April 2018



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26th Mar, 2018


Well, it was certainly a pleasure to attend such a fantastic party last weekend, and not to mention a whole bunch of matches in between that had their elements of... interest, shall we say. Many different reasons.

As a foreigner, the build up to the Neep is certainly quite the thing to observe. We have not been in Scotland for the entire season, of course, but it still seems to have crept up on us fast. It will be interesting to see if post-season and the Neep itself speed through quickly, also.

20th Mar, 2018


IC/OOC - A&A Engagement Party, 17 March 2000

Who: Family, Friends, Furbabies, Teammates... oh, and probably Ada and Alasdair.
When: Saturday, 17 March 2000. Evening. backdated
Where: A&A's home on the outskirts of Dunvegan, Skye.
Warnings: Drinking. Language? (Hopefully not the latter)

time to celebrate these two lovebirds making a move )

11th Mar, 2018


IC/OOC: Montrose Magpies (9-0-0) versus Wigtown Wanderers (4-5-0)

Montrose Magpies (9-0-0 1.000) versus Wigtown Wanderers (4-5-0 0.444)
Play Started:2000-03-11 at Scottish National Stadium at The Lamb
Snitch caught in : 6 hours, 0 minutes
Montrose Magpies : 950
Wigtown Wanderers : 940
Congratulations, Montrose Magpies
It's always a sad day when they don't let us out of the stadium until after happy hour ends... )

1st Mar, 2018


Falmouth Falcons (3-6-1) versus Kenmare Kestrels (6-3-0)

Falmouth Falcons (3-6-1 0.300) versus Kenmare Kestrels (6-3-0 0.667)
Play Started:2000-03-01 at Bodmin Moor
Snitch caught in : 21 hours, 12 minutes
Falmouth Falcons : 250
Kenmare Kestrels : 1080
Congratulations, Kenmare Kestrels
We would especially like to welcome all the representatives of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement community who have chosen to join us here at the Bodmin Moor Quidditch Pitch at this time. We do sincerely hope you all enjoy the game. And please remember, people, that no matter who you are and what you do to live, thrive and survive, there are still some things that make us all the same. You. Me. Them. Everybody. Everybody. )

27th Feb, 2018


Good News: I've been cleared by the Healers to return to the pitch.
Bad News: Due to others' injuries, hockey might be delayed. If we run out of the season of ice, I'm sure we can come up with some sort of work around. Like maybe socks on freshly waxed wood floors.

26th Feb, 2018


Today I spent time reading some of the non-magical papers, doing research, and I came across a piece in the local press about World Book Day. I am thinking it may be something done either not at all or at a different time in other countries, because I attended an elementary school and we didn't do it there. But, during the week the children celebrate reading and books and knowledge, and on the 1st March dress up in costume as a character of their choice. There were pictures from celebrations last year, and goodness, it was both sweet and amusing. I think my favourite was a very little girl dressed as Red Riding Hood with her big brother, who was in his teens, as the Wolf. Definitely a photo to bring out at the party when they both come of age.

And speaking of brothers, mine has been selected to start in the Harriers' game against the Leipzig Leopards, so I am hoping to get over to Germany that weekend and do the big sister thing. It seems that the German teams are now suffering a spate of captaincy injuries also.

19th Feb, 2018


When you speak Quebec French, you get a lot of side-eyes from people more used to a European accent. But today, I got asked if I was Dutch. I've got to say, that's a new one on me.

14th Feb, 2018


Valentine gifts for Pip Parkinson

This: https://cdn.prezzybox.com/Images/41531.jpg
and this: https://thingsremembered.scene7.com/is/image/ThingsRemembered/000347331?wid=1500!

There is another gift for you at home... it’s technically a gift for me, but one you get to unwrap.

Happy Valentines Day, mon amour. Je t’aime.


26th Jan, 2018


So, between Hogmanay and Burns Night, I feel the past few weeks have been a very Scottish theme, culturally speaking. It was certainly different to the start of time over here. It's also been very busy, because we are soon going to start the airing of our special episodes, which I am definitely looking forward to going out. This season has been so influenced by many issues going on in and out of the sport itself, so I'm not entirely sure how (or even if) we'll be able to choose a favourite!

20th Jan, 2018


The Pride of Portree (5-1-1 0.714) versus Ballycastle Bats (2-4-0 0.333)
Play Started:2000-01-20 at Rannoch Moor
Snitch caught in : 7 hours, 16 minutes
The Pride of Portree : 740
Ballycastle Bats : 340
Congratulations, The Pride of Portree
The most warnings since the charity match... )

18th Jan, 2018


Ah, being able to see the charity match from an entirely neutral point of view really was a truly entertaining spectacle (and not just in the media box - right, ladies?). I have a piece to write for the Ottawa Oracle for it, actually, but having recorded some live pieces during the match, we'll be running a special feature at the weekend along with fan feedback on this, and the other matches that have already taken place this bloc. I am looking forward to it already.

Charlie Miracle
Mon ami, our producer was not pleased when he found out you were doing your special programmes on certain positions! We were going to do something similar, but instead, I have proposed we do a mid-season "top 5" for each spot, and argue the case for each player to be the best in their position so far. Do you feel like coming on to make arguments on a statistical basis?

28th Dec, 2017


WHO: Pip Parkinson & Anaïs Bolduc
WHAT: How Anaïs and Pip celebrate Christmas
BINGO: Customs, Christmas Day
WHEN: Christmas 1998
WHERE: Canada
RATING|STATUS: Low, Complete

It was hard to share one's birthday with the baby Jesus )

21st Dec, 2017


WHO: Everyone! IC/OC
WHEN: Thursday, 21 December 1999
WHERE: The Manor House, Macmillan Park
SUMMARY: Mid-Season (Christmas) Party hosted by the Montrose Magpies at Macmillan Park, cocktail dresses and blazers suggested.

Welcome to Macmillan Park )


Spotted! - a collection

SPOTTED! Out And About in the Wizarding World )


Who: A3P - Anais Bolduc, Ada Olivier, Alasdair Buchanan and Pip Parkinson
What: A double date
When: 20th December, 1999
Where: Godric's Hollow
Rating: SFW

He did not want to make it into one of those stereotypical scenarios when it was it was the other half always making them late. He looked at his watch. )

19th Dec, 2017


WHO: Everyone! IC/OC
WHEN: early evening, Tuesday, 19 December 1999
WHERE: Pip & Anaïs' Rented Home, Stirling
SUMMARY: Pip is celebrating his 27th birthday a few days early with all of his new UK friends.

Happy Birthday to Me )

16th Dec, 2017


WHO: Everyone! IC/OC
WHEN: mid-morning, Saturday, 16 December 1999
WHERE: Abercrombie & King Custom Brooms, Diagon Alley
SUMMARY: Grand Opening of the Store

Grand Opening Celebration )

13th Dec, 2017


bad ideas holiday party vol. 3

Who: Hosted by Maggie MacDougal, attended by whoever's on the guest list. Feel free to add your character last minute!
What: The third annual "responsible adults behaving poorly" holiday party.
When: Friday, December 15. (Posted early because we'll have a few IC/OOCs next week.)
Where: Glasgow, Edinburgh, Montrose. Around.
Warnings: Language for sure, adult content discussed probably, who even knows, man.

Try to behave, children. )

12th Dec, 2017


TO: Anyone Who Expects an Invite (Or Anyone Who Wants to Crash)
FROM: Pip Parkinson & Anaïs Bolduc
WHEN: 12 December 1999

Click your card to open it! © tessisamess


Owl Post to Jason King )

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