April 2018

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31st March 2018

[info]thegoldenneep in [info]neeps


Montrose Magpies (11-0-0 1.000) versus The Pride of Portree (9-1-1 0.818)
Play Started:2000-03-31 at Scottish National Stadium at The Lamb
Snitch caught in : 3 hours, 42 minutes
Montrose Magpies : 690
The Pride of Portree : 580
Congratulations, Montrose Magpies
Good showing by the Pride, but they'll need both of the next two to keep the Neep... )

[info]wrecktify in [info]neeps

Who: Maggie & Rhona (NPC) MacDougal.
What: Maggie gets a taste of her own medicine.
When: March 31, 2000. During the Neep match.
Where: Portree Medic's Tent.
Warnings: Language. Embarrassed Maggie. Nosy mums. This was supposed to be just a comment on the IC/OOC but then it kept getting longer and IT'S BAD AND SELF-INDULGENT AND DON'T READ IT. Also someone please take NPCs away from me Maggie has TOO MANY.

But our Powys wilnae make a peep; claims ye learned too much from me. )

[info]thegoldenneep in [info]neeps


[info]ludicrous in [info]neeps


Fantastic game! I fondly remember my first Neep match. During the first five minutes, I hit a bludger into the crowd and it knocked into the Head of the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad. Spilled her butterbeer all over her nice Portree robes. Fun times!

[info]left_magpie in [info]neeps

What a match, yes?

And I can finally say it here, since the ad will be in tomorrow's Prophet.

I am flipping off the bird.

Which is to say I have accepted an offer to be employed as, and only as, Montrose's Ass Coach for the next season, and hopefully indefinitely after that.

So starting tomorrow, we'll be looking for a new Magpie. Must enjoy sweating in a giant woolen bird costume for up to 24 hours at a time. Don't all rush at once, we'll consider any and all resumes in due time.

[info]oh_ke_ke in [info]neeps

Maddock - that was a love tap. Put my boy into the stands again and I'll burst your balls like ripe tomatoes.

At least Lennox had a shit game again. Small consolation for my birthday.

[info]fillefidele in [info]neeps

Well, given their timing, I haven't been able to go to a Neep match before (there's also the whole thing about not being Scottish and not supporting a Scottish team as my primary squad, but there you are). Being able to go today, though, was certainly quite the sight to see. I'm not sure what would be better though - seeing things from an entirely neutral perspective, or being absolutely passionate about it and not getting the result you want. I mean, the amount of passion down our end alone would be enough to take your ears off - I can't begin to think what it was like down in the patches with a high concentration of Montrose or Portree fans...