Sep. 29th, 2014


Probably not, which is why I am writing an introduction.

Hello, my Noir-ish friends! I'm Loren, 24, living in DC (EST), found at [info]helloworld. I have one character right now: this guy, Salvatore Morello. Call him Sal. His older brother was just introduced, and if you know one Morello, you're likely to know the other.

Sal is completely devoted to his family, but he's a bit of a loose cannon and not particularly reliable. He's not a planner and lives in the heat of the moment. While affable and friendly, he can also be aggressively in-your-face and even imposing, particularly since he's a big guy with a mean right hook. This is based off of my second cousin, who met my first cousin's boyfriend, and within five minutes of "getting to know you" chit chat, had backed the poor kid into a wall. Technically, Sal works as a project manager for the family construction company, but, in practice, that mostly means he knows how to mix shoe-grade cement, if you know what I'm sayin'. He's also Jack's daughter's godfather, and as such is extra protective of her and totally spoils her. More at his application!

PLOT IDEAS! He spends most of his time hanging around Two Belles, so the staff and regulars would know him. He's always up for a good time and freer than his brother in indulging in booze and cigars. He has probably also gotten into a few bar fights. Backroom folks would know him as a captain in the organization. Anyone who might avail him of his legitimate, day-job construction and renovation services, he would be happy to take your business. Catholics would see him at Mass almost every Sunday, and he confesses regularly. I'm really down for anything. Come at me!