April 2018



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17th Apr, 2018


MG )

Roger, Kal, Ada )

Alex )

Ernie )

16th Apr, 2018


Well now, that was quite the end to quite the season. The BIQL both came in and went back out with a bang. Now to see what cultural quirks there are with the playoffs, hmm?


Scotland, we need to have a talk about...


What is a playoff beard?
Playoff beards are a tradition among sport teams in North America that began in the greatest league of all, the National Hockey League. When one's team reaches the playoffs, the day before playoffs begin, the players (and/or fans!) capable of growing beards shave off all their facial hair.

Do I get to keep my eyebrows?
Of course; this shouldn't even be a question. You should be ashamed of yourself for even asking.

Can I groom my beard during playoff season?

When do I regain agency over my own face?
When your team is eliminated or they win!

Why should I participate this?
Because it's a tradition. And because, after Montrose's display, I suspect a fair number of you are hockey players at heart. Embrace it, my beautiful bairns.

Wednesday evening. Free?

In the interest of your interest in whether or not my well-being has, in fact, been well, I have decided to share with you a very confidential document. More sensitive sections have been redacted to protect the innocent.

If you show it to anyone, I will end you.

[Click for large image]

[For OOC curiosity, here is the non-redacted version.]

17th Apr, 2018


Who: Portree team members + invited staff, friends, schoolmates, old puff pals/team members, etc etc whoever knows Scrim really
What: PARTY ic/ooc
When: Backdated to the 14th
Where: Nebulous hidden region in the swiss alps (portkey provided)
Warnings: Probably bad decisions

Is this a birthday or a season end? Who cares )

16th Apr, 2018


Come down off your high horse, Magpies. That neep is going to stay in Portree where it belongs.

I did something stupid.

How are you, love?

I might have outdone you in the stupid department.


Well, it seems news of my brother in law's success and my baby brothers good start with Celtic was enough to bring my mother over to Scotland. Also, I think my sister's house is rapidly turning into a zoo. This is what happens when your mother is a magizoologist.

Can I stay with you for a few weeks? It's getting crowded here

Perfect season, brother. Well done.



Now just playoffs and Neep. We can do this.

[Montrose +]
You all were AMAZING out there last week. Hopefully everyone's on the mend. I have to say, while it was an honor to serve as your captain, I think I'll let Micah take over for the post season.

15th Apr, 2018


That was the most brilliant match ever and I still can't believe it actually happened and that I didn't just dream it. And I got to play in it!

(And I did sleep and thus dream a lot of after that match.)


Hey... How are you feeling?

13th Apr, 2018


Owl package for Alec Urquhart, c/o Bethoc the Braw.
Dear Bethoc,

Inside you will find a few gifts for Alec as a "Welcome home from Bulgaria" surprise. If you have the time, could you please unpack them for him in his room? (If not, simply leaving the package for him to open is fine — I wouldn't want to cause you undue work!)

I'd also like to thank you again for the muffins you sent to the match on Wednesday morning. They were a blessing for our weary staff and players! And they were delicious!

Thank you, and I hope you're doing well!
– Maighread MacDougal

When Alec arrives home on Saturday* he's greeted by the contents of the package arranged neatly around his room: mountain troll-related paraphernalia. It includes:
  • A troll throw
  • A troll pillow
  • A poster of a quirky librarian troll
  • A self-inflating troll balloon
  • No fewer than five photos of trolls inside gaudy rhinestoned heart picture frames, such as the one seen on the right

[* I got handwavey permission from Sands that Bethoc did this! 👍]

12th Apr, 2018


Who: Georgi Draganov, Ernie Macmillan.
What: Nadezhda has been and gone with updates about the Draganov curse. Now it's time to talk about it, and make plans for moving forward.
When: Wednesday, 11 April 2000, late afternoon.
Where: Around and about the Leannan Boathouse, Dundee.
Warnings: Curse talk, some sadness, some mushiness.

We’re going to be happy, you and I. )


Who: Georgi Draganov, Ainsley Galbraith
What: Cooking with Friends! (except with non-people ingredients, because cannibalism is bad). Sharing secrets and making connections.
When: Backdated: 4 April 2000, Evening
Where: Leannan Boathouse, Dundee.
Warnings: Nah.

Bit of a shite club to be in, really. )


Who: Maggie MacDougal and Hamish Roberts.
What: We thought they would fight and then they didn't and now I don't know what's real and what's not help We figured it out: drinks, chats, and feels.
When: Friday, 6 April 2000.
Where: The Salty Gargoyle then Maggie's flat.
Cat Rolls: Hamish: 69 ("It tolerates you"), Maggie: 105 ("GINA LEVEL (It loves you!!!)")
Warnings: Language!

Are YOU nesting? )

11th Apr, 2018


IC/OOC: Montrose Magpies (11-0-0) versus Falmouth Falcons (3-7-1) 2000-04-12

Montrose Magpies (11-0-0 1.000) versus Falmouth Falcons (3-7-1 0.273)
Play Started:2000-04-12 at Scottish National (The Lamb)
Snitch caught in : 3 hours, 38 minutes
Montrose Magpies : 630
Falmouth Falcons : 220
Congratulations, Montrose Magpies
And that's a wrap for the regular season, with no deaths to speak of, again. Look for playoff schedules and times in the Daily Prophet and other sources of news... )


i start to panic when i can't find my wand for five minutes i don't think i'd want to be a seeker.


Igot uq gagin!!

10th Apr, 2018


[This post is to reply to the journal wards here and thus to save anyone who tracked that post from all the responses showing up in their inbox. WHOO!]


Fraser )

Mel )


Who: Torquil McTavish & Ainsley Galbraith
What: Catching up over whiskey.
When: 4 April 2000, Late Evening (after her dinner with Georgi)
Where: Ainsley's Place at Raasay
Warnings: Curses, Cursing, Scots, Feelings, Ill-Advised Displays of Affection

I don't have any power. Just a lad who dresses up in a lion costume to pay the bills. )


I didn’t see you at the match.
So naturally, I worried
Are you alright, love? Do you need anything?


IC/OOC: Pride of Portree (9-1-1) versus Chudley Cannons (0-11-0) 2000-04-10

The Pride of Portree (9-1-1 0.818) versus Chudley Cannons (0-11-0 0.000)
Play Started:2000-04-10 at Rannoch Mor
Snitch caught in : 19 hours, 0 minutes
The Pride of Portree : 1260
Chudley Cannons : 90
Congratulations, The Pride of Portree
I think he went back to Canada for the snitch... )

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