November 12th, 2014

[info]correctives in [info]noircityooc

Hey! New blood here. I'm Kelly, and you can find me over at [info]bed_donut and on gchat at gingaku[at]gmail[dot]com. I have a very weird schedule (I work third shift on CST, and my weekends are Mondays and Tuesdays), so prepare to receive replies at odd times.

This is Arthur Applegate. Arthur is a cop. He's the one you don't want to run into - not because he's mean or nasty, but because he's a stickler for the rules and can be exceptionally tedious. Poor guy would be much happier in some nice quiet corner of academia, but moral superiority tastes so good and he needed a way to look more upstanding than his (now deceased) older brother. His favorite part of the job is the paperwork. No joke.

Longtime Personville residents will know him and his family. His mother recently moved away, his father is deceased, and his brother Irving (who you may remember as that sweet guy whose little brother hated him for no apparent reason) died in the war. Arthur also served in the war but survived, obviously, and is endlessly frustrated that succeeding where his brother failed on that point didn't win him more recognition. He owns a cat named Gilbert. He loves crosswords. He likes to pretend he's a saint. (He's not.)

Potential Path-Crossings:
  • If you work in City Hall or the Police Department, it's very possible that Arthur has 1) tidied your desk as he talked to you, 2) stolen your newspaper, and 3) if he doesn't like you, probably sabotaged you in some small way that couldn't be pinned on him. That stain that appeared out of nowhere? The leaking pen? The odd-tasting coffee? Probably Arthur.
  • If you are also a Personville native and around 30 years old, he went to school with you. If you were ever mean to him, he remembers it. See point 3 of above.
  • If you are a troublemaker, he's probably scolded you. How you'd like to react to a man with the build of a sickly giraffe telling you to stop that is up to you.
  • If you also served in the war, you make him nervous. He will not explain why.
  • If you work for PEDA, he's probably expressed his disapproval for your entire agency. People should turn to the law for that sort of thing.
  • If you work for Two Belles, he's... actually just fine with you. Rock on.

[info]unfrightened in [info]noircityooc

Hello, all! I am also new blood. My name is Max, you can find me at [info]emilian, on gchat, or on AIM. All of that info is on the contact page! Like Kelly, I also work 3rd shift, so most of you in the US can consider me a vampire. Nice to meet you all, I'm excited to write here. :)

I bring you Emilio Rojas, aka Leo. He is the neutral evil homicide detective who's just really out for him and his. The rest of you are just very useful for this!

A bit more. )

So, cr? :)