April 2018

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13th March 2018

[info]perfectmother in [info]neeps

early afternoon, Tuesday, March 13

You need to come home. Now.

[Mel & Lex]
Did either of you get an owl howler from Iphigenia?

[Edited to add:]

It takes a very small person to attack a child.

[info]magicmick in [info]neeps

i'm not feeling well. i'm going home
[...] there was a howler at a meeting

[info]instagraham in [info]neeps

Who: Graham Urquhart and Bart Roberts
What: It's been a rough week at Portree
When: Monday 12 March 2000, evening
Where: Graham's study
Warnings: some strong words

Frankly, nepotism looks better and better every day. )

[info]broom_maker in [info]neeps

Ultimately unsent
I know you heard Lex's howler. Turns out all the Yaxley siblings got one. Old auntie Yaxley doesn't think much of me. Wouldn't care about being disowned from the old bint's house when we would never go there anyway except she called my kids mongrels and they heard.

If I need an alibi when I burn down her house, I'm saying I was with you the whole time.

And I'm complaining to someone who went through worse than hearing a mean word never mind

[info]pickle in [info]neeps

Late Monday owl for Ada & Kal )

[info]chucking in [info]neeps

WHY...    fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck

Have you... um... seen the Witch Weekly yet?

[info]pickle in [info]neeps


Would you ever disown your own child?

[info]thegoldenneep in [info]neeps


[info]arulefollower in [info]neeps

[David Urquhart and Dunbar Oglethorpe]
Concerning the Falmouth Falcons matter on 26 February 2000, I plan on inviting Marcus Flint and Monte Cameron, separately, to come in and explain the events that occurred in their own words. You are welcome to join me in my questioning, unless you each would prefer to question them yourselves. I will have a dictoquill to take down their answers and will providing transcripts to all interested parties.

In addition, I believe meeting with Falmouth management and players, in addition to their Wigtown counterparts and the match's referees would provide valuable insight. If you would like to divide up these tasks, we should be able to prepare the required report with relative ease.

[Monte Cameron & Marcus Flint –– Separately]
I would like to meet with you in concerning to the incident on 26 February 2000 in my Offices at the Ministry of Magic. Please inform me of a time next week that would be convenient for you. I will ensure that it is cleared with your team management. This is non-negotiable.

[info]closedcaptioned in [info]neeps

In case you're wondering what possesses people to disown family members, it's the last dying gasp of an increasingly irrelevant generation desperate to feel that their opinions and their lives still matter. They don't.

It's not something to laugh over, or take lightly, but it is a good time to remind people that they lost and they are terrible and when they die (hopefully very soon) very few tears will be shed for them. Iphigenia Yaxley will be bitterly alone in a staid, morally bankrupt nightmare of her own creation.


If you're getting kicked out of the hall, I've been working on a second bedroom at the Priory that you're welcome to. I haven't remotely started to move in yet so feel free - I'm not in a rush.