Oct. 31st, 2014


~INTRO 2: Hattie Caplan~

It's Trace [info]scarlettstyle!

This is my newest (joining Dean [info]goodstock) - Hattie Caplan. She is, as her profile states, a decidedly unremarkable slice of Americana. Young, sweet, naive. Her family has delivered your milk for generations; Hattie has taken over driving the truck up to your front door every morning and coming into your kitchen to say hello and tousle the kiddies' hair.

Oh, and she's also totally spying on you. But mostly for fun, or to give her girlfriend fodder for mystery stories, and only sometimes as an agent for PEDA.

(Girlfriend, Mattie, is incoming. Their families are so close that it's very common for longtime Personville residents to assume they are cousins, or just BFFs, and that is why they live together and spend most of their time together and, well, yes. Hattie and Mattie. Read more in the profile!)

And I totally forgot about her activity check, since she's so new, but that just means you can look for a narrative and get to know her better any minute now. (Heck, maybe I'll leave it open just to be friendly. She'd want it that way.)

Everyone has a reason to know her, guys, yay! Hit me up :)

Oct. 5th, 2014



Meet Dean Norcross, the charismatic cad who has flirted with your female character(s) at some point, yet is self-deprecating and self-aware enough to somehow get away with it (and hey, that smile, come on). Boyfriends hate him, moms love him.

He's the bookkeeper at Two Belles and he lives at Riverside Apartments. He enjoys skirting the law without getting his hands dirty (a little tax evasion here, some laundering there). He's never fully grown up, but he is great fun to spend time with and he's always On. He's got that seemingly impenetrable confidence that comes from having a handsome face and a trust fund.

His DEAR FAVORITE (OLDER) SISTER is Irene Fitzgerald ([info]pinkcollar) and they get on like gangbusters ... but literally, like if one of them is the police and one of them is the gang.

Also, he's actually really good with math and money, it just took him forever to learn that because he used to never deign to do anything so nerdy~ as apply himself. But now it comes in handy.

Connections are very welcome! Whether from bars, parties, past relationships, etc, he will have reasons to know many a person of Personville.

Less importantly, I'm Trace, btw. Reach me at [info]scarlettstyle or apparentlynecessary at gmail. You should Drabble Challenge me!