Oct. 5th, 2014


Scraping in by the skin of her teeth

Hello all, this is Nikki here, introducing herself and her first character, Adelaide Morello!

About me: Friend me over at [info]flowershoes (PLEASE!), email/gchat me at mightofnikki [at] gmail [dot] com or, if you're extremely vigilant and happen to step inside a stone circle at the right height of a full moon, you can find me on AIM on floral shoes. Gchat/email is easiest, however. I'm in EST!

About Adelaide: Her profile is HERE. "Addie" to her friends. She's the 22 year old Assistant Manager at Two Bells. How did someone so young get a position like that you ask? She's Jack Morello's daughter, of course, and sometimes she uses Daddy's clout to get her what she wants. She's a personality chameleon and a master manipulator, with a venomous streak a mile long, and she's angling for Queenpin waaay off in the future. That's the bad stuff out of the way - in general she's fun to have around, awfully charming and happy to have your business at Two Belles. Her title doesn't afford her a lot of power, despite what she likes to think, and so you're most likely to find her playing hostess, greeting customers and looking after the more important clients while learning the ropes of her father's business.

Connections: Addie needs friends! If you grew up in Personville then you're likely to know her. If you're a regular of Two Belles or if you're particularly nameworthy in town, Addie will have more than likely introduced herself. Coworkers will know her to be all up in your business at one point or the other. Boyfriends welcome, though note: Jack's a constant looming shadow that part of her life >:/// Enemies/Frenemies/Friends of the Morello clan let yourself be known!

And that's it! I'm so excited to be playing here, and I can't wait to meet those of you I don't know, and reconnect with those I do! I plan to go through everyone else's intros later today and tag them, so don't be surprised to see a super late comment from me popping up in your inbox. ♥