to her customers and likes to banter. She might not be nice-nice, but there's no obvious reason to actively dislike her.

Possible plot and connections
  • She has discreetly been asking around for a private investigator. Mostly she wants someone cheap.
  • Stayed at Hartfield house for a few months when arriving last year, when she was new in town.
  • Worked as a secretary at The Herald for a month, before quitting seemingly without reason. Avoided the reporters if she could, but possibly made a few friends among the rest?
  • Lives at Stoneway Flats. Probably prone to inviting her neighbours over for drinks (especially if they're male).
  • Currently works at Two Belles, although she's not wholly aware of the stuff behind-the-scenes. So obviously I'd like for her to get in trouble...