Oct. 5th, 2014


Nell thought she was squeaking, but I am squeakier: it's Marie ([info]banlieue), briefly talking about herself in the third person and introducing her only (for now? time will tell. tilde.) character, Orson Theodore "Teddy" St. James II. Long story short on that name: his parents were disinherited, but they came from old money and damn it if ridiculous aristocratic naming traditions don't die hard.

SO. Investigative Reporter Extraordinaire at the Herald, age 32, Teddy is a natty, chatterboxy, sassy (and frankly quite sharp), morally flexible social butterfly with a first rate nose for a scoop and an almost inexhaustible drive for work. He likes flying (though he doesn't do it much these days), his dog, talking with his friends on the phone more than a teenager in 1999, and THE PRESS. I imagine he's both an asset and a headache to his coworkers: he'd literally shed blood and commit crimes to get his work in before things go to print, and he even turns out some brilliant stuff once in a while, but between his dashing in and out of the office at all hours and spending every minute with a phone virtually glued between his shoulder and his ear whilst chainsmoking and tea-swilling, he probably gets a bit exhausting. Counterintuitively, Teddy is a bit calmer with his interviewees. He's a stellar interrogator, and seems to have a natural gift for making subjects feel at ease enough to share more than they might've otherwise (he'd call it simple good conversation). He secretly believes he's destined for a much bigger gig at The Times or the Tribune, etc, but has been carving out a respectable name for himself in Personville since a few months after he returned from war, where he fought with the RAF, and found himself jobless in Chicago. Although his English accent still makes him stick out (and though he still clings to the belief he's separate from all of Personville's particular immoral flavor), he has friends all over town and is such a regular face in an unholy amount of establishments that most people call him Teddy or Ted instead of his legal name. Full profile here.

PLOT STUFF: Friends who can stand the 'somehow simultaneously skeptical and smug' expression in the icon supra...aand people who'd prefer to bash it in (or have in the past, perhaps). Connections on the down-low (OR on the up-and-up) from whence he can get Hot Tipz on political news (eh, Roger, eh??), internal police pressures, mob maneuvering, and anything else that gets his hackles up. Folks living at Parkview, where he's made his home for the past two years with no one but his beloved pet Airedale, Rudiger. Daily Herald crew (!!)--Teddy loves you, and you, and you; you're gonna love [him], etc. Between Sally and the entire managing staff of the Herald, it works out well that Teddy is such a fan of strong women, got damn.

I'm sorry this got so long, ew. Hit me up with anything that strikes your fancy, although I may be a bit scarce for the next two weeks (ah, life has the best timing). ♥