Nov. 11th, 2014



First of all, I want to apologize for my RIDICULOUS VANISHING ACT. The play I was in closed this weekend, though, and I think my cold is subsiding, so I will thankfully have time to exist/be a person again. :D I'm working on catching up on posts now!

Also for anyone who doesn't remember, this is Marcos Gardner. In a nutshell, he's the saxophone player at Two Belles, [info]overrules's little brother, and he recently burned down the Mayor's house, but nobody needs to know that. He's pretty much just been lying low in the meantime since that, but now he's back and I'm back and if anyone wants to plot or log or any of the things, definitely hit me up!


Oct. 4th, 2014


HELLO YOU GORGEOUS PEOPLE! I have been yelling at myself for two weeks now about needing to intro but I just started a new job that is eating me alive but it is finally the glorious weekend and I can jump in! SO HELLO! I'm Ashley (at [info]glitterberries, let's be friends if we're not yet and be BETTER friends if we are already!!) and I am so stinkin excited for this game.

And this is Marcos Gardner, [info]overrules's little brother, war vet, and saxophone player turned Two Belles Soldier. He's good at doing what he's told, even if he doesn't like it, and he's not a big complainer because he knows things could always be worse. He's seen worse. He's a pretty low key dude who's content to just dance and hang out, although he is a pretty intense grudge holder. People will just never know that the grudge is there because he gives good game face. Also he lives in the Stoneway Flats with his dog and unintentionally catnapped cat and probably has people knocking on the walls to get him to stop playing sax at 4 in the morning.

AND YES. I am super stoked about all this. LET US MAKE MAGICAL PLOTS TOGETHER!