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30th March 2018

[info]pushingpaper in [info]neeps

Who: Ama MacFarlane, Owen MacFarlane
What: Sibling Dinner
When: 26 March 2000, Evening
Where: Equinox, an upscale restaurant in Diagon Alley
Warnings: Maybe Language?

Did you just say 'ach'? One date with Campbell, and you sound like Dad. )

[info]douxnoir in [info]neeps

I'm sorry for my language the past day or so, chéri. I just... We hadn't even told anyone else yet that we were even going to start trying and... It's not that I'm usually not upset every other time with the gossip but I've been okay to just not pay it any mind. But this time?

Do you suppose there's anything Gwen or Alex might be able to do? Or is it just wishful thinking that whoever it was at St. Mungo's gets punished?

Also if you've thought of not letting Circe have absolutely anything to do with the wedding or anything to do with whatever children we have then I whole-heartedly agree.

Well, Circe peut aller pourrir dans l'enfer sanglant.

ooc: excuse the poor french courtesy of google translate

[info]yaxels in [info]neeps

Why are you all reading Circe when you should be reading the match preview in Seeker Weekly anyhow?

I've run across another curse effect on me. Not a terrible one but one that I didn't think about at all. And kind of embarrassing.

I'd like to ask you a personal question that's embarrassing enough that I may need to ask it in person. Or you may not want to answer in writing, anyroad. And I wouldn't be asking casually. Anyroad if you tell me none of my business I don't mind, just saying that I think the curse may be running deeper on me than I thought and I wonder if you've seen the symptoms.

[Ana and Lex]
Apparently I'm still cursed from the biting book. Not terribly but we're looking into it and talking to the cursebreaker.

Fraser and I are talking about what to do next; he's trying to arrange for us to get some help from Minerva McGonagall at Hogwarts. We've got some memories from the book that bit me and that should help us.

Before anybody panics the curse is just linking me to Ainsley and vice versa. I'm not going to die or anything ridiculous. It's just [...] trying to draw us together and it's awkward and creepy. But it's not like the Blacks cursed me or anything.

[info]bbart in [info]neeps

I feel like I haven't said enough about this Neep match but here are some things I'd like to point out.

We are coming into this match full speed. Montrose is coming into this match with no wind in their sails. They've got a lot of injured players, especially in their Chaser line. I want to see some hard pushing on them both from our Chasers and from the Beater team. Also ride hard on their Beaters, since we know their reserve is still recovering.

They've burned a lot of their depth against Wigtown and their backup Keeper is still injured. Don't play dirty, but be aggressive on offence and make Savage work for every save. And with Campbell on a new broom, I expect to see that Snitch in a Portree hand. Pip and Maddie, you both have experience and talent to stand up to Campbell when he was on his trusty old broom. You can for sure get past him now.

I am here for you today, tonight, and tomorrow before the match if you want specific and personal guidance, or a last run-through on form. We beat most of this lineup two years ago and four years ago, and I know we can do it tomorrow.

[info]instagraham in [info]neeps

The neep is a shorter race than the season. We are well positioned to take both; our competition is strong, but we are ready for them. I look forward to the 2000 neep being one for the ages.

[All Portree]
Bring everything you have, take advantage of all opportunities you're given, and demonstrate the championship spirit that I know you all possess and you will do me proud. You'll face the Magpies tomorrow, in the second half of the month, and in the playoffs. This is what Scottish Quidditch is all about.

Play well, son!

I'm betting on the whole series with Una. I'd prefer to win. I like having the Neep in the clubhouse.

Same bet as every year? Or shall we raise the stakes a bit?

[info]broom_maker in [info]neeps

Backdated journal

When: Backdated to Monday March 26, so as not to be too dramatic before the Neep.

Why must the Americans get everything first? Release of the first X-Men film is still ages away here but not that long in America. How far is too far to travel to see a film?

[Warded to Lex]
I understand you've been talking about trying to get your father's portrait from your aunt. It's not my place to talk you out of it. He was your dad and I know how much he loved you and Ana. But I thought you should know what some of the consequences of pursuing the portrait will be.

So you know, this isn't coming from Ana. My idea and my decision. I have to do what I think the right thing is for my kids. I don't my children around that portrait. This isn't to say you wouldn't be able to see them. It's not a disinherting. You're their aunt, see them whenever you like. But it wouldn't be where the portrait is hanging. I can't subject my kids to the viewpoint that their existence is a mistake. I also won't let them listen to anyone that teaches bad ideas about what it means to be a wizard.

I thought it only fair to tell you how I felt about this now, rather than surprise you later.

[info]razorfraser in [info]neeps

Who: Fraser and Melchior Macmillan, with Headmistress McGonagall and Professor Proudfoot
What: Fraser isn't looking at the memories without backup (wisely)
When: Late Friday afternoon, 30 March 2000
Where: Minerva's Office at Hogwarts and the distant past
Warnings: Historical dark magics involving character death by suicide.

I won't say there's no harm in it, but we're prepared if there is. )

[info]arulefollower in [info]neeps

Ah yes, another Golden Neep competition is upon us. While this is a uniquely Scottish tradition, it has always proved to be an entertaining game.

I am sure you have everything well in hand when it comes to the stadiums, but if you should need anything please do not he hesitate to ask.