Oct. 4th, 2014


Here I am, squeaking in under the wire! I wanted to try to respond to most of the intros before posting my own (and I'm down to four, I'm gonna do it guys, this is the end of the intro marathon, I can see it on the horizon). So, this is Nell! Hello! I'm one of your mods, and you can always reach me by email and I'm often on AIM too; I think I'm usually a pretty approachable lady so don't worry, I don't bite!

Peggy Mayweather
Office Manager, PEDA

Peggy is from Eddyville Kentucky! She's 29. She moved to Personville a few months after the end of the war, and first lived at Hartfield House (anyone else live there then, by chance?). She got a job as a secretary with a guy starting up a private detective office, Stanley Maddow. Shortly under a year later, Stanley had some family and legal trauma (rumors abound) and basically turned his house into a hermitage, so Peggy was left to quite a lot of the day-to-day running of it all. She'll know everyone around PEDA as she was the one to interview you face to face. She attends the local Baptist church with moderate regularity, has a knitting circle, and can frequently be seen at various restaurants as she's not that great of a cook. Once in a while she goes to the Two Belles, but a lot of her social life revolves around service work. I would always welcome friends or people who find her to be a pill (she'll definitely go to bat for her staff any time they need it!), and one line I'd like but haven't done much to find yet would be perhaps a former flame (sometime in the last eight years)?

Joe DiGirolamo
Horologist (& secretly, hitman)

Joe is from Palermo, Italy! He's 52. He moved from Palermo to Chicago when he was 2, and from Chicago to Personville in 1917, as his mother's family lived here (Hi Morellos). His aunt and uncle took him under their wing, raising him to fire a gun for the family needs whilst his dad trained him in his trade, which is clockmaking (and money laundering). Joe repairs and crafts clocks, from mantle clocks to the clock atop City Hall (his dad's masterpiece). He is a devout Catholic and has a very large family (more of whom I'm begging to have picked up, please someone, give me a wife or a son? I will make you icons and give you kisses). He's often around Two Belles for business and social and family reasons, so people may have seen him around there a time or two. He isn't a big talker but he isn't glowering in corners, either!

I think that's about it, and because I've commented on (nearly) all of yours, I may now not get many comments here, now that I think of it. But please poke me anyhow? I'm so happy with how everything's shaped up around here, truly, your characters are all treats and I'm so excited to get to write with them!