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24th Feb, 2018


[Friday Afternoon; 23 Feb]

Excellent work this week
We held solid against Holyhead
Fucking destroyed them to be honest
Montrose doesn’t know what they have coming

Enjoy your weekend off!

We’ll start back on Monday in full force
As mentioned today, we’ll be joined by Octavius Pepper
He used to play for Ballycastle
Not quite a thunder from down under
But I think he’ll put the heart crossways of the other sides

Say hello to him!

Alasdair will be leading our charge here

But let's plan an early start on Monday
Run you all through your paces
And see how we fly together
Before we add the rest of the team into the mix

Thank you

[OOC: Pepper has now been added to the Pride wards. This would have been formally announced at Friday training session. Chasers would have been told first individually. I would assume that Pride Staff would have been available for meetings to talk through concerns/answer questions. Discussed off line is that Pepper will start training with the team on Monday after being cleared by Maggie.]


IC/OOC: Puddlemere United (4-3-1) versus Montrose Magpies (8-0-0)

Puddlemere United (4-3-1 0.500) versus Montrose Magpies (8-0-0 1.000)
Play Started:2000-02-24 at Exmoor
Snitch caught in : 4 hours, 6 minutes
Puddlemere United : 170
Montrose Magpies : 220
Congratulations, Montrose Magpies
Are they allowed to DO that? )

20th Feb, 2018


Who: Ellie MacFusty & Alasdair Maddock
What: A quiet sweet moment over the purpose of a dog. Plus dragons.
When: Monday 19 February 2000
Where: Their bedroom, An Nead
Warnings: None. They are boring married people now. Official.

A flying dog would be cool, but how you propose we go about teaching him that and breathing fire? )


IC/OCC Holyhead Harpies (3-6-0) versus The Pride of Portree (6-1-1)

Holyhead Harpies (3-6-0 0.333) versus The Pride of Portree (6-1-1 0.750)
Play Started:2000-02-20 at Ellis Moor
Snitch caught in : 5 hours, 30 minutes
Holyhead Harpies : 20
The Pride of Portree : 590
Congratulations, The Pride of Portree
Well, one of today's scheduled teams showed up. )

18th Feb, 2018


Alright littlest lions;
We have the Holyhead on Tuesday at Ellis

I know some of you had a rough week
But I have also seen some great examples of teamwork and leadership
Not to mention I am impressed with each of your for rising to the challenge of Hell Week

The plan for the back half of the season remains to try some different line ups
Come end of season we’ll have nearly a match every week
We need everyone primed and ready to start
In an all hands on deck sort of play

We’ll go over formal strategies at the team meeting tomorrow

McCormack, you’re still on the hook for your half century or less challenge
And if anyone wants to get called for broom burning in honor of Joy…
It might be a fitting tribute.

Someone still has the boom box?
If not I will find us one

I am really in my head about Holyhead
When we played Falmouth...
Well, things went bad

It’s irrational, but maybe I’m cursed
I think…

I really need Tuesday to go well
Fuck. I think we all do.

17th Feb, 2018


Who: Ellie & Cav
What: Post-mortem on hell week, navigating the Joy situation, some of the same old song, then maybe progress?
When: Saturday, 10 February 2000
Where: Pride clubhouse
Warnings: Swearing. Feelings.

Yes, I did at one point trust you. )

14th Feb, 2018


Happy Valentine's Day )

13th Feb, 2018


WHO: Pride Team
WHEN: Monday morning, strategy meeting followed by a training day
WHERE: Portree Quidditch complex
SUMMARY: Announcing Joy's departure.
WARNINGS: Perhaps language

At the normal Monday morning strategy meeting, Cav, with Ellie and Bart alongside him, announces that Joy will not be returning to the team from Australia. He'll say that the team is committed to finding a replacement but that in the meantime, this is a chance for the reserve squad and the team to come together. If anyone has any questions, his office door is, of course open.

He'll then turn it over to Ellie for the rest of the meeting and then it will be followed by training as scheduled.

3rd Feb, 2018


Who: Pride of Portree Players & Staff
What: Hell Week -- to challenge and test the endurance of the team because did you see the Falcon v. United match? 20 hours! Also with the Golden Neep and Post Season, they are going to be busy. (Use this as planning or threading fun!)
When: 1 February - 9 February
Where: Pride training grounds, MacFusty Reserve

Welcome to Hell Week! )

29th Jan, 2018


To follow up on today’s team meeting
YES. YES. And why, yes!

We do have a bye block upcoming
I do have very exciting things planned
They will start on the first

NO ONE will be bored
(As we all know this would be the real tragedy)
There may or may not be a wager pool among the staff

I am looking forward to a very busy post season
Everyone … EVERYONE will need to be at the top of their game
So this is happening

You can thank me or curse me later
Official schedule to follow

As mentioned, I am in need of volunteers
People to shift their schedules to stay late or come in early
I have a rather … aggressive training schedule planned and cannot man all the hours myself
Most days just need people to turn the lights on/off
And just over the next two weeks

Right now still planning for two late nights
Potentially one overnight session
And another day up at the Reserve

Maggie - let me know what you’ll need for player time
And any restrictions, precautions for players
Obviously Pip will have modified schedule

26th Jan, 2018


Who: Ellie MacFusty & Pip Parkinson
What: Coach visits her moose. Truths are shared.
When: Monday, 22 January 2000
Where: St. Mungo’s
Warnings: Discussions of rehab, alcoholism, recovery.

People aren't static. We're a sum of all our experiences. )

21st Jan, 2018


Who: Ellie MacFusty & Lorna MacFarlane
What: Sisters catching up on the team, on their personal lives
When: Sunday, 21 January 2000
Where:  An Nead
Warnings: Brief discussion of potion (medication) effects, but overall tame. Like one f-bomb tame.

But I also don’t know where I stand, especially with The Dread Pirate. )

20th Jan, 2018


The Pride of Portree (5-1-1 0.714) versus Ballycastle Bats (2-4-0 0.333)
Play Started:2000-01-20 at Rannoch Moor
Snitch caught in : 7 hours, 16 minutes
The Pride of Portree : 740
Ballycastle Bats : 340
Congratulations, The Pride of Portree
The most warnings since the charity match... )

19th Jan, 2018


Who: Ellie MacFusty & Bart Roberts
What: Bart and Ellie try to figure out how they're going to make this work.
When: Friday, 19 January 2000, around 7am
Where: Pride Offices
Warnings: Language

It was either this or dragon keeping. )

15th Jan, 2018


Who: Ellie MacFusty & Bastian Cavallero
What: Cav drops into Vienna for an update and to update Ellie
When: Sunday afternoon, 14 January
Where:  Temporary MacFusty residence in Vienna
Warnings: vague mention of mindhealing treatment, but mild?

The healers are optimistic. ... And also very excited about the articles they might publish. )

13th Jan, 2018


Who: Ellie MacFusty, Alasdair Buchanan & (later) Cav
What: Ellie needs to get Alasdair on board with the plan before she leaves for Vienna
When: 2 January (backdated)
Where: Pride Training Grounds
Warnings: relatively tame? I would say professionalism is maintained.

That's… that's rather a lot to take in in one go )

6th Jan, 2018


Who: Pride Players & Staff
What: A meeting
When: Saturday mid-morning
Where: Pride offices
Warnings: IC/OOC | probably medium for potential swearing

Cav sent notices to all of the Pride players and staff that they should report to the Pride offices on Saturday at 10:30 in the morning for a brief team meeting before the season and practices start up again. Once everyone's assembled, he says he'll keep this as brief as possible and then launches into a short speech that explains the following things:
1. Coach MacFusty has aggravated an old Quidditch injury and is taking a short leave of absence to get it taken care of. While she's gone, both Lorna as the captain and Alasdair as a vice-captain will be leading practices. Cav will be attending each one as well in case anything's needed.

2. Luag MacFusty has chosen to also take a leave of absence for the rest of the season from his beater position due to some family matters and Cav is currently working out logistics regarding that open position.

3. A reminder that players and staff should not be discussing staffing changes, leaves of absences, player changes, etc. with the press and to point any press in the direction of Gwen as needed. He also asks that if anyone is approached by the press to please notify Gwen that it happened.

4. Finally, he reminds everyone that his office door is always open in the event that any player or staffmember have a concern regarding anything, from team relationships, personal training and growth, etc.

He will end by turning it over to any other admin (Owen, Gwen, Graham) who wishes to speak and also to ask if anyone has any questions.

2nd Jan, 2018


here be dragons

Who: Ellie & Tor
What: It's not a goodbye.. Ellie checks in with Tor, he checks in on her.
When: 1 January, evening
Where: An Nead, The Reserve
Warnings: F for Feels.

Well, your parents didn’t feed me to a dragon, disown Luag, or lock him up, so it’s going pretty well. )

1st Jan, 2018


Who: Alasdair Maddock & Ellie MacFusty
What: Celebrating Hogmanay
When: December 31st
Where: An Nead
Warnings: PG-13

Another thing Ellie and the dragons had in common. They loved fireworks! )


Lorna, Ellie

A few housekeeping things before you leave for the continent, Ellie -

One, did the both of you see the latest from Parkinson? Everything's here but I'd like a solid plan regarding the matter going forward.

Two, Ellie, you're all set to leave tomorrow, yes? What's your timeline? Do you have a preference regarding what we tell the team and do you want to be there?

Graham, Owen, Gwen

I'm going to gather the team for a meeting later this week. Is there a date and time that any of you would prefer? If it's before Ellie leaves, it will be tomorrow morning. Otherwise any time before we pick up again on the 8th will work.

Potential options for additional help in the interim: Bart Roberts as a consultant, as we discussed. Or moving Oighrig Macdonald into a more visible coaching position. Other options forthcoming, but I believe these would be the easiest on short notice.

Sara Scrimgeour

Are you around now that the new year's come, Scrimmy? I'd like to take up a few minutes of your time, team-related. Nothing bad or life-changing, just a chat.

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