April 2018

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7th April 2018

[info]avoidretrograde in [info]neeps

The Neep is behind us and what a start, team! I'm still in a good mood over it.

We're going into the very last bloc of the regular season here and I'd like us to end it strong to go into the playoffs on a good note. But before I give you the rosters or traditional strategy talks, there's some things to get in order first.

- Chasers, again, brilliant work against McCormack. If you can handle her like that every time then we're in excellent shape going forward. Falcons are a rough team though so I'm letting Lex loose on you lot to prepare you for dealing with that

- Lex, I want them able to play the match. Other than that...

- Micah and Ada, see Florrie for being cleared to play the Falcons

- Lennox and Kenna, we're doing some extra seeker training leading into playoffs. Other teams will be trying to take Portree's cue and shut you down, so let's prepare for that.

- Actually, anyone who's been listed as injured at all in the last 2 blocs, go see Florrie.

- And maybe even if you're not

[Georgi CC:Florrie + Shona]
If you still have the details for that cursebreaker, get another clearing for the match if you can. We can afford to wait through this bloc, I'd rather take this too seriously than too lightly.

How are you doing, lad?

[info]pastperfection in [info]neeps

[Montrose +]
One last regular season game, two Neeps, and the playoffs to go.

Anyone else feeling psyched about this?

I know I haven't been with you guys for very long, but it's always great to be a part of a winning team!

[Roger] )

[Rafa] )

[info]more_savage in [info]neeps

Who: Maddie Savage, C.L.A.M.S. kids, Participants, and Random Guests (i.e., anyone who wants to be there, can be!)
What: Quidditch Exhibition for Kids in Need
When: 7 April 2000
Where: Rannoch Moor
Warnings: There better not be! This is a kid-friendly event!

C.L.A.M.S. Presents: Quidditch Exhibition for Future Players )

[info]thegoldenneep in [info]neeps

Ballycastle Bats (4-7-0) versus Puddlemere United (5-5-1)

Ballycastle Bats (4-7-0 0.364) versus Puddlemere United (5-5-1 0.455)
Play Started:2000-04-08 at Irish National (Conemarra)
Snitch caught in : 3 hours, 23 minutes
Ballycastle Bats : 270
Puddlemere United : 160
Congratulations, Ballycastle Bats
When the bats are hot, they're explosive. This ... was not that match. )