April 2018



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5th Apr, 2018


So what's the proper protocol for housewarming parties? Because I'm pretty sure my flat can fit maybe five people. Six if we count the loo. And I really don't need anything And the dog.

So last night was nice. good. thanks. I know I said stuff this morning. But I can't stop thinking about it


26th Mar, 2018


Who: Ernie Macmillan and Justin Finch-Fletchley
What: Ernie and Justin may have been drifting apart -- they come back together over stress, secrets and sorting papers
When: Wedesday, 21 March, late evening
Where: Longhaven, Edinburgh
Warnings: none really

But I think this is what most people go through after leaving school. )


Puppy Picture Here

Little guy still doesn't have a name (Pierre is a terrible name for a dog and I refuse to acknowledge it), but we seem to suit one another just fine. Didn't actually think I'd find a dog to take home first thing, but when you know, you know.

Just as long as he prefers the tennis balls over my shoes.

18th Mar, 2018


Found a flat in Newington, which was actually decently priced and not one step up from student housing. Though it would make sense if it were student housing, considering how close the universities are. My mother wanted something in Morningside, but I’d stick out like a sore thumb.

My mother hasn’t tried to contact you, has she?

Also, how do you feel about dogs?

[Ernie & Susan]
You know, I am beginnng to wonder if being an only child a good thing. Both my parents have far too much time on their hands. Which, I’m aware that this is the most ridiculous complain I could ever have. Woe is me, my parents pay too much attention to me and love me too much.

I would just rather like to avoid the third degree when it comes to Monte.

16th Mar, 2018


Who: Monte Cameron, Justin Finch-Fletchley, special cameo by Harvey Finch-Fletchley.
What: A hard talk after a nasty experience
When: Monday, 26 February, post Falcons/Wanderers match
Where: Monte’s Flat, Falmouth, later Longhaven House, Edinburgh
Warnings: Probably language

You need ice. Which is the extent of my first aid knowledge, but we're two reasonably intelligent adults. How hard could it be? )

12th Mar, 2018



Exciting weekend for matches.

Which one of you used my conditioner?
Name the time and the place.

11th Mar, 2018


Do you think with the referendum over that property is easier to buy or lease? I'd say asking for a friend, but that's a lie. I'm totally asking for me.

  • Electricity
  • Telly license capable
  • Good Curry shoppe nearby
  • Nearish to Edinburgh

  • [info]thegoldenneep

    IC/OOC: Montrose Magpies (9-0-0) versus Wigtown Wanderers (4-5-0)

    Montrose Magpies (9-0-0 1.000) versus Wigtown Wanderers (4-5-0 0.444)
    Play Started:2000-03-11 at Scottish National Stadium at The Lamb
    Snitch caught in : 6 hours, 0 minutes
    Montrose Magpies : 950
    Wigtown Wanderers : 940
    Congratulations, Montrose Magpies
    It's always a sad day when they don't let us out of the stadium until after happy hour ends... )

    7th Mar, 2018


    Does anyone have a solid contact inside the Department of Magical Transportation?

    My family has expressed interest in coming out to the Wigtown match on Sunday. I believe some of you may have met them at the Solstice Sprint. They have a limited working knowledge of the sport, but want to come see me play to support me. Especially as they are not able to join me in Sweden.

    My father is an engineer and will bore anyone and everyone with maths and physics questions about quidditch. It also my niece’s first birthday. She is adorable and may steal your birthday thunder, Florrie. I am sorry.


    Pye, I had an interesting meeting the other day with Fraser Macmillan. I had asked if the Macmillan Foundation would be willing to support a Mental Health Practice at the Montrose Free Clinic, specializing in War Trauma. There is a lack of training programs and specialists to treat the issues are facing as a community and I think this could be a solid solution.

    I know you deal in the other kind of trauma, but can you think of anyone who might be interested to sit on a committee to make this happen or even serve as director?

    This is just in the idea phase right now, but there is momentum. I want to capitalize.


    I met with Fraser Macmillan on behalf of Montrose ownership and the Macmillan Foundation. Uplift is going to be entering into a partnership with them, hopefully to start a mental health practice at the Montrose Free Clinic. I think we can all agree that this is something we need.

    I have also asked that someone either among ownership or BIQL publicly come out against what happened with Flint.

    If you feel comfortable, I would appreciate if you accepted the invitation. I think it could give a good amount of weight to our movement.
    [//WARD to MONTE & JUSTIN]

    [WARD to DUNBAR]

    I have been having some interesting conversations. What do you think QUABBLE can do to address hostile work environments in the league? Specifically with bullying among players. The Flint incident is not an isolated event, but surely there needs to be policy in place. Thoughts? Anything in the works?
    [//WARD to DUNBAR]

    5th Mar, 2018


    My first gossip article. Now I know how Harry Potter felt at fourteen. The article was just about as truthful as one by Rita Skeeter as well. Congratulations.

    First, lets set the record straight:
  • I dislike boats immensely. I get sea sick. I also dislike horses, but that’s a story for another time.
  • The Mediterranean was on the shortlist, but not anymore.
  • I have invited Monte over and he has met my muggle parents. There is no shame here. Also, for the record, outing an idividual without their knowledge or consent is just bad form.
  • You never reached out to myself or, to my knowledge, Monte. Do not go claiming things you cannot back up.
  • A bitter ex-girlfriend of a good friend is not a close insider.
  • The Muggleborn Pink Movement may have put Monte and I in contact initially, but it deserves much more than an afterthought in a poorly researched article. You also forgot several key individuals: Isla Cameron, Dawn Withey, Gregor McGregor, to name just a few. There mare many more of us now, more than I can name and I am glad. That means our ideas are spreading and we are more than just a footnote.

    Next time, if there is a next time, I suggest reaching out. You’d get a better story.
  • 4th Mar, 2018



    So, I've already talked to Monte. How are you doing?


    Hello - have you heard about this Magpies-Pink thing? Georgi was talking to me about it.





    A yacht?


    And where did that picture come from?

    And why wasn't I there too?

    (Posted after this magazine article is published, and he starts getting floo mail/owls.)


    Circe Magazine Exclusive )

    2nd Mar, 2018


    my socks of the month have chimeras on them and i hope my pants don't catch on fire.

    guess what i bought at lunch.

    1st Mar, 2018


    Falmouth Falcons (3-6-1) versus Kenmare Kestrels (6-3-0)

    Falmouth Falcons (3-6-1 0.300) versus Kenmare Kestrels (6-3-0 0.667)
    Play Started:2000-03-01 at Bodmin Moor
    Snitch caught in : 21 hours, 12 minutes
    Falmouth Falcons : 250
    Kenmare Kestrels : 1080
    Congratulations, Kenmare Kestrels
    We would especially like to welcome all the representatives of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement community who have chosen to join us here at the Bodmin Moor Quidditch Pitch at this time. We do sincerely hope you all enjoy the game. And please remember, people, that no matter who you are and what you do to live, thrive and survive, there are still some things that make us all the same. You. Me. Them. Everybody. Everybody. )

    26th Feb, 2018


    Monte Cameron, that was the finest punch I've seen since Slugger O'Toole's Tuesday Tiki Bar. What did that diseased erumpent's rectum say to you?

    19th Feb, 2018


    TO: Shona McGonagall
    FROM: Justin Finch-Fletchley
    WHEN: Monday, 19 February 2000

    Owl to Shona McGonagall, Montrose Magpies Manager )

    TO: Bastian Cavallero
    FROM: Justin Finch-Fletchley
    WHEN: Monday, 19 February 2000

    Owl to Bastian Cavallero, Pride of Portree Manager )

    TO: Wanderers Manager
    FROM: Justin Finch-Fletchley
    WHEN: Monday, 19 February 2000

    Owl to Wigtown Wanderers Manager )

    13th Feb, 2018



    You're welcome.

    My friends are awful and I should disown all of you. But I won't, because I'm nice like that. Also, do you know how had it is to break in new friends?

    12th Feb, 2018


    TO: Monte Cameron
    FROM: Hannah Abbott
    WHEN: Tuesday Afternoon, 13 February 2000

    Package Sent to Monte Cameron )

    TO: Justin Finch-Fletchley
    FROM: Hannah Abbott
    WHEN: Tuesday Afternoon, 13 February 2000

    Package Sent to Justin Finch-Fletchley )

    5th Feb, 2018


    Who: Monte Cameron, Justin Finch-Fletchley
    What: Two Damaged People Seek Solace in the Dark Night
    When: 28 January, 2000 (Backdated, set after this exchange)
    Where: Monte's Flat, Falmouth
    Warnings: Nightmares, Drinking as a Coping Mechanism, Azkaban/War Feelings

    I want to stay the night. But you're going to need a bigger bed. )

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