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29th March 2018

[info]gilliflower in [info]neeps

Who: The Urquhart family (Graham, NPC Agnes, Peggy, Alec, and David)
What: Peggy has an unhappy announcement to make
When: Evening, 19 March 2000
Where: Dining Room of Castle Urquhart
Warnings: None significant

You can't hurry love, no you just have to wait. )

[info]ohlaird in [info]neeps

I know the Neep is close and things are busy but was thinking we could find or do something nice for Peggy after that whole breakup with Georgi. Any ideas? Or if we need to do anything about h

Given the whole...Draganov issue, is the Bulgarian project still on? And should I go onto a different one?

[info]gwensational in [info]neeps

Portree+ )

Peggy )

Parkin-Miracles )

[info]lady_dragon in [info]neeps


Ward to Portree Players + Staff

To recap what happened at the team meeting today:
T-minus 44 hours until Neep
Forget all that rubbish trying to throw you off your game

You have one goal:

We are coming into this well rested and hungry for it
Montrose has taken some big hits in their line up
We are at full force
We will fuck their shit up
I want Maximum Effort

Make no mistake we are here to win
But we are going to fucking enjoy ourselves when we do it
We are battling for a golden neep


It is ridiculous
But so very Scottish
So very us

WE ARE Portree
We are lions, and dragons, and fucking chimeras.
We are not going to simply hand that over

We have been running some different line ups in training
Getting used to quick changes
There is going to be more of that

Let’s bloody do this because it’s not like we need to save anything for Chudley

Ward to Allie

Still up for date night tonight?
Or are you too busy with your other pursuits?

Because after tonight the bedroom is off limits

Especially because I fully intend Champ to be named proper
Champion MacFusty has quite a nice ring to it

Ward to Merc

Honest question/offer
You’ll still shake my hand on Saturday?
Professional and all, right?
If not …
Well, Bart could stand in for that

[info]lionhearts in [info]neeps

I'd say that the most bizarre thing in the Circe article is their imagining that I might be romantically involved with one of my charges, but I reckon they prove on a regular basis that they don't understand professional ethics.

It was one thing when the mags all put about that I was seeing Mav back when I was fresh out of school but it's a little different now that I'm on staff.

[McGs (including Minerva)]
Cat fight? Really?

I've been meaning to get hold of you and not had a lot of time in the runup to the Neep, so I ought to thank the fantasists of Circe for getting me to write this. I realise that I've been avoiding you and that's not [...] what I meant to do after we broke things off. I'd like to have coffee or something, or just chat, see how you're doing, and work at this being friends thing. I miss talking to you.

If you're not up for it, of course I'll understand, but I did want to reach out, especially after we were name-checked in the annual annoy-the-Neep article.

Thanks for the brownie. I didn't know how much I needed that.

[info]kalyani in [info]neeps

oh god this is so embarassing

why would they think that Scrim

thank goodness my parents don't get this magazine

oh god what if Rani

Well. Never been mentioned in the gossip magazines before. Not quite what I was expecting.

For the record: we all do not know what goes on in those rooms late at night. Because it doesn't. Not in mine. At least, I don't think.


It "could" be just friendship? Who in the world saw us at the pub and turned it into this?


Has anyone mentioned the Circe article to you yet?

[info]lionhearts in [info]neeps

Who: Ernie Macmillan and Florinda McGonagall
What: Figuring out what they know about the curse on Georgi
When: Wednesday 28 March, mid-day ish
Where: Montrose clubhouse clinic
Warnings: Swearing, discussion of curses.

... all I could get was his cousin’s best approximation on how to spell the names of the contents of that last one ... )

[info]forgedin78 in [info]neeps

Is there any way to stop owls finding you? Or get them redirected to someone else?

I don't quite know what to do with all these threesome invitations.