Nov. 18th, 2014


(retroactive?) hiatus

Possibly surprising no one since I've been such a failure this month and yo-yoing even before then, so just making it official: continued hiatus for a while. I need to get a shitton of work done at the office before the holidays, so I'm hoping that Thanksgiving will mean getting back into the swing of things once I have some time off. Until then, will try to quietly chip away at the logs already in-progress & the super-ancient tags I owe. Sorry all. ♥

- Julie

Oct. 16th, 2014


I've been mentioning this in private, but just delivering a quick general apology for not being around much since opening, and to anyone I've kept hanging! Real life loomed up out of the depths like some ancient sea monster, annnnd then I got sick so I've been sleeping a lot like some hibernating bear, but I should be better going forward. ♥

Sep. 29th, 2014


+1 mod

So sorry for the delay in intros! We've been buried a bit under reading apps, but I'm finally emerging now, blinking, stepping into the sun. Hi everyone! We are so touched and stunned by your enthusiasm for our kooky little noirpunk idea, man. I'm beyond thrilled to meet all these new players and write with y'all, if my flaily comments have not made that clear. ♥ Anyway, I'm Julie ([info]fjords; feel free to add me if you haven't already), and almost caught up on intros, just have a couple more to hit up. I'll just reiterate the same thing I've been leaving in comments -- here are my first two characters:

JACK MORELLO ([info]underhanded), 45, underboss/owner of Two Belles and a local construction company. Presents a warm & mellow facade to the public and is known for being a bit of a teetotaller vice-wise, but underneath that he's cunning, calculating, and stern. He got a stick up his ass after inheriting the underboss reins, but noticeably thaws out around family and he's a surprisingly 'friendly' and avuncular face within the org. Until you get on his bad side. Grew up in Personville, lives at Riverside but stays the night in Castor Flats often. Has a 20-something daughter (mess with her & d i e ), two younger brothers (one in play, sup Sal), and has been seeing Valeria Gardner for the past 7 years. Full profile here.
→ Two Belles, ker-duh, whether you're in the backroom or frontroom.
→ People who have used his construction company, maybe?
→ Hello, corrupt people. If your corruption is a secret, pls email me and we can confab. :]
→ I actually envision him being pretty much everywhere and running into people randomly because Poisonville is his central nervous system and lifeblood, so really, I'm down for anything.

TOMMY UEDA ([info]dirtywork), 30, Vice detective, divorcee, and young WWII vet. Seesaws between lazy, talkative island boy from Hawaii and bitter work-obsessed automaton. Despite his colloquial behaviour, he works hard and can generally be found slouching around the seedier parts of town (yep, including Two Belles), plus amateur boxing, fishing, or running by the piers. Has been here about 7 years, lives at Northam Bachelors since his divorce. Full profile here.
→ Suspects/potential criminals who have run afoul of prostitution, gambling, narcotics, guns/alcohol smuggling, bookmaking, and pornography.
→ People who know his partner, Moody!
→ People who might know his ex-wife over at the Herald.
→ Others who frequent seedy locales.
→ Northam Bachelor lads.
→ Anyone else wanna box over at the Beauvais place? 8D
→ Maybeeee a couple inconsequential flings since his divorce four years ago.

Or your ideas here. COME AT ME.

(And on the official front, stay tuned for another mod post on Monday!)