Nov. 18th, 2014


(retroactive?) hiatus

Possibly surprising no one since I've been such a failure this month and yo-yoing even before then, so just making it official: continued hiatus for a while. I need to get a shitton of work done at the office before the holidays, so I'm hoping that Thanksgiving will mean getting back into the swing of things once I have some time off. Until then, will try to quietly chip away at the logs already in-progress & the super-ancient tags I owe. Sorry all. ♥

- Julie

Oct. 29th, 2014


a. brown and the curious case of getting brained by grad school

hi friends!! sorry to double post in such short time, but i probably should've made this post last week: school is kicking my tush real hard right now, and i need to full up hiatus. it'll only be until next tuesday, so if you need me to do any emergency "O CRAP TAG THE THING," i can tag the thing!! as is, i will look on at your plot parties longingly while i try to complete a project for critique without a panic attack. also other stuff, oh gosh.

anyway guys i miss you, will have more sally presence soon, etc. :]

Oct. 27th, 2014


ahahahah hiatus.

hi all! this is dustie (for those who don't know yet). aaaah, sorry for my general reclusiveness this month aaaand it's not going to get better as of yet. i'll be going on a hiatus from october 29th to nov 1. i won't have my laptop on my trip and even though, i'll be bringing my phone, it's unlikely that i will be checking rp emails or flists during the day.

before i go though, i will try to get to the intros haven't commented on; if it's a bother to reply to new comments on old entries, i'll also hit you good people up via email! i can't wait to meet the rest of you and your characters.

after my trip, i am hoping to JUMP RIGHT IN and sprinkle myself all over here with activity. thank you for being so patient! ♥

Oct. 26th, 2014


hi my darlings, i'm SO SORRY for being mia over the last bit (hi, hello everyone who is new, i'm angie/~andraste and i play this broad and vivian lange), and i wish i could say this is me leaping back into game, BUT i am actually calling a hiatus. without going into too much detail, i've been having anxiety attacks every day for the last week, and this is both emotionally and physically draining, so i need to step away and relax and NOT FRY MYSELF.

will ease back in once this passes, and will finish current log/backstory stuff, i promise!!! (or, you know, try ;;;;;;) modlies, just so i'm aware, what does this mean for AC? i definitely can't get all my activity this time. be back hopefully soon!!!